Biggest fears for Skyrim?

Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:24 am

Did they mean the in-game night sky, or the menu night sky?

I don't know. I hope it's just the menu night sky, but someone on here was talking about how awesome it is that the actual night sky changes based on your skills.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:35 am

It's just the menu sky.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:17 pm

My biggest fear is that it will not be awesome.

Fortunately, that's highly unlikely.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:26 pm

The running animations that make it look like you're running on ice no matter what type of surface you're on. Though there was screenshot from the trailer that pretty much proved that the same ones will still be there. :sadvaultboy:

But I still don't really mind, I can ignore it like I've always done.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:14 am

What I am afraid of is that 99% of their effort will be devoted to improving graphics and animation, and that the game will play as an action-game rather than anything else. Let me make an example: Fallout 3 is an entertaining game, but if you compare it to Fallout 2, it has definitely been dumbed down. Character stats, that in games such as Fallout 2 or Arcanum were highly significant, like Intelligence or Charisma, become marginal at best in conversation. Quests that previously had MANY ways of being solved, can now be solved in 3 ways: kill everyone using strength, kill everyone using magic, or kill everyone using stealth.

I am not saying that Bethesda should hire Dostoevskij or Faulkner to write dialogues and quests (especially because they are dead), but please, do not consider them as some sort of "minor" aspect of the game that takes a backseat to graphics and animations. I may be in a minority, but I'd much rather see a game with less impressive graphics and an awesome conversation/quest system than a graphically awesome game with boring NPCs and linear quests.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:15 am

that it shares anything in common with oblivioin. i want skyrim to be as different as possible in just about every respect. even oblivions combat which was lightyears better than morrowinds needs some tweaks which im hopeful for cause they said they reduced backpedalling.
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:03 pm

I'm mostly afraid of technical issues. Crashes, bugs, and long load screens.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:13 am

A "dead" world. That is to say a place that doesn't have a lot going on. Oblivion had started to correct this, you'd see the Forresters walking around and of course animals. But overall, there wasn't to much going on. There were barely any people walking along the roads.

This is one of many fears, but this is the only one is paramount to the others. The world just doesn't really seem all that alive. More on certain days of certain months there could be a festival going on in one time or most of the towns :celebration: . And everyone goes into the streets and parties while I rob their houses :smile:

Oh and another thing, some really good loot. And I mean rare loot :drool: , not just a few precious stones, some gold and a decent sword every now and them.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:57 am

Quests that previously had MANY ways of being solved, can now be solved in 3 ways: kill everyone using strength, kill everyone using magic, or kill everyone using stealth.

That's not true with Fallout 3. You had many ways to finish a quest there, depending on your karma choices and your skills. New Vegas had even better choices.
Fallout 2 didn't had much more ways to finish a quest than that.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:49 am

1) Having to game the leveling system because otherwise enemies grow more difficult faster than I grow stronger.

2) AI causing unpredictability. Examples of what I mean by that:
A pack of wolves hunts down a deer. The deer flees, triggering several other beasts' predatory instincts on the way. At the end, an entourage of some 10-15 animals runs into a town and a battle with guards ensues. A guard accidentally strikes another guard, which leads to infighting and forces townpeople either to take sides and kill each other, or flee into the wilderness and get eaten. Quest-relevant NPCs die.
This is a theoretical worst case scenario, but it is based on some things actually occuring in Oblivion and some occuring in Nehrim (which is, AI-wise, still Oblivion, with the difference that creatures are much closer to each other than in Oblivion, so hunting trails are not a rare thing).

