Blackrose - a new roleplay

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 am

OOC: Yeah, sorry about that. It was prom
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:20 pm

OOC: Yep, this slowed down a bit. Chris has gone away for a few days :(
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:35 am

OOC: Hey guys I am back! Lets get this RP moving again shall we?


Before showing Ashina what he had found in the cabin Ethrador wanted to speak to Beeleez-Ra about what had been happening. The Bosmer walked over to where his friend was talking to the ship Captain. ''Sorry can I borrow my friend here for a second?'' The Captain smiled and nodded. ''Hey buddy, it may seem bad that I'm trying to take over this ship but it is for the best. We can get back to Cyrodill easier so you will be able to look for Silvertail. Oh and I didn't harm the slave girl in any way, that I promise you.'' Ethrador knew that Ashina had to be shown the loot soon so he tapped Beeleez-Ra on the shoulder reasuringly and walked over to the Dunmer.

''C'mon follow me.'' Ethrador crept down into the cabin quitely not trying to attract attention from people on the boat. The two walked over to the dusty chest and slowly pulled it open. A smile came across Ashinas' face as she saw what the chest contained. ''Pretty good don't you think?'' Ethrador chuckled. ''So, shall we capture this ship now or wait? Surely the crew will become suspicous of us soon enough.'' Ethrador awaited the Dunmer's reply.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 am

IC: Ashina looked down into the chest, her eyes scanning the weapons for any possible problems. She found none, and against her better judgement she picked out a war axe for herself, holding it in her hand to check how it was balanced. Ethrador was tempted to do the same, but didn't. Ashina herself quickly came to her senses and clutched the axe to her chest, before turning to the Bosmer.
"Are you insane? We're not even in the middle of the river yet!"
"What's the matter?" the captain called from the deck. Ashina jumped.
"Nothing," she hissed, letting the axe hang by her side. She gazed down upon it, seeing that arguing with Ethrador would only delay the ship's capture, which was her idea. "Fine, then. Help yourself to weapons. Bring some up to the Dres whilst I keep the captain busy."
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:37 pm

Knowing it would be the best idea to agree with Ashina and go along with her plans, Ethrador nodded at her command. He then proceeded to open the large cupboard next to the chest. A grin came across Ethradors' face as he looked at the contents inside. ''Bingo.'' Ethrador said to himself quietly. The Bosmer was very pleased with the selection of armor available to don, during his adventuring days in the woods he would use leather but the chainmail in the cupboard would be suited better for the closer combat his group had been involved in. Ethrador stripped himself from the tattared and destroyed cuirass he was currently wearing. He noticed that his muscle definition on his body had improved quite noticeably. Wow I should fight the Legion more often if these are the results, Ethrador thought to himself with a cocky smile. He noticed Ashina looking at him in a way that it was normal for her to see half naked men standing in front of her. Ethrador couldn't tell if she was impressed or not. After about 5 seconds of her staring Ethrador slipped on the chainmail, he was getting a little uncomfortable of the situation.

Ethrador began to ruffle through the chest looking for weapons that the Dres mercenaries could use. All of them were archers wearing light armor but Ethrador knew that long ranged combat wasn't ideal for this ambush. He came to the conclusion that giving them shortsword's was the best choice. ''Okay this will do.'' The Bosmer assured himself confidently. ''I'm ready when you are Ashina.'' The Dunmer simply motioned her hand to the ladder and together they went up to the top deck. Ashina made sure the captain didn't catch Ethrador whilst he was issuing the Dres mercenaries weapons. ''I hope these are alright?'' The Bosmer asked the Dres, they all responded with a nod in sequence. ''Right good good, when I get rid of the captain we will start our attack from there, got it?'' Once again the mercenaries just nodded, Ethrador decided to speak to these people with more aggression in his voice so his point could be put across effectively.

In his heart Ethrador liked the captain, he was a friendly man who would of been a nice friend. But he knew that for the sake of the group the captain needed to be gotten rid of. The Bosmer had a plan that would get him out of their way without resorting to violence. Ethrador rushed over to the side of the boat. ''Captain! Captain! Come quick, look at this!'' The captain came sprinting over leaving his first mate to control the wheel. ''What is it my friend?'' He looked over the edge peering into the murky river. Ethrador then whispered to him, ''I'm sorry for this.'' With his apology the Bosmer kicked the helpless Argonian off the boat and into the river. Ethrador felt guilt swell up inside of him and was ashamed of what he did but realized it was the only way without harming him. The Dres mercenaries drew their swords and prepared for battle. However Ethrador decided he wanted to avoid combat at the moment, he was not in a good mood.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:42 pm

