in general i think the item variety rather very bland...most stuff gets repeated 20'000 times...the first armor's, fur, exists at least in 3 versions, even if these versions are all pretty close...i was really hoping this would be the case for all armors...but meeeee..wouldnt be such a problem if all the armor was more realistically looking like the first tier armors but no you look like a [censored] power ranger again later on...
what annoys me especially is the unique items - besides them having mostly pretty bland or even useless statistics (with some noteable exception such as spellbreaker, dawnbreaker or the nightmare stuff), they often dont even feature unique skins (artifacts being the exception)...just the same old skins get reused over and over again and than even with a bland enchantment on it which i can make as good or better myself...
why bothering with unique items if they look like any other item and have advantages like any other items...or have unique abilities that are simply useless (predators graces +1% stamina regeneration..???? mehrunes razor 1% instant kill possibility...???).....
i could think of a hundred unique/experimental and fun enchantmant which you cant copy yourself...and to find a unique skin for every unique weapon cant be that difficult...i mean just giving chillrend another color - CMON