Hi guys,
New mbr here and I'm sorry that my first post is a complaint.
I'm a fan of TES games, though I've played them somewhat casually over the years and I'm not by any means an expert.
I've run into problems from time to time, but for the most part I've really enjoyed my time playing.
That said, I do have a reoccurring frustration that I'm currently encountering in my latest delving into Skyrim.
Another reason I'm posting this is to get possible suggestions, maybe I'm approaching the situation and game the wrong way.
So here it is...my pretty much only frustration and issue is with the way Quest progression occurs.
I love a sandbox game!
I absolutely love the ability to roam and pickup quests as I find them and the ability to pursue or ignore main quests as I choose.
But I hate coming across a random quest and embarking on the quest, making my way to the area/dungeon/fort what have you...only to find that the focus of the quest is a level 20 who begins to wipe the floor with my lvl 9 toon!
I hate this!
There should be a way where these quests simply aren't available or even present themselves to a character that's far too low.
I "wish" with all my heart that there was a way (without having to look up online or the game guide) to see some kind of quest level indicator.
I wind up with a ton of quests sitting there in my Log waiting for me to be able to be high enough to even come close to completing.
And then I'm wondering around picking up new quests and then I wind up forgetting what lvl I needed to be if I didn't write it all down...and it just becomes a real mess, a chore that "for me" takes a lot away from both my immersion and
and enjoyment level.
So...(takes a breath) I've been wanting to voice this and get it off my chest for quite some time...feels good lol
I know there will be some out there that will just flame me for this complaint...but I'm hoping there are others out there that understand and perhaps have a idea of how I might be able to minimize this issue, that I haven't discovered.
Does this bother anyone else?
Or do you simply roll with it?
Do you try and keep track and try and wind your way back to them later?
Would love to here how others deal and attack this mechanic in the game!
Thanks a ton for listening...I really DO love TES games, the setting, the lore, the freedom...like I said, "this" is the single most frustrating part of the entire experience
Suggestions, ideas, comments will be greatly appreciated!
Best Regards,