I think it combines the best and most amazing elements of Skyrim, Morrowind, and Oblivion together with some of the greatest ideas from Star Wars (TFU), Lord of the Rings, and who knows just about what else. It's amazing.
Not only that, but the place is HUGE. It's obnoxiously huge. I'm trying to explore it the old fashioned way (by running around in it) and I've been down there for more than an hour and I still haven't figured out my way around that place.
But whatever, the point of this thread is that I really, really, really want a house down there. I just.. need one. I'll pay $10 for a well-done DLC house down there, I don't care. I need it. If gamesas can't do it, then please modders, make my day.
And Bethesda, truly, you have done something awe-inspiring. I haven't been that amazed by a single game environment since ... well actually I haven't ever. Wow.