"Birthsigns" are confirmed

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:10 am

Something interesting to consider (from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:New_%27Doomstones%27_Series! ):

"I always carefully research my subjects," Quill-Weave says, "and I find no evidence at all to support the popular notion that these runestones were once artifacts of great magical power." She noted that thirteen of these stones are associated with the common birthsigns by which people have always marked the aspects of the heavens when children are born. "Such stones as the 'Mage Stone' and the 'Serpent Stone' were certainly associated with the primitive sky worships of the Beast Folk of the Mythic Era. Other stones, like the 'Aetherius Stone' and the 'Magnus Stone' were also doubtless associated with other long-forgotten cults."

We never got to understand what the doomstones are in Oblivion. Maybe we will in Skyrim?
Just the word... doom. I'm getting a slight feeling it's related to the doomsday Alduin is about to bring us.

Anyway, for those who don't know, here's an explanation of what the doomstones does in Oblivion: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Doomstone#Doomstones
"There are two different kinds of Doomstones; the Birthsign Stones, related to the constellations that mark the zodiac of Tamriel, and the Heaven Stones, related to other celestial bodies"

It seems that, what was confirmed in the magazine, was not birthsigns at all, but birthsign stones. There's a pretty big difference, as seen in the above UESP link.

That is excatly what the Doomstones did in Oblivion although the only good one was the Tower and that got useless after level 10. Hopefully there's some better choices this time around.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:43 am

Actual orgism over the confirmation of Fallout 3-esque dialogue. One of my main concerns was that they were going back to the TES list of topics style.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:21 am

Actual orgism over the confirmation of Fallout 3-esque dialogue. One of my main concerns was that they were going back to the TES list of topics style.

A long time ago I played fallout 3 :P
How did the dialouge choices work there?
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:09 am

Thanks for the information! Any idea what the 'Star signs' are?
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:09 am

I read the magazine and I did not read that.

it was in there
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:45 am

In the Playstation Magazine it says that there are 13 "birthsigns" in the game. Instead of picking a sign at the beginning of the game you choose one at large free standing stones called "Doomstones" scattered around skyrim. They impart the pc with skill boosts or special powers. You can choose any one of the 13 "birthsigns", but only one at a time, and we can switch between them if we don't like what a certain "birthsign" gives us. I'm not sure if this has already been told, but there's a lot of stuff in the magazine I haven't heard about here yet.

Oblivions speechcraft wheel is out, replaced by "Fallout" style dialogue choices.

Staffs, bows, and two handed swords can be used to block, though they are more effectively used bashing instead of blocking.

There's foxes that hunt rabbits.(so wolves and foxes).

Ice Form- shout, Encases enemies in a block of ice, temporarily paralysing them.

So doomstones are the new birthsigns? how boring. I'd like more permanent choices at the start please, perks / races / gender is not enough going by previous standards.
Fallout style dialogue choices really had not alot of flavour to them. Although I can and will put up with it. Shame that speechcraft is gone, it was fun little skill.
What about dual weapons? because in my experience two weapons blocking seems to work out quite well if done right. I'd be disappointed if I can't block with two.
Good to hear about more wildlife in the game. Hopefully we will have some snowbound (literally) animals as well, like polar foxes, wolverines, snow leopards etc.
Ice form sounds to me like it should have been covering Dovahkiin in ice and giving him/her boosts to defense. Not freezing enemies in blocks of ice to paralyze them.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:22 am

In the Playstation Magazine it says that there are 13 "birthsigns" in the game. Instead of picking a sign at the beginning of the game you choose one at large free standing stones called "Doomstones" scattered around skyrim. They impart the pc with skill boosts or special powers. You can choose any one of the 13 "birthsigns", but only one at a time, and we can switch between them if we don't like what a certain "birthsign" gives us. I'm not sure if this has already been told, but there's a lot of stuff in the magazine I haven't heard about here yet.

Well Doom Stones from Oblivion is return I see.
Interesting they will have new powers, or have powers of Birthsigns? or have Birthsign Stones powers like in Oblivion?
Anyway thats good news, classical Birthsigns can be implemented in easer way now just by adding few new scripts at chargen quest.

Oblivions speechcraft wheel is out, replaced by "Fallout" style dialogue choices.

Will be checks used for replies now?

Staffs, bows, and two handed swords can be used to block, though they are more effectively used bashing instead of blocking.

Does thats mean we can use staffs as blunt weapon again now?

There's foxes that hunt rabbits.(so wolves and foxes).

Nice detail, it will be interesting to see living breathing nature in action.

Ice Form- shout, Encases enemies in a block of ice, temporarily paralysing them.

Thats interesting, enemies will also use it?

Whirlwind Sprint- Shout, Let's players blast rapidly in one direction. Ideal for aiming distance attacks At fleeing enemies, Or getting in close to bash them.

Not specified direction? so with such shout we can dodge backward without limitations? as well such Actor movement speed increase effect can be used in mods?

Also, Oblivion contained 40,000 lines of dialogue(I didn't know this) and Skyrim has 60,000(did know)

I hope they will not about mudcrabs all :teehee:
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:03 am

No... it said you can change between the warrior, the mage and the thief, all the main archetype ones, not all 13 shown in other games...
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Penny Wills
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:51 am

This is excellent news. Dialogue options are the most exciting thing to hear from this.

EDIT: I spel gud.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:11 pm

We had doomstones in oblivion. Being able to change the path you have chosen (which doomstone you activated) will let us test them all out and then choose which one we want, instead of having to be locked to what we chose in the beginning.

I do, however, not defend beths choice to remove them. Sad stuff :(
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:26 am

I hope the Birthsigns from Oblivion are now within the Doomstones in Skyrim. That would fit the theory that they moved stuff into other places. If correct some of the birthsigns from Oblivion will need to be changed because of lack of attributes.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:20 am

I can confirm its true.

So now instead of clicking on a spread-sheet list, you have to do something in the actual game. Nice.

The 50 cap perks and Races (which are more unique) are permanent - and result in more unique chars than morrowind and oblivion.

Yeah man, thats nice. But you know whats even nicer? I hear that upon starting your game you have no face, like non at all. And you have to run out there and find your face and attach it. Down with spread-sheet lists of features: you have to actually DO something in the game if you want your face! nice. The best bit is that this all makes sense and is tottaly belivable!
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:37 am

I wish that at the beginning of the game we could pick a sign without having to find the stone if we wanted to or we could choose to defer selection then birthsign fans could play one sign the whole way through if they wanted, doomstone fans could defer their choice until finding the stones, and players who are not interested in the stones or birthsigns at all could ignore them altogether.
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