IC: Ashina, however, had other ideas. She heard the Argonian fall into the water, and at once rushed onto the deck, not even using her feet to climb the ladder, and cried out.
"Gahchiruhn, gahkogokhan, Resdayn, Nerevar!" The Dres swept the dhow of its crew in seconds, leaping over the cargo, the railings, and cutting the sails into ribbons. The crew, darting around to escape, knocked over pottery, glass, ebony, and bottles of alcoholic drinks, and, as they tossed about fireballs, it was a dangerous combination.
Ashina herself stopped a sailor from launching a spell straight at a pool of oil, bringing her foot down hard on his, and cutting his throat as he screamed, kicking him into the river as he tried to breathe. Ethrador did not look pleased, but Ashina barked at him. "What? Ahzirr traajijazeeri, as the Renrij say!" she cried, with some feeling, a strike from the side almost knocking her off balance.
It was Nirabi, thrown into her by the strongest of the crewmen, an Argonian man who was considerably taller than her, who had pulled a knife and now marched towards the two of them.
"Ashkhan! Molag, molag!" Nirabi cried, scrambling to escape as soon as she put her hand in the pool of oil, having created a magical flame in her palm. Ashina hissed, even her feet, used to walking in the Ashlands, not willing to stay where they were as the flames engulfed the stern of the ship. She could have knocked Nirabi unconscious for her stupidity, but, looking back at the Argonian crewman, she saw that Nirabi's quick thinking had paid off. The Argonian was gone, the only evidence of his existence being the splash of something light, presumably his knife, in the river.
"Ethrador! Don't let Nirabi out of your sight!"

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

Hello guys. I've been pressured by my good friends Gallow and Chirsco to join, so I will! ^_^ Just to let you guys know I'm an experianced RPer so I know what I doing.

Chracter Information;
Name; Gavin Artois
Race; Human (Bretonnian)
Gender; Male
Age; Late 50s
Hair; Long, red
Eyes; Green

Gavin Artois is the current Knight Commander of the Knights of the Nine and a veteran from the Great Oblvion Crisis. More will be reveiled about him during posting. I don't wanna give away anything. not fun like that. lol

"What am I doing?" Gavin thought, sitting at the window of the room he rented at the tavern in the local town of Quianxnixa. A desk, which on it was the note he was writing, blew slightly in the draft. He had turned to his right and leaned on his right elbow to look out of the window. The smell of the swamp and river water assulted his nostrils. He had been thinking for a while now, leving his notes unfinished.
"Traveling at my age?" he sighed. He knew he was getting old. His old days were behind him. He was not the young adventure he was during the Great Oblvion Crisis. He now was the Knight Commander of the Knights of the Nine. Not some travling Paladin. How old was he now, he though? 50? 60? He shook his head. He could not remember. He could feel the wrinkles in his face. He looked at his right hand. His taned skin showed the wearyness of a used, old hand.
The opening of the rooms' door startled him. By refelx, his hand shot to his sword hilt, which was in it's scabbad. he need not have worried.
"Only me, Sir." said the newcomer.
Gavin sighed, then laughed.
"Don't scare me like that, Gobad." he said lightly.
"Sorry sir," said the Orc, the loyal Captain and Second-in-Command of the Knights of the Nine and great friend to him. "I should have knocked."
Gavin sighed and look out the window again. He heard Gobad aproch.
"Somthing wrong, Sir?"
"...Why are we here, Gobad?"
"Umm." said the Orc. "We are hear to spread word of the Nine and fight evil, helping the innocent whereever they need it most."
"Yes, but why me?"
"I'm getting too old for this, Gobad. I can't go galavanting off with the young Knight Errants. That's the job for the other Knights. I should be at a desk writing books and looking after things back at the Proiry. I'm not a warrior. Not any more."
"Sir. I don't mean to sound like I'm svcking up to you, but you should have more confidance. You are a great warrior and the person to re-vived the Knights of the Nine."
"No, you don't undersand, Gobad."
Gavin stood up. He flexed his body, doing the exersies needed to stay fit. Gobad looked confused.
"Humans at my age should not be so felxible and agile. Why does my body not wither?" Gavin said,
"Sir. Over the years you have kept fit. That must be why."
Gavin sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands.
"No... Sothing is wrong."
"I should not be this fit... Not at my age. Somthing..." He left the sentance open.
"Sir. I think maybe your just tierd from your journy. Shall we begin to press on. A little work will you do you good."
"Your right, Gobad."
As Gavin stood up, there was somthing at the back of his mind that told him somthign was not right.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:21 am

Andi continued to dart down corridor after corridor, carrying his books under one arm and his beautiful new sword hanging from his waist, "oh no, must be lost" he cried as he stopped to catch his breath, "we've been running and running through every doorway, every arch and down every corridor. I can't take this much longer".

He looked down the hall, then turned around and looked down the way he had come, "It looks the same, its exactly the same each way! Where is it taking me? It's not fair!
He looked down the passage each way with a puzzled look on his face, as if forgetting the way he had originally come. "gotta run this way! he took off down the hall, his cape flapping about behind him. He came across a small room that seemed like a small kitchen, but with a table with weird liquid containers and some sort of organic specimens. Thinking it was an ordinary kitchen, he went in to look for some water to drink. He was so very thirsty, he saw a pitcher of waster on the table, and grabbed it and took a sip, hmmm it tasted funny he thought. But he needed to keep moving so he left the room and kept running down the hall.

