Thanks for this.
Any load order recommendations? I'm going to put it right after Kragenir and before mod added quests.
Maybe I will live to see the release of Blades ... Dark Brotherhood ... Tamriel Rebuilt.
Nah - but this was released!
I'm afraid I'm not a load order expert. I believe putting it before any mod that changes the BHC dialogue for the couriers (Not adding new ones) should do the trick? But, I may be mistaken.

Good mod.... I was wondering...
could you also make a version without new dialogues since I'm higly allergic to non-voiced Dialogues

Nope. Especially since there's very few dialogue to read.
You'll notice that all of my mods that have new dialogue are not voiced, simply because it is less trouble to do so and allows me to concentrate my efforts in other aspects of the mod.
It's also my "personal rebellion" against the decision of Beth to include full voiced dialogue in Oblivion.

, something I never agreed with.
Wow. Forgot to take my happy pill today.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Should you find other evil bugs or typos, let me know and I'll hunt them.