Diamond City needs more fisto.
Diamond City needs more fisto.
Just for that, there will now be Gary Aliens in the game.
A vault filled with cats and one single crazy old lady.
I'd love to see some nods towards some other IPs from the same genre. Like, some hermit living in an old car junkyard named "Mad Matt" or something.
I'm totally expecting to find some easter egg/random encounter that has to do with Skryim. Maybe you find the iconic helmet... maybe you find some goofy cave that's full of teeny tiny dragons that talk about being too small to ride., maybe a random encounter where all of a sudden the ground shakes and you hear the words "Dohvakiin!" as if you were just summoned by the greybeards.
Even though it isn't a clear reference, hardcoe alien deniers will say that the alien crash site/tech is an easter egg. This video pretty much sums up the argument about whether or not aliens should have been canonized in the Fallout universe:
Like Matrix, where http://htmlgiant.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Matrix-Architect.jpg?
he he... yes kind of that but also I had this in mind:
I honestly can't say anything in Fallout 3 left me bewildered. The SOS signals you'd stumble across were creepy, but nothing that really made me go wtf.
People riding dragons, throwing wolves at maggots
I'd think it'd be cool if Beth snuck in references to their other franchises. Like finding Covro's (lootable) corpse, B.J's weird laser gun or even Doomguy's helmet. I'd also be very shocked if there wasn't a Last Of Us reference.
Would like more horror stuff like Pint Size slasher.
Hmm now that think about it going to search for Boston Urban legends to find any gruesome story to entertain me for abit.
Before that how about a random encounter, see two person finds a alien gadget from crash site and one clicks it and the other person turns to a deathclaw.