"Ahhh what did I drink, it makes me feel funny" he was not feeling very well after drinking the water, "ohh dear, deary me, we shouldn't have drank that funny liquid from the funny kitchen, it makes us feel funny" he continued running down the hall, starting to stumble about as he ran. The next room he came across was a storage room of some sort, but he desperately needed to sleep, he was so tired he would pass out if he kept running. So he went into the room and hide under a cupboard and using his cape to hide himself he drifted off to sleep............
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:33 pm


I've been pressured by my good friends Gallow and Chirsco to join

No, you haven't, you're someone we don't know who posted so other people will be encouraged to join. Get it right :D


Where did you go? ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

OOC: Sorry for the long response, my computer had a major meltdown, so its in the shop, using my dads comp, if u need to get ahold of me, my email is hit me up on my email, and i can check it from my new phone. Be sure to use ur email, otherwise i can't respond. thank-you

IC: Everything happened so fast. An Argonian fell into the water, Ethrador and Ashina were fighting, and madness surrounded him. He unsheathed his broad swords and entered combat with a couple of Blackwood company members from under the deck. The only thing Beeleez-Ra could think was, I'm committing a major crime against my own people...I'll never be allowed to entire my home land again...Cyrodill better be worth this A sword came up from the deck and Beeleez-Ra jumped to the side. A spear came down and Beeleez-Ra had to quickly roll. He wasn't quick enough. The tip of the spear caught his shoulder and cried out in pain. He dropped on of the broad swords into the marsh and he growled. He knew he shouldn't but he needed that sword. He parried a second blow from the spear, and jabbed his attacker. The sword went through the Argonian's ribcage. He pulled the blade out, made sure it was safe, and jumped into the marsh. He swam down, pulled the sword from the bottom of the marsh, swam back to the surface, sheathed his two swords, and climbed aboard. The chaos was too much for his newly recuperated body. He was about to pass out. He looked over to Ethrador. He knew that Ashina asked him to keep his eyes on Nirabi, so Beeleez-Ra knew he had to allow that to happen. Another Argonian came up to him. Beeleez-Ra whipped around. The Argonian was was wearing the armor of the Knights of Argonia and his eyes went wide when he recognized Beeleez-Ra. And Beeleez-Ra mirrored him.
"Why has this one betrayed his own people?" He asked. Beeleez-Ra's eyes fell. But then he looked up, with fire in his eyes, and nnot feeling fatigued anymore.
"Because this one has sworn to protect Argonia, not the Imperials. And you are allowing that." He unsheathed both the broad swords, and knew that he was definitely not going to be allowed to enter once he reaches Cyrodill with the others.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 am

The ambush began as soon as Ethrador kicked the captain into the river. He heard Ashina shout a war cry and the Dres mercenaries started to attack the crewman of the boat. Ethrador was horrified at the ruthless killing of innocents and was especially displeased with Ashina slitting a sailors throat, nonetheless what made him feel even worse was the fact that he was the one who started the ambush and was a large part of it. Ethrador decided to not fight and let the others do the dirty work.

As the fight continued Nirabi made a possibly fatal mistake. Fire in her palm reacted with the oil split on the floor. ''Watch out! You could of set yourself alight there!'' Ethrador dragged her away from the flame as he stated his warning. In the time of a minute, the entire boat was almost on fire. Ethrador just looked at the towering blaze in shock. ''Holy [censored].'', were the only words that uttered from his mouth. He heared Ashina yell to him not to let Nirabi out of his site. Ethrador obeyed the order and kept a sharp eye on her.

As the boat was rapidly catching fire, Ethrador noticed his friend Beeleez-Ra trapped under a piece of wood next to the flame, he would surely burn to death if no-one helped him. ''Hold on buddy!'' Ethrador shouted as he rushed over to his friend. He helped the Argonian lift the heavy wood off him, it was straining on the Bosmer and took great strength to lift the wood, only the adrenaline rushing through his body made him able to save his friend. He gave Beeleez-Ra a hand and pulled him away from the flame, which was spreading and almost blew straight into the Bosmers' face.

''Thank you for saving me Ethrador, you are a great friend.'' Beeleez-Ra thanked Ethrador appropriatley.
''Anytime.'' Ethrador replied with a wink.

The boat was quickly picking up speed and was swaying side to side. The flame was enormous and the group needed to get off the dhow soon or they would become engulfed in flames. In the distance Ethrador spotted a small town with a dock, he assumed that was Quianxnixa, the village they were heading to. ''Right that is where we are going, jump off this boat when we reach the docks!'' Ashina barked her orders to the group.

The boat was starting to sink and was practically just one big fire. The group was now directly opposite the docks. Ashina once again took command of the group with her orders. ''Everyone jump now!'' The entire group jumped onto the the pier or the banks of the river next to it. The group sprinted to a safe distance away from the docks. Ethrador turned around to see the flaming dhow crash directly into the piers, it made a thundering noise and destroyed most of the docks. That was to close, Ethrador thought to himself with sweat dripping all over his body.

