Halo is not mindless.
LOL Fallout Season pass is the 4 most sell item on Steam at the momment
if it beat CoD they should feel bad.
The last COD i played all the way through was Modern Warfare 1, years ago and the best are still the first and second games for me, way back in the early 2000's,
The series is an online MP Console game to me now and i'm a single player PC gamer so it's not on my radar, although i think it will still sell well on Consoles.
I had a chuckle when I read an article from the devs of Tomb Raider. Saying they hoped to match Fall Out 4 sales or that at least they felt people would buy both.
Um... lets see. I love tomb raider so this isn't bashing them but really? match the sales of Fallout 4? I bet if TR launched on its own, would there be 300+ people in line outside a single Game Stop location for a copy at midnight? Nope.
And Tomb Raider is only releasing on one console. Fallout 4 is being released on ALL platforms.
I'd buy TR and Fallout 4. If TR was coming out for the PS4 this Tuesday. But its not.
I don't think anyone has fully calculated the fan base anticipation for Fallout 4. We've only been waiting for it since Fallout 3. No big deal right? lol
Black Ops 2 still have over 12 million players on last-gen consoles. So I doubt Fallout 4 will sell more than Black Ops 3 over all plattforms. I for one will buy both as I really enjoyed Black Ops 2(and the BO3 beta was really really fun). In my experience it was the best CoD since CoD4.
Well i like to bash CoD as much as the next guy but if it wasn't for Fallout 4: a game people waited for 4(or 7) years CoD was the best seller again. For a game series that comes up with another game every few months CoD is a HUGE(HUGE emphasis on HUGE) success still.
Oh, not this kind of discussion again...
Look, CoD isn't garbage. CoD games are made by two different devs: Infinity Ward (-Warfare's series) and Treyarch (World at War, Black Ops series).
Infinity Ward never changed much in its games, and I see why people might bash on them. But Black Ops? Come on, really? Treyarch always added new stuff, yes, new stuff.
Did you hear that Black Ops 3 will have co-op campaign and a even-more-amazing zombie mode?
Anyway, CoD is a casual game and maybe that's why people might hate it (even if there is competitive, just look at it, it's not random running and gunning), but guess what, Fallout 4 is as casual as a Call of Duty game (I said it, feel free to say whatever you please). Oh, and the irony, Black Ops 2's campaign did choices & consequences even better than Bethesda.
Also, I read someone saying that Halo is a mindless game. Talking about random bashing, lol.
In the end, I'd suggest people that they ask themselves ''why?'' when they see everyone insulting the games as soon as someone mentions CoD in their posts. But hey, that's me trying to use my own head, feel free to do what you want.
Also, I'd rather not let Fallout 4 be so famous. It can change things for the worse.
I really dont understand the "Cod bashing", you have to be stupid or ignorant if cant see the fact that CoD is perhaps the best selling franchise ever. Its a fact. And if something is selling a ton it must do something correct? Cod is accesible, fast paced, gentle learningcurve, and fun(!). I play games to have fun, and if the fun comes in a package called Call of Duty, so be it.
Except CoD Ghost, [censored] that game.
On a side note, what the hell is your comment even suppose to mean? I cant like other games than Fallout?
CoD is near to the same game every year. Fallout fans have waited years for this, not 12 months.
I think our excitement is higher than theirs
D. So?
Look, different people enjoy different games. And, as long as they keep making different games, that's cool.
So, no. I honestly don't care. It's great that both games can be successful, but I gain no community prestige or self-esteem if my preferred game sells better. Just like I gain neither of these things if my city's Sportball team wins the tournament. Or if my favorite soda wins a taste test.
Are people seriously this shallow? "Ha ha! I'm better than you because my game sold more copies!" Really?
(and for the record, I can't stand MP/PvP shooters, and the last CoD game I played was United Offensive.)
Looking how Skyrim sell more that 20Million copies is possible.
CoD Blakc Ops 2 is a MP game so u always will have more active players.
Agree with the other khajiit, also CoD is far more popular on consoles than on pc
Not really sure where people are getting this "appealing to the CoD fanbase" at. I've played AW and AW2 and from what I have seen those are the only two decent games. The shooting mechanics work very well. The same can be said for Destiny. Another game that they are comparing the mechanics to. I fail to see how this is a bad thing. Especially since those are the only true redeeming qualities to both series.
Good on Bethesda for stealing a man who has made benchmark shooting mechanics from Bungie and for consulting ID.
I have one shooter game. Not sure of the title, but I can run around and shoot things in it. A friend of mine was a huge fan of shooters and got all the latest ones. I could never see the differences in them myself other than the maps. When he tried to explain the differences to me, he would go on and on about this or that, and I would fire back, "so basically it's the same game as last year but with new maps?" and he would go "yea" followed with some expletives I won't repeat here.
I think people are starting to realize that a new map does not make for a new game and are getting tired of chasing the latest shooters. Unless they are really into the MP aspect of it and want the same game as their friends.
I don't care. I care enough to post this, because you should know I don't care. I don't care what games FO4 beats or doesn't beat. I just want FO4. I do care about FO4 being a successful launch financially as it can affect the longevity of the series, but beyond that, I don't care about sales figures. What game the next person over is playing affects me in no way, unless it gets to a point where I'm the only person playing the game. Which that won't be the case. So...
I've played them extensively and you are right in the fact that if you have no interest in them or it doesn't give you that "visceral" feeling you will likely never see the difference. There is a lot of hard work getting the mechanics right for a single gun let alone balancing all weapons and making each one feel fun to use. Especially for MP. Overall I think the developer Dice puts the most effort into balancing but the guy that started the initial gunplay for Destiny implements a very fun feeling into the mechanics.