We've had talking Deathclaws and Molerats in previous games. How about talking Mirelurks or Yao Guai?
You sneak up to discover a group of raiders practicing a musical routine.
King Arther and his knights. Hopefully with loot this time.
That would be a loss ~most preferable over what happened the last time the PC challenged a supermutant to a competition; winner takes all.
Searching for the Holy Grail, holding coconuts and making neighing noises.
The crashing ship seen in the trailer is named after King Arthur's Ship. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Prydwen
I would love to see more alien or alien-like encounters. I know they've done it before - and there's a good chance there is something of the sort in Fallout 4 - but I would like more than just a single encounter. It would be cool to have a few alien-like encounters, or maybe even a non-DLC alien quest.
I want a non-ferral ghoul guarding a bridge who says "tiss but a flesh wound" when you blow off one of his limbs
I want to see another hilarious and random thing like Gary. Gaaaaary.
Haha face it, aliens have been in Fallout 1, 2, 3 and NV so far.
A secret room that has dozens of monitors (and locked buttons, levers, knobs) that show various views from all over the game world!!!
You're certain that Diamond City will have sixbots in left field? Sweet!
These details are by far the best part of Bethesda games, and why they're in a totally different league from anything else I've ever played. Finding two skeletons in bed with empty syringes on the nightstand, or a weirdly dressed-up mannequin in a raider hideout. Fallout would be fun for that reason even if there was nothing else to do.
No thanks to talking molerats though. Fallout is silly, but silly has limits before it just becomes stupid.
Yes! Gary was the best, that vault was so creepy I had to quit playing for the night. I also have a friend that went as Gary for Halloween a few years ago... I was the only one to get it, but it was awesome.