Blackrose - a new roleplay

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:38 pm

IC: Ashina screamed. The hist sap rushed into her mouth, and, knowing its magical properties, she immediately grabbed the side of the moat and pulled her head above the surface with the help of a narrow ledge, and spat out what she had almost swallowed with a shudder at the thought of what it might have done to her non-Argonian constitution. Letting her irrational imagination free, she pictured herself with fins, tails, and scaly skin, before slipping back into the hist sap at the sounds of approaching feet. She saw the Imperial that had made her jump, sinking to the bottom in his heavy armour, along with the others who still had their heads, who seemed to have been thrown around by a powerful magical force.
She kicked her legs, finally trying to work out how to swim. She didn't know if it was even possible, as this part of the root system was above the ground, but she could try. It must have some use, or the moat would be pointless. The fortress was already on an island.
She began to tread water, although she was beneath the surface, trying to copy the movements of the dreugh from her homeland. To her surprise, it was successful, so she continued, gradually building momentum and coordination until it felt like it was natural to swim in such a bizarre manner, in such a bizarre liquid. In fact, it was rather easy when Ashina was in the shade. There was less heat to keep the hist sap as adhesive as it usually was, so any passengers could freely move their arms and legs without it becoming any harder. Ashina did a twirl, just to prove that theory, before she continued, realising that she didn't need to come up for air despite the fact she was not an Argonian. It became obvious that the hist sap served the prison in some way, and that it was probably transport.
It didn't move, although when Ashina reached the corner of the moat she realised why. There was some machine there, a system of cogs and gears, that was connected to a grate on the wall, which Ashina, out of curiosity, peered into. Inside was a fan. Ashina was clearly heading the wrong way, but, not about to go back, she continued on for another few moments as the hist sap became harder to move through as she got further away from the shadow of the main building. She did not seem to be getting any closer to the shadow of the wall, either, so after another few moments she raised her head above the surface, and clambered onto another narrow ledge. There seemed to be a few of them, scattered along the moat, which now appeared to be more of a canol. She then, with several attempts, leapt up and grabbed the rim that she used to pull herself back to ground level. The hist sap slipped off of her like arrows against ebony, and she found herself face-to-face with a small Argonian settlement, apparently still within the prison walls.
It was nothing but a collection of wooden beehive houses, which could serve as homes for perhaps five or more people, and tents made out of the skin of reptiles from the swamps, that reflected the light in a brilliant display of colours. But Ashina did not have time to look at the architecture. There was a twang, and a peasant's arrow was sent straight for her heart.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:13 am

Beeleez-Ra opened his eyes, slowly and didn't recognize where he was. He sat up and saw the others, though they were unfocused. He looked around and saw his Bosmer friend, Ethrador and he smiled. He stood up and dusted himself of. He looked at his friend and wondered if he would actually help him to find Silvertail. He had a flashback to the last time he trusted somebody.

In the library, Beeleez-Ra was looking at the different books and found a book called The Book of Deadra. He pulled out the book and looked around. He knew it was bad, but he wanted to learn more about a Daedra prince or princess. He stole the book and Bimseel came over. He saw the book and the next thing Beeleez-Ra knew, he was thrown out of the Knights of Argonia guild. He even asked Bimseel not to tell and Bimseel said he wouldn't. Beeleez-Ra lost his trust in people that day.

He knew that he shouldn't trust this one, but he, like with Ashina, had a strange feeling that he could trust Ethrador. Seeing that they were the only ones around, he went to ask the biggest favors he has ever asked anyone.

"Ethrador...This one has a major request for you. After we catch up with the others, and lead them to safety, will you accompany me to finding my should-have-been mate? Her name is Silvertail. After we find her, this one owes you his life."
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:54 pm

Dolan saw Zi'Jar running at him, quite visibly handcuffed. He grabbed the broken plating from one of the deceased guards and used it to snap the chain, leaving Zi'Jar free to fight any guards he pleased with both arms. Returning to the matter at hand, Dolan was given time to deal with the corpses. Pulling through with his puppetry yet again, Dolan summoned up the nearest prisoner. He could feel through the strings that he was good with a blade, but there was little time to act. Instead, he removed the two arrows recently launched in his chest by a surprised guard. The arrows did little to actually hurt any guards, but Dolan realized that the arrows didn't do the same for thee corpse. An idea formed.

