Gameplay: About 2 and half hours long single-player and replay-able multi-player co-op class-based gameplay.
You are one of the recruit in CryNet Enforcement & Local Logistics or CELL. After nearly 4 month of Ceph's world wild invad. New York is the first place start to settle down. But it's not even close to the end. After CIA report CryNet's relation with Ceph's invadion. Remaining high officials of the Unite States now request CryNet's responsible and order CryNet to clean up the remaining messes.
First mission: Sector Sweep. You and your team Bio-Cry is the special team in CELL dealing Biochemical problems. Your assignment is to sweep the target area that remains infection active and secure and return the data from a under ground facility and also search any anolyse-able sample left for science department. Team Bio-Cry found a new kind of Ceph Infection in this area soon after the mission start. In the air. There is no mercy but monsters's cry. In the floor, there is no order but killed and gores. You are the only one left at that sector and CryNet are ordering you survive to the EVAC zone for the vital sample you are carrying. First last mission for you. First last chance you got.
*Wait uh, happy April 3rd O_o??