So I'm standing in a farm, digging a well, chatting with the three settlers, listening to Brahmin go moo, when a Virtibird flies over, sending everyone into panic mode. Before I can exit the workbench mode, the bird was on the floor in a crumpled heap of steel and fire.
Yeah- three settlers took it down. With pipe pistols.
Birds are too squishy. Every time I've seen one (or been in one) it gets shot down. It's ridiculous. Shouldn't they be like flying tanks or something?
REQ: a mod that gives each Virtibird spawned like 6 times more HP points. AND make them invulnerable to small arms fire, just explosives/rockets/gauss/miniguns etc. Please. I'm asking nicely
Otherwise they are kind of crappy, considering how *awesomified* the armour has gotten.