Ethrador took the time to observe the tiny fishing village, it wasn't much more than a swampy little port with a few shabby shacks. ''Oh this is just great isn't it.'' The Bosmer exclaimed his opinion to the group. He then turned to Ashina, who he had become dependant on in these situations. ''What in Oblivion do we do now?''
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:45 am

IC: "Never mind that!" Ashina hissed, her red eyes glaring straight at Ethrador. She almost mounted a charge, before Assamma-Idan's hand brought her to heel. She brushed it off, but stayed her ground.
"We haven't got time for her, ashkhan! If she jumped, she jumped...!"
"And if she didn't?"
"Then she'd have slowed us down!" Assamma-Idan cried, without thinking. His emotions were jangled, as he'd nearly been incinerated, but as he was loathe to admit it he did not relent, even in the face of a torrent of abuse from Ashina.
"Slowed us down? You ungrateful, uncaring, inconsiderate, treacherous, scheming s'wit! For many decades, Nirabi has been there to take work off of your shoulders! Don't you remember that long ago? When I was just a young girl, Assamma-Idan, who both cared for me and the ashkhan, when neither of us could take care of ourselves? That was when you and Sakira were nowhere to be seen, either making your plots or praying to Boethiah! Without Nirabi there to guide him, Dun-Ilu would have led the camp to disaster. Without her, Assamma-Idan..."
"Oh, yes?" Assamma-Idan sprung back into the raging debate. "Who was it the paid off your father's debt to the Zainab, before you and Sakira went and ruined it, and broke the Ashland code of honour in the process? Who was it that taught you how to fight with swords and axes? Who was it that taught you how to lead a raid? Who was it that made sure you got to do those things, Ashina, who was it that defended you and stood by you, and even when you were in your fifties carried you on my back when you got tired?"
Ashina was not one to be reminded of weakness. She slapped Assamma-Idan across the cheek, her long, painted nails scratching his skin, and stepped on his foot to hold him in place, wrapping a hand around his neck. He could smell the smoke from the burning ship on her breath as she leaned in close, and spoke in just a whisper.
"That has nothing to do with Nirabi. She does not deserve this. Perhaps I do. If you want to settle this with honour, Assamma-Idan, draw your sword, I'm open."
Assamma-Idan's eyes widened. A challenge for honour had not crossed his mind. Sport, maybe. But he had no intention of killing his ashkhan, just to prove a point that was intended to earn her respect. The two Ashlanders gazed deep into each other's eyes for a few moments, deep into Azura's curse, and deep into the history of Resdayn. Out of respect, Assamma-Idan chose to shut his eyes, and step back with a bow.
"Sunnabe, gahkhan," he muttered.
Ashina, satisfied, released him, and turned back to Ethrador, running her fingers through her hair to allow the breeze to cool her down.
"Okay...umm...well, just look for a shop or something. See what's there." Ethrador nodded with a friendly smile. Ashina smiled back, not able to help herself, the breathing of Assamma-Idan, dragging his feet through the river, in the background not spoiling the moment.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 am

Gavin picked up the peice of fruit and held it in his hadn as if all the answers to his questains was there. Here, in the open-air market at the docks in the small town, almost anything was sold. Fresh food mostly, but almost anything. Gavin was amazed that anything would grow in this lifless place, but he asumed is was imported. It had to be. He never saw any apple trees or grave vines or any other sorce where fresh food would grow.
The stall-keeper, a red scaled Argonian male, was looking at him as if he was dazed, which was true. Gavin shook his head and placed his hand in his pokect to prodce a couple of silver coins, giving them to the Argonian. The lizardnoid smiled and turned to serve another customer.
Gavin turn back to his group of Knights. yes, they were his group. After all, he was the Knight Commander of the Knights of the Nine. They all the same uniform; steel plate mail with a white cloth over the briastplate with the Red Diamond, symbol of Akatosh, and white clocks, which had been stained slight cream coloured by grass and mood over the months of travel.
To his right was the loyal Captain and friend, Gobad gro-Ulrich. He was one fo the few Knights who remebered the Oblvion Crisis many years ago, and one of the ogrinal members who re-founeded the Order. Gavin was unsure to his age, but he knew that, like himself, Gobad was old. He was, however, none the less fit and abelt to weild a weapons.
Infrount of him was the other four members of the group. They were Knight Errants, low-level Knights, fresh into servace, all young and a little nieve, but also proud and noble. There was Lynda Brineheart, a female Breton, S'Rot, a male Khajiit, Samus Leonius, a male Imperial and Takahashi Korekiyo, a Human male from a nation Gavin could not remember the name of. He was the strangest of all. His almond-shaped eyes and yellow-tinted skin was somthing not seen in Humans. Every one in the Knights always wanted to know where he came from, still, up untill now, his loyalty was not in qenston.
Not for the first time, he wondered what in Oblvion he was doing in some dung-heap of a town in the middle of Zenithar knows where. His mind flashed back to a meeting back in the Priory of the Nine sevral months ago. The desire to go out adventuring again like in his youth and the willingness ot teach some ne recruits first hand. he still wondered if it was worth it. He kind of missed the days he used to have back at Battlehorn, long days reading or studying alchemy.
"Are you OK, Gavin-sama?" asked Korekiyo.
"Yes... yes I am fine. Just a little teird. That is all."
"We have been traveling for a while. This one thinks it is great to be able to rest" exslamed S'Rot.
"Agrred." said Lynda. "We should just relax here for a few more days. I'm sure evil can wait. a while." The four Knight Errants laughed
Gavin sighed. He felt really old. These young Knights where either young or not even born during the Oblvion Crisis. They did not see Tamriel as he once saw it. They had never been to Oblvion, a trip he was willing never to make again.
"What is that?" asked Samus.
Gavin looked up and around. The dock area as well as his Knights were looking out into the river. He was nto sure, but he thought he could somthign buring in the water. Water does not burn, unless.
"A boat!" exclaimed Gobad.
"Damn it!" Gavin said. "We have investigate. There may be wouned."
They ran, following theri Knight Commander down the wooden dock port which lead into the lake and which stuck the fatherest out and was the cloest to the boat. Gavin was unble to see what was going on the deck, so he desiced to use his magical sence, bringing his hands to form signs.
"Byakugan!" he stated. His eye glowed white as his vision sored out, allowing him to see what no normal eyes could. He could sence the pusing of life all around him. He focused only on the boat and what was going on. Danger. Fighting. Hatred. Death.
"A battle" he said calmly.
That was all his Knights needed. The drew their long steel swords, readly for action. Gavin returned to his normal vision, but did not draw his blade. he was sure that the occupant where not stupid enought to spill their fight onto the street. Then again, who knew?
It was at this moment he saw that the baot was heading directly at them. He and his Knights took a couple of steps backward, theses steps turned into leaps and they threw themselves aside form the boat, which smahed right into the dock, throwing sevral epople form the buring wrekage. Gavin, dispite his old age and dispite teh fact he was wearing plate male, was up and onto his feet in no time. he ran over to some of the people thrown, a male Bosmer and female Dunmer (You guys know who, Gallow and Chirsco. :) )
"What happned? Do you require medical aid?"
(reply Gallow/Chrisco)
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 am

