They're not going to be funny.
I mean, there's a chance that they will be funny, but I'm not holding my breath. From what we've seen so far, the male voice actor's vocal performance is planted firmly in the somewhat dim-witted neutral delivery style and isn't exactly brimming with personality. The woman has a lot more personality in her delivery, but I'm not expecting great things from her either when it comes to reading funny lines.
I can't imagine them delivering any of in a way as funny as they were when I read them. Especially not in a way that conforms to their character with the rest of their performance.
But the thing is, even ?if they do give funny performances when the situation calls for it, it's not going to be as effective as the text options because the interface takes one of the most important parts of comedy and shoots it in the face: Timing. A snappy comeback delivered 20 seconds after the line that it's a comeback to isn't funny because the speed of the delivery is a large part of it, and that can't be relied upon if you're trying to decide what's the best response. Add to that the fact that you no longer get the full line, and funny lines start to become annoying. I think it's going to be really frustrating if I'm trying to have a serious conversation, but because I chose an innocuous one word response that seemed appropriate and suddenly my character tries to make a joke. Todd Howard talked about being able to suddenly shoot people mid conversation, which sounds nice for the psychotics, but if we're going to be putting up with situations like the one I just listed, I'd prefer if we got the ability to turn the gun on our character instead.