» Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:08 pm
I want the tools to create the same character i played in Oblivion
My main concern is the face customization tools, in oblivion was too complex but, after 3 or 4 uggly characters i learned how to use them, and well i just created the perfect face, i want to keep exactly that character with the same face for skyrim, i just want the tools to create him exactly as he was in oblivion.
i know how it works the new face customization menu, and well it looks like poorly detailed like dragon age origins where you just can select types of noses, eyes etc, and after just alocate them and adjust sizes, well i dont want that, unless they create A LOT of shapes.
Not like Dragon age where only one nose looks pretty, and all the others looks awful and http://social.bioware.com/playerprofile.php?sku=dragonage1_xbox&nid=2310281858 and my http://social.bioware.com/playerprofile.php?char_id=2685864&nid=2270560328&game=dragonage&display=character&persona_id=297811361 looks the same. because both want our characters to look like good looking guys and both select the only pretty nose, the only pretty eyes, etc etc etc
mm you know what i will create a thread with this.