Hey, are you accepting new people or should I just read along with what happens :shrug:
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:35 am

OOC: Im planning on joining in as well, even though my RP-ing skills are still pretty rusty..
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:39 pm

OOC: We're always accepting new people ;)
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luke trodden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 am

Ethrador watched as Ashina and Assamma-Idan argued, he did not want to get into their affairs and decide to back off from them. That is until Ashina told him to look around for some shops, Ethrador was suprised at Ashina's tone of voice, she spoke to him in a calm manner which was suprising considering the circumstances. Before he left to have a look around, Ethrador apologized to the ashkhan. ''Erm I'm really sorry for not keeping a sharp eye on Nirabi, it was my duty and I failed, please blame me for what happened.'' He said this with shame in his voice. Ashina whipped round to him. ''Oh I do blame you. No need to ask.'' Ethrador usually expected people to accept an apology but he understood what Ashina was like, so expected her reaction.

The fact that he was tired, injured and was feeling guilty about his actions lately did not help Ethrador's mood at all. He was in a shabby little town and had no idea what his group were going to do. He tried to ignore this and instead focused on finding a shop. Ethrador spotted Beeleez-Ra lying on the ground, obviously fatigued, so he thought it would be better of not disturbing him.

As Ethrador set off to search the village he caught sight of a middle-aged man walking over towards him and the group with haste in his strides. The man was wearing absolutly magnificant armour and a wonderfully decorated white robe. He had a group of followers, who Ethrador pressumed to be Knights, on his flanks.

''What happened here? Do you require medical aid?'' Were the first words that uttered from the man's mouth.
''Urr hello sir, our boat crashed into the docks as it caught on fire, a torch fell into some spilt oil.'' Ethrador knew this was a pathetic excuse, but it was all he could think off.
''And yes I would be very greatful of your medical aid, if you don't mind.''

The Knight conjured a healing spell in his palms and gracefully casted it into Ethradors wounds. Ethrador felt much better, his energy had returned and his wounds had disapeared. Wow he is one good healer, must be a Paladin of some sort, Ethrador thought, impressed with the Knight's healing abilities. The Bosmer suddenly realised the symbol on the Knight's cuirass, it was the Red Diamond of Akatosh. It occured to Ethrador that this man could possibly of been the Divine Crusader who defeated the Aylied king and was a hero in the Oblivion crisis many years ago.

''Thanks a lot sir, may I ask who you are? The symbol on you and you're Knight's cuirass rings a bell. I'm Ethrador by the way.'' The possibility that this man could be the Divine Crusader peaked Ethrador's curiosity. He decided not to tell the man of his group being escaped prisoners, that would only lead to trouble.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:39 am

OOC: Thanks to both PaladinoftheNine and Chris for letting me control their characters.