"All right, all right all right allright," Dolan mumbled as he took more corpses and reanimated them. The more corpses he controlled, the less he actually controlled them individually; they became shambling nothings. Dolan piled them together, forming a wall of dead, and pushed them forwards as violently as he could, sweeping the guards down and leaving them easily exposed as they slashed at and threw arrows into them to no avail. It was a human battering ram, allowing the other prisoners a clear shot at them.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:52 pm

Ethrador smiled when Beeleez-Ra awoke. ''Haha I knew you would make it buddy!'', Ethrador said to his friend happily. He helped up the Argonian from the ground and gave him some water to drink. The Bosmer looked over towards the others, they seemed to be handling themselves comfortably enough so Ethrador decided he would stay with Beeleez-Ra. Beeleez-Ra seemed to be sitting emotionless as if he was in deep thought about something. Whats going on with him? Ethrador thought. He waved his hand infront of the Argonian to get his attention. ''You okay friend? You seemed troubled about something?'', Ethrador asked Beeleez-Ra."Ethrador...This one has a major request for you. After we catch up with the others, and lead them to safety, will you accompany me to finding my should-have-been mate? Her name is Silvertail. After we find her, this one owes you his life.'' Was the Argonian's reply. Ethrador put his hand on the Argonians' shoulder and in a supportive tone of voice replied, ''My friend, in the little time we have known with each other we have been through a lot, we fought in the Arena together, we escaped together and we teamed up together to help the other prisoner's. Now we will look for you lover together, I need to return the favour from when you helped me escape. Besides I know what it is like to be deprived of your lover, I have not seen my wife ever since I have been in Blackrose. I was taken here without even being able to say goodbye to her. My only goal is to get back to her and raise a family, something we were planning to do before the errr accident''. The Bosmer said the last part of his speech to Beeleez-Ra with much sadness in his voice, he even let out a little tear.

After getting over his emotion's Ethrador sighed and turned around to Beeleez-Ra, ''Right what direction do we head off to then friend? Oh and take some coins I found in the Wardens' office. It might buy you some information on where to find Silvertail''. Ethrador tried to say this to the Argonian with some enthusiasm in his voice to make himself feel slightly happier, he also handed Beeleez-Ra 100 gold pieces .

OOC: Sorry for the short post but I couldn't think of much to write due to the situation.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:13 pm

OOC: Could everyone please get out of the prison within their next five posts or so? If this is a problem, tell me.

IC: Ashina fell down, breathless. The hot explosion of pain from the impact of the arrow had left her paralysed by the shockwaves across her entire body. She collapsed into a kneeling pile on the floor, with one outstretched hand held up as a vain protection from any second shot that the Argonian might have made. But, as it turned out, the Argonian only had the one arrow. He did not have another to shoot. But still, he pulled a knife and bounded towards Ashina, his helpless Dunmer prey, slaver and mistress of the Argonian genocide in Cyrodiil, with the steel flashing in the sunlight. With an intelligible war cry of some ferocity, his charge brought the village out to see what the cause of the commotion was, and, unwittingly, it led them to the slaughter.
A second war cry rang out above that of the Argonian, and the sheer number of voices drowned out even the Argonian's incredible volume. In a mad exaltant rush, from the forests and the canols were carried forth a forest of armed men, with bristling spears and raised shields note of their intent. They sprinted as fast as wildfire across the dry earth, clouds of dust rising and falling like the crests of waves behind them, and like a thunderstorm they engulfed and rained down on the Argonian settlement with fire and sword.
Like water in a rat race, they washed down each alleyway, through every field, over every fence, and their momentum drove them onto the rooftops, through windows, and to break down doors with feet, heads, weapons, and fists. They represented the rising blood tide, as they purged each hut of its inhabitants in an almost cannibalistic orgy of slaughter.
Lightning arced and cracked in the sky, peasants screamed and ran for safety, fireballs caught light on the dry thatch and blazing infernos took command of the homes and buildings that once echoed with laughter. Ashina looked on, recognising soldiers of her army when she saw them, although the battle looked bizarre from her horizontal view of things. She saw women and children running, and mounted Dunmeri riders on horned alit in netch leather bras and reins chasing them down whilst others fought a running battle with the Argonian and Imperial defenders in the streets and alleyways. She blinked. Her view had shifted. Now she saw houses burning, the magical fires making short work of the pathetic attempts of the Argonians to build out of salvaged wood. She blinked, and her view had shifted again. Now she was facing back to the canol, somehow.
This was weird. She had not turned her head. Had she began to slide towards the village? Across flat ground? Was something magically pulling her? Was she going to go unconscious? No. Assamma-Idan spoke. She realised she was being pulled.

