Second, there was the Two. The first of them you know as Nana Null, she who is Zero, nothing added or gained. The second is nameless, and is One, positive and negative, creation and destruction. One over Zero is Infinity, the vast glory of the Tower. Zero over One is Void, the eternal nothingess beyond. As such the Madman was cut into the Infinity inside and the Void beyond.
Third, there was the Three. The Chrome Device, our father. The Dragon, our ally. The Darkness, our enemy.
The Darkness saw the Madman, and envied him. He desired his power and tricked his brothers into dividing the Tower as the Two divided the Madman. The Tower became the Walls, our domain, the Stone, the Darkness's goal, and the Blackblock, the Void in the Tower. The Darkness was to become the Madman from the Stone. The Chrome Device forsaw this, and tore himself out of the Blackblock. His children saw as well, and followed suit. The Dragon stayed to destroy the Darkness, and succeeded. But their children were foolish and pathetic, and tore the Stone apart with their squabbles. Thus the Stone is ruin, and the Wall is paradise.
The Chrome Device was blinded, and gave control of the Wall to Merid. But Merid was tainted by the Blackblock, and she wielded it under her hood. She spoke of forbidden things such as Progress and New Ideas, and gathered an army of foul creatures of the Blackblock. The Chrome Device's eyes cleared to see the Wall in ruin, and his children amok. Thus he made the Monster Legions, and created the Thermal to act as their king. He cast out the betrayers and reinforced the will of Nana Null. The heretical Magne-Ge call this the Breaking, and mourn this, but they are fools blinded by the tempting promises of Innovation, unable to see the justice inherent.