» Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:31 pm
Something like this would be an awesome addition to the quest for a perfectly revamped Oblivion. If there was ever a concerted effort to revamp the villages, it should of course be made with compatibility in mind; UL is a must, and any popular mods that add quests and such to the vanilla villages.
That MTC villages mod looks pretty cool, very close to vanilla, yet a bit more expanded - I wonder if there would be much conflict with UL. Unfortunately, it's been mentioned that it surely conflicts with some other fairly popular village mods. Modularity would be nice.
Meek, your Pell's Gate looks awesome, very atmospheric.The Soldier peeing in the alleyway is a great touch. I would almost say the mod is overkill, but that would be silly of me. The only reason it seems big is compared to the 3 building settlements in the vanilla game. On the other hand, what you've done, (or in the process of doing) is to give us another small town, which is even better.
A contest might be a great way to get people interested.