-So one of the questions is, is there a working blood potion for vampires available as resource or do you know how i could make my own?
-Question two: I'm still playing around with my vampire guards, i have gotten them to attack the player if its not a vampire and be friendly if the player is a vampire, but to get around that i have had to create a new class and leave the guard box un-ticked, but i still want them to behave like guards (as in they arrest you or attack you if have done crime within the vampire realm. The other thing about this would be that i would like to create a separate bounty count like there is for the Shivering isles.
-Three, how would you make a teleportation spell or what script you use, that would take you from one cell to an other, without using doors but also make so that the NCPs can use it as well as part of their AI?
-Last question: Is there a way that i can stop anything in the vampire faction being scared of the PC when vampire. Reason i'm asking is because i use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20119 and it's irritating that when you use any of you powers, that the NPC vampires are scared of you. Is there a way around that,because i want it to be possible for the player to use this mod, in the vampire realm, without fear of getting attacked.
Any help, ideas or suggestion are appreciated!
thanks in advance