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:27 pm

OOC: Of course!

I'm about tired of prisons anyways. :P


With his shackles broken, Zi'jar was free to do as he pleased. He spotted a fallen guard, and in his hand was a steel shortsword. Zi'jar rushed to it, grabbing it with one hand and seamlessly continued charging the guards Dolan had recently knocked down with his 'toys'. He pushed one such guard aside, slashing across the bodies of three on the ground. The first guard was lucky; the blade just scratched his armor as it glided across. The second wasn't so lucky. The blade caught his throat, slicing through it with ease.

The third guard had his shield up to block the swing by the time it made it to him. He knocked it away, grabbing Zi'jar's open arm. He pulled down hard, but Zi'jar pulled back, thrusting his sword through the guards wrist. He screamed in agony.

"Let me go!" Yelled Zi'jar as he kicked the side of the guard's helmet. It was effective, but he immediately regretted it as his own foot was wrought with pain. He bit down on his lip to avoid yelling and attracting more attention. He looked up, and he saw a side entrance; presumably for food and other materials to be brought in. He ran towards it, threw open the door, and jumped out into the freedom of Black Marsh. (Ironic, no?)

Down a slight incline was a bridge, and under that, a moat. Zi'jar spotted Ashina climbing out and towards a small settlement. He was on his way down when he saw Ashina was downed by an arrow. His pace quickened as he rushed to his fallen comrade.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 am

Andi put his book down and looked out through his bars into an empty prison. There was nobody left in his cell block to whom he could read Sheogorath's poems to.
Any guards left were pre-occupied trying to hunt down and catch the escapees, it was now Andi's turn to flee.

He looked around the outside of his cell to find anything he could use to get out, and saw a dead guard lying within an arms reach of his cell. He put his arm through the bars and grabbed on to the guards ankle and pulled him towards the bars. After a minute of searching the guard he found a set of keys to the cells, and unlocked his cell.

Andi needed to be smart about his escape, he was not a fighter and had no intention in getting into any fights. He gathered up his books and secured them in a stack with the dead guards belt and slung the books under his arm. He took the guards boots, then realized they would make far too much noise so he dropped them. It was now time for him to quietly slip out of his cell, he looked around and slowly pushed the cell door open. It creaked for a second and then it was open, Andi cautiously sneaked out of his cell and towards the cell block door, hoping he could get his special cape from the small room the guards kept all the prisoner's confiscated belongings.
He slunk into the empty guard post, stepping over dead bodies, until he came to the room named 'possession lockup', he quietly crept into the room and over to the cupboard. And there it was, his cape, his magicka cape. Without this small black hooded cape Andi was unable to do what little spells he was capable of. Andi had learned some illusion and alteration spells from his aunt when he was a kid, he may have been a kid when he learned them but he has made a lot out of those spells.

He threw the cape over himself and said "Hi, I've missed you". Although the cape did not reply to Andi's greeting, he knew the cape missed him too. The cape was made especially for Andi by his aunt when he was young, it was made to suit Andi's personality and his mind. If anyone else were to wear the cape, it would be an ordinary piece of cloth.
Once the cape was on, Andi picked up his books and slipped out of the lockup. He crept back through the guards room and out the door on the opposite side of the room hugging his books under his arm.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 am

IC: Assamma-Idan dragged Ashina inside as the battle swept the village clean of its inhabitants. As the Ashland reivers continued the pursuit of the fleeing defenders and their families over the low wall that formed the village's boundary, they left the streets almost deserted save for a few guards and Nirabi, who held open the entrance to one of the swamp lizard-scale tents for the gulakhan and ashkhan.
Assamma-Idan laid his groaning commander on a straw mat beneath a stone lantern, and she lay there, twisting and turning in pain, her bloodsoaked abdomen bandaged with a silk sash on Nirabi's orders, as Assamma-Idan washed his hands.
"Sakira..." Ashina asked. "Where's Sakira?"
"She's not here," Nirabi replied, urging Ashina to lay back down. "Don't worry, we have bottled magics. It'll be alright, the arrow didn't hit your heart."
"No, really?" Ashina hissed, although it was quiet. "What bottled magic?" she turned to Assamma-Idan. "Well?"
"It's just a standard healing potion we bought from an Argonian shaman...for a ridiculous price."
"Treacherous lizard probably sold you poison!"
"He drank some, Ashina, and so did we. And we're okay. Just lay back and drink, and don't think about the arrow."

