I played a few fps games in my days (my first being counter strike when it was released if i remember right) and I must say that multiplayer in this game wasn't what I thought it would be.
first, the game has some sort of leveling system which automatically puts someone who is higher "level" at advantage over someone who has lower level. I'm very competitive as a player and not knowing if I have problems fighting a guy simply because he earned better bonuses than i or because he actually is a better player can be quite annoying. If 2 players has about the same "skill" the guy with the higher level has the upper side.
secondly, the bonuses really screws with the learning curve. If you played cs you learn from your mistakes since everything has a basic level it's working from, you know how long time you have to stab someone who is reloading his awp. you know how to aim your ak47. you know that if you don't hear anything, the guy is crouching.
But in this game nothing is the same. Did the guy who just reloaded kill me because i was too slow or did he had the "faster reloading" bonus. Did i not time my grenade right or did he had the delay bonus? Did he have the "no sound" bonus or did I actually miss him coming running behind me? It's very hard to say when i die or when i kill the guy, if he or i had better bonuses depending what happened in the fight.
and last but not least. I'm still learning the game but something i noticed both from my own side and from other players, there seems to be no point aiming at all in this game, just take the weapon you got and unload the magazine around him and he will die. every time i see someone try to aim properly, they always die to the spraying maniac.
But I don't know, maybe this is how it's supposed to be in fps nowadays? But I miss the old times where when i actually got killed by the same guy a couple of times I could acknowledge him to be a better player than me and know what I needed to learn from that, instead of having to find out if I had enough level.
Sorry if this sounds like whine, i just wanted to share some experience i got from multiplayer so far.
feel free to prove me wrong.
best regards //Haesten