Gavin picked up the peice of fruit and held it in his hadn as if all the answers to his questains was there. Here, in the open-air market at the docks in the small town, almost anything was sold. Fresh food mostly, but almost anything. Gavin was amazed that anything would grow in this lifless place, but he asumed is was imported. It had to be. He never saw any apple trees or grave vines or any other sorce where fresh food would grow.
The stall-keeper, a red scaled Argonian male, was looking at him as if he was dazed, which was true. Gavin shook his head and placed his hand in his pokect to prodce a couple of silver coins, giving them to the Argonian. The lizardnoid smiled and turned to serve another customer.
Gavin turn back to his group of Knights. yes, they were his group. After all, he was the Knight Commander of the Knights of the Nine. They all the same uniform; steel plate mail with a white cloth over the briastplate with the Red Diamond, symbol of Akatosh, and white clocks, which had been stained slight cream coloured by grass and mood over the months of travel.
To his right was the loyal Captain and friend, Gobad gro-Ulrich. He was one fo the few Knights who remebered the Oblvion Crisis many years ago, and one of the ogrinal members who re-founeded the Order. Gavin was unsure to his age, but he knew that, like himself, Gobad was old. He was, however, none the less fit and abelt to weild a weapons.
Infrount of him was the other four members of the group. They were Knight Errants, low-level Knights, fresh into servace, all young and a little nieve, but also proud and noble. There was Lynda Brineheart, a female Breton, S'Rot, a male Khajiit, Samus Leonius, a male Imperial and Takahashi Korekiyo, a Human male from a nation Gavin could not remember the name of. He was the strangest of all. His almond-shaped eyes and yellow-tinted skin was somthing not seen in Humans. Every one in the Knights always wanted to know where he came from, still, up untill now, his loyalty was not in qenston.
Not for the first time, he wondered what in Oblvion he was doing in some dung-heap of a town in the middle of Zenithar knows where. His mind flashed back to a meeting back in the Priory of the Nine sevral months ago. The desire to go out adventuring again like in his youth and the willingness ot teach some ne recruits first hand. he still wondered if it was worth it. He kind of missed the days he used to have back at Battlehorn, long days reading or studying alchemy.
"Are you OK, Gavin-sama?" asked Korekiyo.
"Yes... yes I am fine. Just a little teird. That is all."
"We have been traveling for a while. This one thinks it is great to be able to rest" exslamed S'Rot.
"Agrred." said Lynda. "We should just relax here for a few more days. I'm sure evil can wait. a while." The four Knight Errants laughed
Gavin sighed. He felt really old. These young Knights where either young or not even born during the Oblvion Crisis. They did not see Tamriel as he once saw it. They had never been to Oblvion, a trip he was willing never to make again.
"What is that?" asked Samus.
Gavin looked up and around. The dock area as well as his Knights were looking out into the river. He was nto sure, but he thought he could somthign buring in the water. Water does not burn, unless.
"A boat!" exclaimed Gobad.
"Damn it!" Gavin said. "We have investigate. There may be wouned."
They ran, following theri Knight Commander down the wooden dock port which lead into the lake and which stuck the fatherest out and was the cloest to the boat. Gavin was unble to see what was going on the deck, so he desiced to use his magical sence, bringing his hands to form signs.
"Byakugan!" he stated. His eye glowed white as his vision sored out, allowing him to see what no normal eyes could. He could sence the pusing of life all around him. He focused only on the boat and what was going on. Danger. Fighting. Hatred. Death.
"A battle" he said calmly.
That was all his Knights needed. The drew their long steel swords, readly for action. Gavin returned to his normal vision, but did not draw his blade. he was sure that the occupant where not stupid enought to spill their fight onto the street. Then again, who knew?
It was at this moment he saw that the baot was heading directly at them. He and his Knights took a couple of steps backward, theses steps turned into leaps and they threw themselves aside form the boat, which smahed right into the dock, throwing sevral epople form the buring wrekage. Gavin, dispite his old age and dispite teh fact he was wearing plate male, was up and onto his feet in no time. he ran over to some of the people thrown, a male Bosmer and female Dunmer (You guys know who, Gallow and Chirsco.

"What happned? Do you require medical aid?"
(reply Gallow/Chrisco)