One of my personal pet peeves with Fallout 4 is Preston Garvey. Each and every time I come back to Sanctuary to report in the [censored] is nowhere to be found. So, you have to run around the compound looking for the SOB. The other thing with Garvey is his attitude and how he orders you to go take care of something and then walks away, so you can’t finish your conversation. I just want to shot the bastard and put him out of his freaking misery.
Another pet peeve is coming back to Sanctuary to get some badly needed rest only to find some [censored] in your house and in your bed.
I also want to put an end to the husband and wife, in Sanctuary, who are always pissing and moaning about their situation. I am sick of hearing it.
“Oh, wait….there are still more pet peeves to come!?!”
I am absolutely annoyed of how [censored] up it is to build houses and fences in Fallout 4.
When the video game starts making you angry….angry enough to yell and scream at it, then it is no longer fun to play.