biggest disappointments
inviso walls in the stupidest areas.
nothing changes. For instance; Novac. was told to get rid of some ghouls in REPCONN Test Site, because the towns needed it or everyone would leave.
well nothing changed after I got rid of ghouls, hmmm wonder why, because the dam ghouls outside respawned!!! (for me they have)
They didn't come back for me after I sent the Brights into space.
no real good ending. the people of the waste get screwed no matter what. (remember what yes MAN said at end?)
That's a good thing, and in my Wild Card ending nobody except the Fiends and Powder Gangers got screwed thanks to upgraded securitrons. The Followers had it rough, but that's temporary.
Take note that NONE of the endings show what will happen in a year, 10 years, 20, 50, whatever. They only show the IMMEDIATE aftereffects of your ending.
Though IMO, the House ending is probably the best in the long run, unless the Courier is really good at governing.