Reason 1. Player won't be able to live in the character ,because he will speak things that you might wont to speak.immersion ruined
Reason 2. It smells on scripted events , witch might lead to more linear,stright forward story driven elements.
You're far from alone. Hopefully Bethesda somehow offer a traditional Bethesda dialog system as an alternative option or at least a silent protagonist option at some point after release, if at release is not a possibility. Not sure how feasible such a thing is though, my guess is not very.
I guess we just need to pray it doesn't bleed into the next Elder Scrolls game.
I'm actually very skeptical about the voiced character myself, but that doesn't mean it's a mistake, or that there will be more scripted events. If it was like the Witcher III's locked in conversations I definitely wouldn't like it, but as pointed out in the E3 it won't be. So, I may actually enjoy it.
As I said, I doubt such a thing is very feasible. However Pete Hines did say in an interview "we'll wait and see" when questioned over the ability to turn the voiced protagonist off, which shows they're at least considering it. So it being patched in a couple of months after release does seem to have some remote possibility. Otherwise some mods better come along quickly as you suggested, otherwise I won't be buying/playing the game with the dialog system in its current state.
I've played games with voiced protagonists before as well, I don't enjoy having a voiced protagonist in those games. Those games are not amongst my favorites of all time and I am/was not a loyal and enthusiastic supporter/defender of the developers of those games.
I′ve played one; Deus Ex, and I′ve seen it in CoC:Dark Corners of the Earth. And the only reason it works there is because we have a pre-set character and a story-driven game. It wouldn′t work for me in a sandbox style game where we can create our own (and to an extent unique) character and play however we like without having to follow a main story.
Have you seriously never played a game with a voiced protagonist before? This isn't some never-before-seen feature, it's quite common in many video games. You don't need to experience a voiced protagonist in this specific game to figure out whether or not you dig it.
Haven′t played it so I can′t have an opinion on it, but if it works for you then all the better
What? You means you had unlimited combination of random dialogue in previous game? Or the A.I. generated its unique dialogue?
It means you know whether you care for voiced protagonists being implemented in games or not, as opposed to how they're implemented. Again, with many people it's not a question of the quality of the acting or how good the writing is, they do not want a voiced protagonist from a gameplay perspective, at all.
Personally, I've never done this "iive in the character" thing. Even in first-person games, they're an external character that I'm moving around a game. And "immersion" is an overused marketing buzzword that just makes me facepalm at this point.
My characters in Mass Effect & Dragon Age (among other games) seem to have been able to make different choices, have different personalities, be "my" character, etc... while still having a voice. I'm not expecting any different here, really.
This. For me it's absolutely vital Bethesda patch in the option to show the FULL sentence you're about to speak as opposed to a two or three word paraphrase. Like deal breaker important, seriously.
Or not. Competition is a LOT fiercer today than it was in the past for Bethesda. They're far from the only (or even one of the few) AAA developers out there who offer huge, immersive, open-world games. In addition to this the other worlds generally look a good deal better and have more solid core gameplay.
If Bethesda continue stripping their games of what actually makes them unique, they suddenly become a big fish in a very big pond.
Immersion as a buzzword? Pretty sure it's still a legit word and that it still plays a role in here, especially when Fallout is considered a RPG.
You never done it and therefore never really placed yourself into your character and thus lack the creativity to do so? Damn, what a shame. You're missing out on a lot of fun when you get to contemplate on whether your character would slit that person's throat or make a snide comment
Yeah, I was just thinking companies//marketing/publishers misusing or overusing the word hardly robs it of validity. I don't really know a more apt word for what we're talking about than immersion.
This, for better or worse.
Many of the arguments posited against a voiced PC could also have been made in regards to voiced NPCs. Now they are warmly endorsed by the gaming community and Bethesda fans (or at least the preponderance of said groups).
Personally, I can see the lucidity behind the decision, as BGS attempts to mimic the cinematic presentation of seminal story centric experiences.
I'm ultimately ambivalent to it's inclusion, but I'm intrigued to witness how Bethesda can vex the "new" fan base along with the "old", excuse the sadism.
I don't understand the complaints regarding the voice acting for the PC. Even though your character was silent in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the lines of dialogue you could pick per response was limited to usually no more than 5 different responses. Plus they were all pre-written by the developers anyways so it was never as if you could actually determine what you wanted the PC to say word for word. It's the same thing with Fallout 4, except the character speaks it instead of remaining silent.
False. The only thing giving voice to NPCs really affects is the quantity of their dialog, I accept that complaint and don't try to pretend it's not valid. Forcing a voice onto the protagonist (in the kind of games Bethesda makes) has many ramifications for the gameplay which have been discussed at length here.
You're obviously not very familiar with them, then. What you likely mean is don't have those same complaints, it does not rob them of validity.