Biggest fears for Skyrim?

Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:02 pm

My biggest fear is that they are going to do certain things like in Morrowind. Morrowind was a great game, but had many flaws. I am afraid that beast races will not be able to equip boots like said above.

Argonian seen wearing boots in the conceptart video.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:20 am

Spiders D:
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:34 am

Biggest fears: speechcraft returning, spell making not returning, having to get batteries for my magical weapons, weird horse animations, lack of weapon/armor variety, having the world treat me exactly the same when I'm a powerful and influential hero as when I was a nobody. That's about it for now.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:17 pm

weird horse animations

I think Todd was clear enough about either good horses or no horses at all.

lack of weapon/armor variety

I see the modders coming...
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:24 pm

My biggest fear is that it will be like Oblivion and have very linear quests with no real choices in them.
And another fear is that it will have the same dialogue system as Oblivion had.

I know I'm a Fallout fan over Elder Scrolls but that doesn't matter, I want to be able to define the role I've taken in an RPG.
Just letting me choose a race, clothing and skills ain't gonna suffice.
I want to really define her/him with actual choices and a better dialogue tree with multiple outcomes.
That I could not do in Oblivion, but I could in Fallout, but it's not about "I want it to be more Fallout", it's about that I want it to be a better RPG than Oblivion was.
So Skyrim looks amazing, but I'm afraid that it's gonna be an action game with RPG elements rather than a true RPG.

So my biggest fear is linear quests and dialogue.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:08 pm

I want the tools to create the same character i played in Oblivion

My main concern is the face customization tools, in oblivion was too complex but, after 3 or 4 uggly characters i learned how to use them, and well i just created the perfect face, i want to keep exactly that character with the same face for skyrim, i just want the tools to create him exactly as he was in oblivion.

i know how it works the new face customization menu, and well it looks like poorly detailed like dragon age origins where you just can select types of noses, eyes etc, and after just alocate them and adjust sizes, well i dont want that, unless they create A LOT of shapes.

Not like Dragon age where only one nose looks pretty, and all the others looks awful and and my looks the same. because both want our characters to look like good looking guys and both select the only pretty nose, the only pretty eyes, etc etc etc

mm you know what i will create a thread with this.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:03 am

Im worried about how the dungoens will be done, in oblivion it seemed like they were too easy at times.. and they were all the same. There was almost no reason to explore in that game because the dungeons were all so bland gear / monster wise.

Worried about loot because i dont like how easy it was to get gear in oblivion. Was much more fun to hunt for gear in the other games.

Worried that the game will be over simplified and dumbed down for the console kiddies.

Skyrim does sound promising though, i like the changes to how you block etc. and even if they do a half assed job ill still enjoy it.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:23 pm

I'm worried about the new magic system. I fear it will be dumbed down and with less capabilities than Oblivion

I know it can sound without sense but if really spellmaking is gone it's highly probable that we will have just one spell for kind which
- grows stronger with your level (and that's almost ok except that there should exist spells stronger than others)
- you can only use in the new 4 ways. In OB I had a selection of spells that covered almost any situation, allowing me to play as a real, intelligent wizard. I fear that the new system will be more rigid and force us to use only 4 shapes for effect. Also i liked the kind of spells "strenght x duration" and I hope they will exist, with some kind of spellmaking.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:20 am

im worried that those jobs you can do like cutting down trees and working in a shop will be like the sims jobs wee you do the job but uou dont actuly do the job
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:50 am

Ah, I forgot: I hope that finally not all NPCs have the same body shape. Not fat, thin, muscular, big briasts, almost absent briasts ... NPCs but only the same lame bodies.

I'd also like some sort of "love stories". Even heroes have hearts.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:26 am

I'm just scared that Skyrim will get lost on the way to it's first day of school... it has so much potential...

Don't take candy from strangers Skyrim!!!!!
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:02 pm

My fears are that Skyrim will have:

Auto-leveling of monsters. If I want to go where it's dangerous that should be my choice. Besides, what's the point of getting stronger?

Auto-leveling of loot. What's the point of opening chests, or going to dangerous places without the small chance of finding something epic?

Quest-givers and other NPCs with glowing icons over their heads. I can find them eventually, and it looks really dumb.

Quest arrows and map icons. What is that...some kind of super GPS system? Give us NPC's that can give directions and I'll find my way.

A main quest that can be accomplished at level two. Sound familiar?
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:51 pm

Mostly, just the worry that my crappy computer won't make the min requirements. :D
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:06 am

My fears are that Skyrim will have:

Auto-leveling of monsters. If I want to go where it's dangerous that should be my choice. Besides, what's the point of getting stronger?

Auto-leveling of loot. What's the point of opening chests, or going to dangerous places without the small chance of finding something epic?

Quest-givers and other NPCs with glowing icons over their heads. I can find them eventually, and it looks really dumb.

Quest arrows and map icons. What is that...some kind of super GPS system? Give us NPC's that can give directions and I'll find my way.

A main quest that can be accomplished at level two. Sound familiar?

