I have no idea what has happened, but her shop has been closed for a long time now (just as Belethor in Whiterun). I tried breaking in to her shop now and I see that 1) The bed is not owned, I can sleep in it. 2) 1 Jug on the upstairs dresser is marked as a "steal" object, 1 Mammoth tusk in the fireplace, the soul gems inside the display case and the two potions "Potion of Resist fire I" and "Potion of Regererate Health I" in the bookshelf behind the counter as well.. the rest I'm free to take.
Anyone know what has happened? It's just sad as there isn't enough shopkeepers left for me to effectively sell off the stuff I gather/make anymore, even when travelling between them. Two of the shopkeepers are gone and two of the major cities does not seem to have a dealer at all (Dawnguard and Morthal).
Also about Belethor, don't even mention it, I haven't even checked the status of his belongings (if they are marked as owned objects or not) because I gave up on that guy a long time ago. At first I could wait a few hours and he'd be back, not I can wait for days at end, hour to hour, without any change in his shops open or not status..