3) DRM requiring online activation each time game is started. But this is a very unrealistic fear, and I value Beth for that.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:03 am

My fear is about quest mechanics and design. I fear the quests might be again on a rail like in Oblivion. You didn't speak to everyone on the list yet? Then your character can't "see" the paint stain on the floor even if you, the player, see it. This is annoying linearity. I'd like quests designed in a modular adaptable way to allow multiple possible solutions. I also fear the quest update window will break the flow again every time I pick up a bloody key, like I needed someone to tell me that once I found a key, I need to find a door where the key works.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:53 am

1.I may die before it gets released
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Elle H
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:53 am

I tend to worry about the following things, in no particular order:

1) Lack of hand placed loot.
2) Merchant loot scaling.
3) Merchant loot placed outside of game space.
4) Lack of dynamic mob scaling.
5) Anonymous NPC enemies ("bandit," "conjurer," "marauder," etc.)
6) Highwaymen in Daedric armor.
7) Non-regenerative enchanted items.
8) Uber-guards

That list is not exhaustive of course, and it's mostly rooted in design choices that to the best of my knowledge have not been addressed as yet. I can't imagine these things wouldn't be addressed but making games is a tricky business and its possible other things like; graphics, writing, voice acting, combat mechanics, and etc will get all the attention. Plenty of time to see how things turn out, I'm hoping for the best of course.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:36 am

My fear is the hot women are not very talkative. I want to have flirt dialogue lines with them otherwise I have to do myself the speaking and my wife could hear me.
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steve brewin
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:37 am

My biggest fear is that they are going to do certain things like in Morrowind. Morrowind was a great game, but had many flaws. I am afraid that beast races will not be able to equip boots like said above. My biggest fears is how the beast races will turn out. I have never played any other race besides The Beast Races, and Playable creatures (Goblin, Minotaur, Flame Atronach), which all could be considered beast races. So if they turn out bad, I will be very angry.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:08 am

Not in particular order

1) Graphics over gameplay
2) Half-assed fast travel
3) Generic enemies with no fantasy elements
4) Crashes glitches and bugs
5) Not enough voice actors
6) Jeff Baker not doing the dunmer male voice
I tend to worry about the following things, in no particular order:

1) Lack of hand placed loot.
2) Merchant loot scaling.
3) Merchant loot placed outside of game space.
4) Lack of dynamic mob scaling.
5) Anonymous NPC enemies ("bandit," "conjurer," "marauder," etc.)
6) Highwaymen in Daedric armor.
7) Non-regenerative enchanted items.
8) Uber-guards

That list is not exhaustive of course, and it's mostly rooted in design choices that to the best of my knowledge have not been addressed as yet. I can't imagine these things wouldn't be addressed but making games is a tricky business and its possible other things like; graphics, writing, voice acting, combat mechanics, and etc will get all the attention. Plenty of time to see how things turn out, I'm hoping for the best of course.

These, and:

  • How the races look
  • How the perks turn out
  • The potential lack of dialogue
  • Level scaling
  • How they'll handle the potential removal of birthsigns and attributes

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:44 am

After Oblivion my main concerns regarding next Tes were: level scaling, character customization, choices and consequences, story and dialogue quality, believable factions, item and landscape variety, animations.
The articles and trailer so far only reassured me in the level scaling and animations aspects. Perks may be a good addition for shaping the character as I want, but I can't be sure until I play. So yes, I'm still concerned about the things that are harder to show in trailers: the story, the quality and richness of dialogue writing, the factions and how realistic is my character's interaction with them, the multiple paths inside quests and hopefully inside the main quest, the consequences of my actions and how they reflect in the game world.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:18 am

1. Perks - I have the feeling that most will be boring and unoriginal. Already sounds like more than a few are the "oh I'm good with maces so my mace miraculously ignores and enemies armor" Boring,filler contenet, unimaginitive, ect.

2. Side Jobs - Is this going to be a more technically superior farmville?? I want something more than these things supporting crafting and damn sight want something more than a [censored] Fable 2 animation. Try for some real depth.

3. Radiant Story - Sounds like they are picking up things like the random encounters from Red Dead and the scripted encounters from fallout 3. If this is going to take the place of some major faction quests they damn well better be good... and there had better be thousands of them. Red Deads uniqueness lasted about 3 hours before mine started requrgitating themselves over and over.

