- Psyched for Skyrim, decide to reinstall Oblivion for the first time in a couple of years
- Been a while, but i've done modding before.
- Gather up all of my fav mods (OOO, MMM, Deadly Reflex, Unique landscapes, Better cities, etc)
- Spend Hours carefully reading the readme's, installing the mods, setting the load order
- Start up game, crash to desktop instantly
- Spend an entire WEEK reading forums, re-reading readme's, adjusting load orders, making sure ive got the newest versions, etc.
- Game finally "runs", but still CTD's every ten minutes and is just generally plagued with ridiculous glitches.
- Learn about BOSS and use it, even try to learn Wrye Bash, but give up cause i can never get it to work.
- playing game, thinking to myself "huh, i seem to be not getting as many CTD's, maybe BOSS made all the differe-"
- Crash
- ..........
- Uninstall.exe
Now that i've got that all off my chest, let me get to my point.
I've noticed that alot of people on this forum are debating/arguing what had exactly went "wrong" with Oblivion in terms of total content/features as compared to its predecessor Morrowwind. Alot of people are worried about Skyrim following this same pattern (that pattern being with each iteration of the series, the game becomes more bland/"mainstream"/simple/dumbed down/etc) Now with my recent struggles with Oblivion had gotten me thinking about certain things about what exactly had gone wrong. People blame the "Casual Gamers" or that the series is becoming too "Mainstream" but personally i think thats not it. Of course the series is becoming more mainstream, thats the fate of all GREAT series! Look at Zelda, or Halo, all great series in there own right, and yes, now our beloved elder scrolls is out in the public eye, bringing in more fans to enjoy this awesome series.
but i digress, thats not the problem.
Now i realize this idea may not be particularly popular (especially on these forums) but i think it is worth considering. There are 2 problems.....
you ready for this?
1: Bethesda was Lazy
2: Bethesdas TOTAL reliance on the modding community to fix EVERYTHING
Think about it, When was the last time you played VANILLA Oblivion? been a while right? you might remember the experiance being........less then expected. Not to say Oblivion isn't a great game, it is. but lets be honest with ourselves here, Oblivion was not like Morrowind.....at all. Sure there were SOME few advancements made, most notable being the combat system (although to be honest it also feels rather bland, but that is fixed with mods such as Deadly Reflex) and alot of the quests feel alot more fleshed out then morrowinds. But to be perfectly honest, thats not enough. Think about all the content Morrowind had, or daggerfall, etc. now think of Oblivion, were looking at at least HALF of the content that was in the prior games, inexplicably gone.
Where am i going with this?
When Morrowind came out it was an AWESOME experiance, then Bethesda released the Modding tools and that experiance became even MORE awesome! What i think happened with Oblivion was just a case of Laziness. Bethesda took a look at all the innovative and creative mods that the communtiy were churning out, so i imagine what happened was they thought to themselves "hmm, perhaps since the modding community is so eager to "fix" all of our supposed mistakes, then for Oblivion we should just release a halfbaked/buggy/bland sequel, then release Mod Support shortly after so the community can "fix" whatever they don't like!"
see what I'm getting at?
Now before i am flamed into Oblivion (lolpun) I am NOT BLAMING THE MODDING COMMUNTIY FOR THIS! The Community consists of a large group of tatented individuals that were nice enough to share with us all their awesome mods, for which i beleive is safe to say we are all eternally grateful. Who i AM Blaming, is Bethesdas inability to create a game without relying on the Modding community to fix everything.
Bethesda (or somebody who is working on Skyrim) i seriously hope you are reading this. Now i am NOT saying that there should be no mod support for Skyrim (the thought of that is honestly scary as mods allow us to pretty much make the game into whatever we want, giving the game near infinite replayability) What i AM saying is, before you even consider releasing Mod Tools for Skyrim, make a solid, fully featured, and enjoyable experiance. Don't just do Oblivion 2.0 and make the modding community (I.E your FANS) "fIll in the blanks".