Ethrador took a quick peek into the wilderness and the area surrounding it. By the looks of it, except from the shabby little town he was currently in, there was no other sign of a town or city in sight. Ethrador guessed that he was so used to seeing the Imperial City spire from almost wherever he was in Cyrodill that it felt odd to feel so isolated. In fact it actually made Black Marsh feel bigger than his home, even though it was only half the size. The Bosmer also took note of the fact that there were no roads out into the forest, nothing but trees and all sorts of flora. The only way to get in or out of Quianxnixa was by boat, and that possibility was shattered. In truth Ethrador had guilt pains from destroying the docks, for most of the townsfolk made a living by getting paid by shipmasters who would pay to dock up their boat, and the only safe way to get food was from it being shipped by boats sailing along the river. The only positive factor was that it would stop pirates smuggling illegal goods.
After inspecting the local area, Ethrador strolled back into the main plaza of the town. As he was doing so a skinny and malnourished female Argonian beggar tugged on the Bosmer's trouser leg. Ethrador jumped back in fright as he saw the beggar's face. Her eyes looked lifeless, there were execrable scars all over her face. To put it simply, she looked like a living corpse. Though what Ethrador caught sight of next to her was worse. There was a little Argonian boy, laying next to his mother. He had the same facial expression as woman.
''Please, please can you help us, please just something?'' The beggar struggled to talk and started coughing violently. Ethrador was fuming that no-one would bother to help these people
''By the gods whats wrong? Here please take some money.'' Ethrador took 10 gold out of his pouch and handed it softly into the Argonian's hands, he then gave her a bottle of water and two apples. ''You need this food and drink, please keep it, I'll be able to sort my self out. The gold I gave you should get you a room at the Inn just round the corner over there.''
''Oh thank you, you're a wonderful man. We need more people like you. Seht blesses you.'' The two Argonians then limped over to the Inn, the way in which they hobbled showed they were in pain.
''No need to thank me, just get your self cleaned up.'' Ethrador was going to head back into the Inn anyway, thus he decided to walk with them. He was confused as to who Seht was, but just accepted the blessing. God I hate this place. Ethrador thought, upset with what he had just encountered.
As Ethrador got within range of the Inn he heard the sound of glasses smashing amongst other clamorous sounds. He was about to dart inside to investigate the Inn before Ashina appeared outside with Nirabi and a Bosmer, who Ethrador had not seen before. He was quick to question Ashina of the situation.
''What happened in there? I heard the sounds of glass smashing.''
"A guard walked in and bent over.'' Ashina replied, unbothered about the situation.
''Sorry?'' Ethrador responded to Ashina with a puzzled tone. It seemed to be becoming frequent that he would struggle understanding the Dunmer.
''To be simple, Nirabi broke a guards neck.''
''Wait a guard! Do they know of us? Sh*t we gotta get out of here, soon enough they will know where we are.'' Ethrador started to panic, word would only spread of the group's location.
"Of course they know, we just ruined a century's work in Black Marsh." Ashina replied, stating the obvious. Making Ethrador feel a little silly.
''Well we gotta get out of here, pronto! Oh and you might want to get a weapon, if we're leaving soon.'' Ethrador just remembered the Bosmer standing with Ashina and Nirabi. ''Why hello there, I'm Ethrador. Who might you.....'' Ethrador was cut off his introduction by the sound of swords clashing. He swiftly turned over to the docks where he understood the noise was coming from. At a closer glance the Bosmer noticed that the two men fighting were two Argonians, one of them Beeleez-Ra!
Ethrador briskly jogged to a closer position, where he could nock a few arrows at the Argonian Beeleez-Ra was fighting, without being to close to the fray. The first arrow shot was not a good aim at all, it actually was closer to hitting Beeleez than his enemy. Nonetheless it served some purpose as it distracted the Argonian causing him to turn to Ethrador, a foolish move to say the least. The Bosmer concentrated much more on his next shot, tightly gripping the string and lining up the arrow the best he could. As he released the string the arrow flew through the air gracefully but with speed and precision. The Argonian's face wrenched up in pain as the projectile pierced his calf. Beeleez-Ra's enemy fell to the floor crippled, in excrutiating pain. Beeleez said some words to the Argonian and then finished him off with a powerful blow to the face. Ethrador looked away when this happened, watching a man be killed was never a nice sight and he was personally upset that once again another person had been killed.
''What started this? Do you know this man? Are you alright friend?'' Ethrador barraged Beeleez-Ra with a heap of questions, curious to know what in Oblivion was going on. He threw his Bow and Arrow onto his back, awaiting a reply from his friend.
OOC: If you're not happy with the way I ended my post Quelderin, then just tell me and I'll edit it