» Thu May 19, 2011 4:12 am
oke..I give up, you guys are impossible to please, it's the same damn thing, but now you can cnage it if you don't like it, and not have to start over from scratch, really you guys?? are you that dense, It makes no difference in rping, other then you 'd have te look for the stone and tap it;s power ( wich is way cooooler in my eyes) then picking it out from a list ( boooring)..please just remember, that my 14 year old brother wants to play this game to, as does my gf and they both hate lists, so I think Its a very good discission .
If bow's and staffs really have an melee attack function, then that makes me verrryyy happy, there was nothing as lame as being in control of destruction magic and altering, but not being able to bash someone's head in if they were standing close, I mean..wtf?