Videogames do seem to "take you by the hand" a lot more recently. Apparently, in a democracy, anyone should be able to win the game with ease, without any efforts.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:03 am

Videogames do seem to "take you by the hand" a lot more recently. Apparently, in a democracy, anyone should be able to win the game with ease, without any efforts.

No, just in a game industry market where high-budget games need to sell so many copies to break even, that they have to design the games for the low-average user, not the high-end types who populate game forums.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:35 am

No, just in a game industry market where high-budget games need to sell so many copies to break even, that they have to design the games for the low-average user, not the high-end types who populate game forums.

They could make the game hard and challenging (not just for what concerns combat, but also for what concerns how to solve the main quest and sidequests), and then provide an in-built optional "hints" service for those who are stuck :)
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Post » Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:14 pm

They could make the game hard and challenging (not just for what concerns combat, but also for what concerns how to solve the main quest and sidequests), and then provide an in-built optional "hints" service for those who are stuck :)

Amen. That's what I expect from any quality games.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:56 am

I don't get exactly what you found so horribly repetitive in Oblivion with regards to the mq. Assuming you're talking about the gates, you only needed to close the main ones, and there were not that many. Hopefully Skyrim offers you less repitition I guess?

My biggest concern is the dragons. Dragons are fine if they are rare. But, by the sound of it, they are going to be all over the place. I think there's a real danger in having too many (see cliff racers ot Oblivion gates).. They go from being fun to being annoying.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:34 am

My biggest fears:

- That the level/item scaling will still be too much.
- That speechcraft will yet again be useless and boring.
- That thieves will have an unrealistically hard time getting by with all knowing merchants and guards.
- That the main quest will svck. (looking at Oblivion and Fallout 3 it dosen't look that good. Hopefully they took a serious look at New Vegas and learned a thing or two from Obsidian).

But i'm still psyched and i'm sure it's going to be enjoyable.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:21 am

No more attributes
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Rach B
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:32 am

I only have one concern, Oblivion didn't feel as open as Morrowind was, there were so many different factions and guilds you could join in Morrowind. It also wasn't as easy to just fast travel everywhere you wanted. The Oblivion main story was like 5 hours long, and you barely ever got lost if you followed it. Please make Skyrim as immersive and openworld as Morrowind was! Getting lost and finding treasure was the most fun for me in Morrowind :D + the graphics look sick! Oh yeah, something else :$ the auto leveling monsters and items make the game kind of boring, seeing as you can't find anything really epic like a dwarven claymore hiding in a chest in an under water cave.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:20 am

- That the main quest will svck. (looking at Oblivion and Fallout 3 it dosen't look that good. Hopefully they took a serious look at New Vegas and learned a thing or two from Obsidian).

Interestingly, I've replayed OB and FO3 a whole bunch of times, and I haven't been able to get into a second play of NV. Yeah, the MQ was more concrete.... but that detracted from the "open world"ness of things. In the other two games, I can start up, ignore the MQ, and go haring off into the world to find other things to do and/or try out a new set of mods. FONV..... not really possible, until you level up a bunch and get a good distance into things. Deathclaws/Cazadors/etc will rip you up if you deviate from the questline....
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:18 pm

That the game world won't be big enough, and the sense of mystery and adventure will dissipate too quickly..
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:42 am

One of my biggest fears is the blotchy skin. I eventually got really excellent with the builder in Oblivion, but it was still a pain in the backside. If you're using anything other than the PC version, there wasn't much you could do to correct the inherent blotchy skin issues. I never used Redguards because I couldn't get nice skin on them. I make the assumption that they'll have fixed that by now. So maybe it's not really one of my biggest concerns at the moment. I guess if I were going to narrow it all down... I'd have to say that it needs to have lots of places to go, lots of freedom to do as I please and plenty of things for me to do. They've already caught my attention with the trailers. For now I try to keep my thoughts neutral and not place too many expectations. I want to feel the same awe I felt the first time I plugged in Oblivion. So... I will try to be patient.
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Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:03 am

My biggest fears:

-They'll pull a Fallout New Vegas, and have a large map but only 1/2 of it is actually accessible.
-Snow. It's Skyrim, I understand it's supposed to be snowy, but I hope there isn't snow everywhere. Staring at white for hours on end will eventually be tiring.
-Psychic guards. How the hell do you know that I assassinated a lonely forest soldier out in the middle of the damn forest? I'm sick of the guards knowing every single one of my sins even when there are no witnesses present.
-Magic reliability. I've seen many RPGs start to force the use of magic on the player. I hate magic. I love melee and archery. I was able to get by fine with melee and archery in Oblivion, with the exception of using that self heal spell you get at the start of the game. I hope Skyrim doesn't force the player to use a lot of magic.
-Low number of factions. There were 4 in Oblivion. No, the Arena doesn't count as a faction. I wanted to be able to join the Imperial Legion and kill [censored] for the empire.
-Archery. When I said I was able to get by just fine with melee and archery in Oblivion, I actually meant one sneak attack with the bow followed by hacking and slashing with my melee weapon. All that one sneak attack did was like 1/20th of his HP. Although I did hear Archery will be much more powerful in this game.
-Invisible walls.
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