IC: "That's the Red Diamond of Akatosh. An Akaviri symbol, I believe," Ashina hissed, walking up behind the knight. She'd rejoined Nirabi, who seemed to have been crying. There was blood splashed across her armour, but none on Ashina's hands.
"A historian?" the knight asked, jumped when the Dunmer spoke. Her face had some significance to him, but he could not ascertain who she was, although the name that the Bosmer called her was familiar.
"This is Ashina, she's...well, a Dunmer." The knight looked confused, and glanced at the Bosmer, expecting an answer. He got a grin, as Ashina snarled at Ethrador over his shoulder.
"I'm also female," Ashina said, continuing before the conversation became a staring contest. She took and kissed the knight's hand, leaving Ethrador wondering, as he could've sworn she'd seemed a bit too friendly to him before, whether that was an Ashland greeting or she just liked younger men.
"And your companion?"
"Clanholder Nirabi," Ashina replied, putting her arm around Nirabi's shoulders.
"Clanholder?" The knight asked, curiously. "Is she okay?"
"It's an Ashland title. And the flies around here like eating people. They usually avoid Dunmer, but Nirabi fell into their nest. I'm just taking her to get cleaned up."
"Go on, then, Ashina. I look forward to meeting you again," the knight said, having exhausted his ideas in trying to remember where he had seen her before. She was a Dunmer, of course. Female. And she had some connection to Vvardenfell, and the Ashlands. Her armour looked suspiciously like some weathered sort of chitin, with a V-neck and most of the arms cut away to make the armour more suitable in a warmer climate.
Ashina nodded, and took Nirabi aside, down an alleyway, heading towards the river.
The two Dunmer women walked between the green and brown mud walls of the Argonian shacks, scraping the wooden beams that had been placed there to support the otherwise weak construction with their nails as there was so little room to move.
Finally, when they arrived under the balcony of the largest shack in the town, which seemed to be a tavern judging by the sign that hung outside, which would, if the wind blew, most likely smash the only window there was, they paused.
"Did Assamma-Idan do this, Nirabi?"

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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 pm

Andi woke up to the sound of crashing, something being smashed. He poke his head out from under his cape, trying not to be spotted by anyone who may be there. He saw the room was empty so rolled out from under the cupboard and stood up, picked up his things and looked around the room to find out what the noise was. On the floor next to the door was a smashed chest of drawers, "why would they put a smashed piece of furniture in a store room? Andi thought it was a bit odd, until he realized that it wasn't a store room.

It must have been where they throw all the old furniture and junk. And if that was true then this must be a pretty inactive part of the castle. Andi left the room and made his way down the hall, ducking in and out of rooms whenever he thought he heard anyone coming. He finally came across a room that may prove to be an exit, to get out of this place he would do anything. He entered the room to see barred gate doors off to the side of the room and piles of hay on the other side. He looked out through the bars of the gate to see a horse cart outside, this was indeed Andi's way out.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

Gavin walked back over to Gobad and looked around. Gavin's other Knights, along with some locals, where helping people out of the water. Gobad also turned to Gavin, concern and confution written on the old Orcs' face.
"Somthing happned here." said Gobad.
"Arrged. The people we recused are acting supisious."
Gavin looked back at the boat, which was inbedded into part fo the wooden dock. Some locals where trying to put the flames around the pair out with buckets of water, so that the dock would not be set alight. Gavin saw not need to help. There was plenty of people and the fire was not under control.
"Untill we know otherwsie, we will treat them as people who need our help. They ar injured, and our Code requires that they receive aid. But be weary."
"Understood, Sir."
Suddenly, a shout from a man caught Gavin's attention. A Human male was running towards Ashina and Ethrandor with his sword rasied. GAvin had no idea why this man would want them dead, but he could not allow it. Instendly, his hadn shot to the hiolt of his sword, and with a fast strike, his sowrd connected not far from Ethrandors head. The two men stood weapon locked.
"Who in Oblivion are you?!" the man demaned.
"Who I am in unimportant, but I cannot allow you to bring harm to these people."
"What?" the man backed off, lowering his sword. A group of other men joined him, weapons reaied, shooting dagger-eyes at the people Gavin and his Knights just recused. They were wet also. Where they from the boat too?
Gavin lowered his weapon, the very sword useed by Pelian Whitestrake himself, so that he could speak. His other Knights had drawen their weapons and made a curle around the wet men. Gobad joined him.
"I take it you have some qarrel with these people?" Gavin asked the man to's sword he blocked, pointing to Ashina and the rest.
"Stand aside! This does nto consearn you!" demanded the man.
Gavin sighed. Why did this seem like it was going to break out into a street fight? That was the last thing he wanted, but he was also in no mood to banter words with men who dressed like they where in a rag store when an exslosiove spell whent off.
"These people, and your selves, require aid. And I mean to adminester it. I'm sure your qarrel can wait untill then."
Gavin could felt the cold sweat running down his face. He was confident that he alone could take on these men, but what about his Knights, or cavilain casulties? That he was not sure of. Think, he thought. There must be some way to avoid combat...
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:12 pm

Before heading to the Inn for a drink, Ethrador asked one of the knight's followers what his masters name was.''Erm hi, may you tell me what your master's name is?'' The young Imperial replied to this simple question in dramatic fasion.
''Gavin Artois, Knight Commadner of the Knights of the Nine and my personal hero!'' Wow all I wanted was his name, Ethrador thought.
''Err thank you sir.'' The knight smiled and nodded at Ethrador.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a group of men in raggy, wet clothes came rushing over to Ethrador and Ashina with the swords raised. At a closer glance it became appearent that the men were the crewmen who must of escaped from the boat. ''Bugger.'' Ethrador said to himself under his breath.