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:16 pm

Beeleez-Ra looked at the gold, hate filling his heart. They have had money this entire time!? Those..those...N'WAH!! The Blackwood Company and my kinsman could have given money to the poor. He felt even worse for using the Dunmer language. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. He looked at Ethrador.
"I'm only taking half. You keep the other half, so then you can repair your weapons and armor. Besides, you have helped me escape as well. You deserve it." Beeleez-Ra took only 50 of the gold coins and left the rest for his friend. He pocketed the gold then his ears picked up the sound of metal clashing with metal. There was a sudden blaze in the distance and the smell of smoke filled his nostrils. He turned his head towards the sounds of distress and saw a column of black smoke. His heart fell as he realized it was an Argonian settlement. He charged at the city, leaving Ethrador behind. He slid and ran back towards Ethrador.
"Come, this is where we begin our search for Silvertail, we need to help this village." He grabbed his friends wrist, threw him up over his shoulder, giving him a piggy-back ride, and ran towards the village.
"Sorry, but we will be there quicker with Argonian feet." He chuckled at his third joke and continued towards the village. After about ten minutes of running, the duo came upon the village. Beeleez-Ra set down Ethrador and looked around. Houses were burning, the dead littered the streets. Beeleez-Ra unsheathed both his swords and cautiously continued into the settlement. A Dunmer warrior spotted Beeleez-Ra.
"HERE'S ANOTHER ONE!" He shouted. The Dunmer charged at Beeleez-Ra, sword raised. This is going to be much more challenging then in the arena or prison he thought with glee. Beeleez-Ra swung one of the swords and it was parried. Then the Dunmer swung his sword and Beeleez-Ra went to parry with one sword. However, the force of the blow forced him to use the other sword. Beeleez-Ra pushed with all his might and the Dunmer stumbled backwards. He smiled.
"I'm going to enjoy killing you. What's your name, Argonian slug?"
"Beeleez-Ra, Knight of Argonia, protector of the weak. And it will be I who will kill you." Beeleez-Ra charged at Dunmer, and the battle continued. The sound of clashing metal was starting to give Beeleez-Ra a headache. I've got to finish this... Beeleez-Ra charged again, this time making a mistake. He jabbed both swords and the Dunmer sidestepped, then slashed out. The blade went across his back, but not deep enough to be fatal. Beeleez-Ra cried out in pain. The Dunmer laughed. Beeleez-Ra gasped for breath as he stood up. He turned around, and looked at the Dunmer. The Dunmer stopped laughing. Beeleez-Ra gripped the swords and focused on the healing spell that his father taught him when he was younger. Blue sparks started to dance around the wound, but it only cleared away the blood and reattached the muscles so he could move without causing pain. He was going to have that scar forever. Beeleez-Ra stretched his neck to the left and right, cracking it. He then went into the warrior stance, his left arm outwards, holding the sword pointed at the Dunmer, and his right arm over his head. His knees were bent, and ready for a charge.
"Why are you continuing to fight?" The Dunmer asked.
"Because I am a Knight of Argonia, and I will not tolerate you Dunmer from destroying this settlement." The Dunmer seemed impressed with his valor.
"So be it. You will die here, Beeleez-Ra, Knight of Argonia." The Dunmer charged, sword raised. The Dunmer swung his sword and Beeleez-Ra parried, then quickly lashed out with his other sword. The Dunmer jumped back. Beeleez-Ra's sword hit the ground, spraying dirt upwards. The Dunmer brought his sword above his head again and slashed downwards, this time the tip of the sword scratched from the top of Beeleez-Ra's left eyebrow down, missing his eye(which Beeleez-Ra thanked Vaermina for) and stopped halfway down his cheek. Beeleez-Ra kicked the Dunmer back and sheathed the sword in his right hand. He held his right hand to his eye and repeated the spell. Blue sparks danced around that wound but there was noting to reattach. He removed his hand and grabbed his swords hilt and unsheathed it. He started panting and realized that he used up a lot of his energy healing his wounds. I can't keep up like this. I definitely underestimated this one. He sighed, knowing he has failed his homeland as a knight. He looked around, feeling the heat of the fire for the first time. Tears formed in his eyes as he saw the dead Argonians lie in the street. He knew that this was the work of Vaermina, his daedric princess. He sheathed both his swords, closed his eyes, knelt on the ground, and, in the daedric language, prayed to Vaermina.
"I believe you have a plan, and I, as a faithful follower of you, will offer my life to fulfill your plan. If I am to die here because you wish it, then so be it. Please just grant me this one request. Please protect Ethrador, Ashina, the imperial who is a necromancer, and the Khajit, and Silvertail. Please just put them in your loving brace and let them live." He opened his eyes, and slowly stood up. He reached over his back, grabbed the hilt of the swords and unsheathed them. The Dunmer's arms dropped and he looked at Beeleez-Ra with a strange expression.
"You haven't landed a single blow on me and I have given you two scars. Why do you still wish to fight me?" Beeleez-Ra stated the oath that he had to give when he was initiated into the Knights of Argonia brotherhood.
"As long as this one breaths and holds a blade, thy shall not falter. Till my last breath, I shall fight all enemies of Argonia, thy shall not falter." He felt the strength of his fallen brethren fill him, replenishing his own strength as well.
"Unbelievable..." was the Dunmer's reply. Beeleez-Ra stood ready, knowing that this could be his last battle.....
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:30 pm