4. Fanbase - Now I wasn't a huge proponent of these items but I've gotta say it. spears,likley no spellmaking, redesigned fast travel ect. I can understand them not being in oblivion. These are popular items than fans would really like to see and have been since OB.... yet nothing has changed or been added to help please a core fanbase. Is this beligerrence and pride?? This really feels like Beth has stopped listening to it's fanbase and that pretty much leads to the downfall of the TES series.

5.Items - I swear if I go into a dungeon and find more garbage inside I really am done with the TES series. Make me want to actually explore and go into dungeons. I want to find unique loot. Not [censored] paint brushes,plates, and calipers. You say you have addressed level scaling and bland dungeons. Prove it and fix this item on the GAP list
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:04 pm

1) No attributes
2) Same leveling system (managing +1 to +5 attributes)
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Madison Poo
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:16 pm

I have none.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:08 am

I dont really think that Oblivion was made for the masses....I believe Todd (I think?) said it best. Bethesda doesnt just try to create the game that WE the gamers want, even though ultimately they do have a financial interest in the game. But he explained that they simply try to make the game THEY always wanted to play. With that said, there was nothing mainstream or wrong with Oblivion. It was an amazing entry to and incredible series. Unfortunately, there are A LOT of people who havent played this game, or even heard of TES. Personally I am one of the few of my friends who plays this series and a lot of my friends are the 'mainstream gamers' you refer to.

I have fears for Skyrim, but they are not about Skyrim being like Oblivion. Im looking forward to the mechanical upgrades the game will see after 5 years, and how the systems have been updated. Similar to Morrowind- If the game is like the previous one but has been upgraded to todays standards, I will undoubtedly love it. Thtas right, Im saying even if this game were like Obvliion, it would still be excellent.

And yes I would love the game and play it to death if it was like Oblivion.
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:13 am

I don't get exactly what you found so horribly repetitive in Oblivion with regards to the mq. Assuming you're talking about the gates, you only needed to close the main ones, and there were not that many. Hopefully Skyrim offers you less repitition I guess?

The main thing for me was the gates. I hated having to close more then five gates because after a certain point the design of oblivion was the same as other ones that you have been in. I loved Oblivion and still play it but the gates everywhere made me not want to explore a wonderful environment and I am hoping for diverse dungeons instead of repeats of almost every single dungeon.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:45 am

That I'll get stuck as a vampire again. Bad memories... :(
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:18 am

Oblivion was amazing when it came out, Radiant AI and stuff was not seen in any other game.
But it wasn't what was advertised, same with Morrowind.
In the E3 gameplay demonstration there was Dynamic Shadows and Incredible Radiant AI, but Dynamic Shadows were removed entirely and Radiant AI was Dumbed down(for the consoles, Just kidding :meh: )
And Morrowind had a dialog system similar to Oblivions and Caravans as seen in Fallout 3.
Which is my worry that what we see in these screens and Gameplay trailers we won't get in the actual game.

But in the end only Bethesda can do opened ended gameplay good. Just look at New Vegas(Developed by Obsidian), Its got an open world but it is incredibly linear compared to Fallout 3.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:46 pm

I am afraid of the rumor that the night sky will change as you level your skills and pick perks. That seems incredibly inexplicable, egocentric and immersion-breaking to me.

Not flaming, but seriously. Stop with the immersion comments. Please. How is pulling up a menu not immersion breaking?? Or the fact you dont sleep? How about loading screens? Or maybe dying and simply reloading a previous save.

This is a videogame. There will ALWAYS be video game aspects. And though 'IMMERSION NUTS' pray for the day without such aspects, it would ruin the game. Trust me, being 100% realistic is not always a good thing.

P.S.- Immersion in a video game implies an outer body experience, in which you lose touch with your physical self. If this has happened to you, or ANYONE else on these forums while playing a video game, please see a physician. These are likely mild seizures from prolonged exposure to TES.
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