One of the men came straight for Ethrador, swiping his sword at the Bosmer's head. He didn't have time do unsheath his sword so instead ducked. As he did so Gavin had locked his blade with one of the attackers. Knowing that his strength was no match for Gavin's, the crewmen stepped back causing he and his group to be encircleld by the knights. Ethrador didn't want Gavin to know why the crewmen had attacked them so tried to make sure they wouldn't bring it up. After some words were shared between Gavin and the crewmen, Ethrador thought it would be necassary to ask if he could be of any help to the knights.

''Sir, could I be of any assistance right now?'' Ethrador asked Gavin with kindness in his voice, he wanted to get on his good side.
''Well first of all you could help by telling me what these people want with you?'' Gavin spoke with a strong voice, he was obviously serious.
''Oh these guys, they are a rival adventurer party, they always try to steal our loot and ruin expiditions, but rarely have they ever attacked us.'' This was not a good lie, but it was the best Ethrador could think of on the spot. By looking at the expression on Gavin's face, the Bosmer knew that the knight commander doubted he was telling the truth.
''Well whatever your problems are I forbid that fighting takes place on the street because of it!'' It seemed that Gavin was not to bothered about the excuse, he just wanted to stop violence.

One of the crewmen then spoke up and shouted at Gavin and his men. ''Oh so you're with those conniving scumbags! Well we will make sure that your blood is spilt!'' The crew then drew their swords and started to attack. Ethrador could not avoid combat so he unsheathed his blade, he decided to follow what Gavin did though seeing as he was the obviously the most skilled fighter within the people participating in the battle.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:55 pm

Okay, here goes. not sure where i start and i hope the character isn't to unrealistic :S

Name: Kenjatsu

Race: Argonian

Age: 37

Appearence: Blue scales, blue eyes and long fin-like ears

Expert-Master Skills: Magic

Novice-Journeyman Skills: Sneak and Strength

Reason for Imprisonment: Murder, Attempted Murder, Fraud, Trading Dwemer Artifacts, Trading Ebony, Smuggling, Thievery, Assassination, Spying
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 am

OOC?: Welcome to the RP Serjo Kenjatsu. Sunnabe

Oh, and thanks to PaladinoftheNine for mercilessly editing his character's backstory for the sake of the plot of this RP.

IC: "Back off...adventurer. Do you know who this is?" Ashina warned, halting the fight before it began, trying to sound as rough and ready as possible. To her surprise, it didn't suit her, and she felt like an idiot in such disciplined company.
"What I want to know is why a guy in such fancy armour is working for someone in that insect shell of yours, girlie." Ashina blinked, a little surprised. It was usually her that referred to women by their gender, as she'd been brought up mostly around Ashland men. But the weight that the Argonian put on the word implied that he'd intended to give offence.
"Well why don't you ask him?" Ashina retorted, turning to the knight before turning back to the crewman, as if checking something. "Or should I tell you?"
"Would you be happy to?" the crewman said, trying to counter Ashina's sarcasm.
"As happy as Dibella in a boy's school," the Ashlander grinned back. She changed her demeanour, though, when she turned to the knight, and began to circle him, her eyes fixed on his as far as possible, and everyone else's eyes fixed on hers. "This is a Knight of the Nine. No doubt a fine warrior of the settled people - disciplined, true, and, by their definition, noble."
"Thank you, Dunmer, for your intuitive grasp of the obvious," another crewman growled.
"He has the Red Diamond of Akatosh," Ashina continued, as if the Argonian had not spoken. "He is a knight of some value, and likely with a high rank in his order. He has been to Vvardenfell. I met him once, in Ald Velothi, after Dagoth Ur had awoken and when my tribe was at war with the Zainab. Defeating in battle near the Valley of the Wind, the commander of our warband, Assamma-Idan, led me, a young girl, into the town, thinking that the Zainab would not attack. But they did. They had been watching from a fireship offshore, and stormed the beaches that night. They overran the tradehouse, and Assamma-Idan, myself, and this man cut our way through the crowds of Zainab to freedom."
Ashina completed a circle around the knight, with no grand end to her speech. After a pause, she turned back to the crewmen, and placed her hand on the hilt of her sword.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:32 am

Damn it! Gavin though. They had got into the middle of a fight between two rival parties which was not his intention. All he wanted to do was ensure that the injured got help and the innocents didn't get hurt, but now he was involed in the fight and he would have to fight his way out. He did not care what they were fighting over, it was not his buisness, but he was not goning to allow these men to attack himself or his Knights.
Gavin blocked the attack from the lead attacker. The boatman's swings were feirce, but inexperianced. Gavin knew that he could take the man out with a single swipe, but he was hoping for a more peacefull way. He risked a look at Gobad. The Orc was fighting with another creman. He two was holding back. Gavin could see the look on the Orcs face. He did not want to kill these men either, but it might come to that. Right now, Gavin was thinking about what the Dunmer female had said. he could remember her now. The fight he was forced to make. But that was not important right now.
"I warn you!" Gavin said to the boatman. "I have no wish to hurt you, but I will if you persist."
The boatman mearly screamed his anger and attacked with renewed fury. Gavin sighed, he knew he was going to have to use force. He blocked anotehr swipe with his sword and jumped back, with his left hand, he unhooked his cloak at his neck, the claps detacthed and the white robe fell to the floor. His arms where not completly unbond, free to move. He stabed his sword into a mound of earth next to him, and, using his hands, made hand signs, which he knew would help him release the magical energy in him. This took him only a few seconds. After he made the last hand sign, he grabed his sword and blocked anotehr attack just in time. His sword now glowed blue with new magic flowing into it. With a twist of his weapon, he forced the man back, and with a counter attack, jammed the hilt into the mans right elbow. With a sickaning crunch, the bone broke. The crewman screamed in pain and with his left hand, cluched his right arm, which was now bent at a diffrent angle. He feel to the floor, with Gavin's sword next to his neck.
"Patheic." he said.
He heard another scream and looked up. Gobad had done the saem thing to one of the cremen who had attacked him and was on the floor in pain, his right arm broken. The other backed off, his face sweating.
"You down want to die, right?" Gavin shouted over. "I have no wish to kill any of you. Your patheic blood would be a stain on such holy relics."
This was more of a bluff, he knew. Deep in his heart he would not mind killing them. A couple more scum bags that the world would have less to worry about, but it was not the way of the Nine. He was trying to scare thm off, but part of him, a small part of him which he didn't like ot see, wanted bloodshed.
He wondered if that part was going to be satisfied today...

OOC; I just wanted to leave some of them alive so otehr could join the battle. Feel free to post a little before if you wanna. :)
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am

Ethrador watched the battle between Gavin, his knights and the crewmen. The crew members were easily dispatched by Gavin and his men, so easily in fact that Ethrador didn't even move from his spot, he was in awe at Gavin's fighting ability, he moved so gracefully and so quick yet combined much power in his attacks. If only I could fight like that, Ethrador thought smiling and chuckling slightly.

After Gavin and his Orc knight had severley injured two of the crewmen, the third backed off but his blade was still drawn and anger was spread across his face. It seemed like he was just looking for the best time to attack. Ethrador never understood how people could be so stupid, he realised that the crewmen would be angry but to get himself killed just out of hatred was ridiculous, Ethrador simply looked at his attacker and shook his head. Since Gavin seemingly had everything under control, Ethrador sheathed his blade and relaxed his muscles. He felt no need to get tense when it was not necassary. Actually Ethrador didn't want to fight at all, it would only increase his stress level and make him more pissed off about the current situation, he had already killed a few people since the escape and he certainly did not want to kill anymore. He actually hated killing people because you never really know who the people are, they might have a family or be a single parent. These things made him feel extremely guilty and awful inside.

All of a sudden, when Ethrador was not expecting it, the crewmen came charging straight towards him. He obviously saw the Bosmer as the best target seeing as he standing motionless thinking, as a matter of fact Ethrador wouldn't know he was being attacked if the crewmen didn't scream as he was coming towards him. The wet and raggy sailor rammed straight into the Bosmer's chest causing Ethrador to be knocked down onto the muddy, wet ground. This caused all sorts of sludge to get in his hair. Ethrador was punched in the face countless times and just as the crewman was going to bring his sword down onto him, he rolled quickly out the way. The sailor's blade met with the ground and was consequently got stuck in the mud. Ethrador seized this perfect opportunity and kicked the crewman in the stomach as he was stuck in an arched position, this attacked caused him to fall down to the ground coughing. It was difficult for Ethrador to look at this man, helpless and in pain, he knew that his guilt would come to haunt him if the crewmen was killed at his blade. Instead Ethrador clenched his fist as tight as he could, pulled back his arm and sacked the sailor straight into the jaw knocking him unconcious, but not killing him. ''That will keep him out of it for a while.'' Ethrador said to Gavin and his knights. Ethrador was, for the first time in a long time, proud of what he had did. He had the perfect opportunity to kill the man and get him out of his way but instead for once did the slightly more morally right thing. He smiled to himself, pleased with his actions. Although what he was not happy with was the gunk all in his hair and around his neck. Damnit this stuff is disgusting, Ethrador thought to whilst trying to pick it out of his hair, he hoped there was a shower around.

Due to the fact he was in a better mood, Ethrador decided to offer drinks to everyone seeing as he had some gold and didn't expect things to be overly expensive in these areas. ''Hey everyone, follow me to the Inn, drinks are on me!'' He shouted this to the group. As he strolled over to the Inn he caught Nirabi looking upset, Ashina was next to her. ''Hey are you alright Nirabi? C'mon lets get a drink, I'm sure they have some Mazte or Sujamma.'' Ethrador thought he would continue being nice to people, seeing as he was in a good mood which likely would not last long. As Ashina and Nirabi looked up at him he gave a friendly grin and proceeded into the Inn. ''Can I have a bottle of Ale please good sir, I have had a LONG day.'' Ethrador asked the barkeeper emphasising on the word long.
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