It seemed that Beeleez-Ra could see something in the distance, Ethrador turned his head to see what it was. The Bosmer was shocked as he saw building's on fire and black smoke rising up into the air. The Argonian pointed out towards the inferno in the distance and said that they should start the search for Silvertail there and in an instant Beeleez-Ra hoisted Ethrador on to his shoulder giving him a piggy back ride. Beeleez-Ra stated that it would be quicker getting to the village on Argonian feet, Ethrador agreed seeing as how much he hated the terrain.

Once the two finally reached their destination the whole settlement was utterly destroyed, but what horrified Ethrador the most was the bodies of Argonian's all over the streets. These people must of been some nasty ruthless killers, Ethrador thought pondering on who could of caused all this destruction. As Beeleez-Ra lay the Bosmer down he was shouted at by a Dunmer, the Dunmer started to attack the Argonian. Ethrador would of helped but another Dunmer came screaming towards him from behind. The Dunmer thrusted upwards however Ethrador could see this coming so ducked, as he did so the Dunmers' abdomen was now exposed, Ethrador punched him there to wind him. This move made his opponent slow and fatigued therefore making it easier from Ethrador to dodge his attacks. The more the two continued to fight the Dunmer got more tired and the Bosmer got more momentum making the battle easier for him. The Dunmer was now on his last legs, he was breathing heavily and looked as if he was going to pass out. Ethrador would feel bad about killing such a helpless opponent so he offered him a choice. ''If you lay down your weapon now I will spare your life, please give up or you will die.'' The Dunmer just looked at Ethrador with hatred and said, ''You think I am some sort of pathetic wimp?'' With that statement he rushed at the Bosmer lazily attempting to thrust his sword into his throat. ''Not a wimp, just a fool.'' Ethrador replied. He side stepped the Dunmers' poor attempt at a thrust, he grabbed his arm, put in behind his enemys' back and broke it causing the Dunmer to drop his weapon. The helpless Elf howled in pain as Ethrador took him over to a tree and started to slam his face into it. The Dunmers' face now had bits of wood stuck in it and was blood covered. Ethrador thought of finishing him off with one more mighty blow from his sword but it was pointless as the Dunmers' lifeless body fell to the floor. ''Stupid Elf,'' Ethrador said to himself shaking his head. He was confused as to why he would continue to fight when he was clearly defeated. He took the Elf's sword as it was in better condition then his own.

Ethrador noticed that Beeleez-Ra and the other Dunmer were still fighting. Ethrador thought himself lucky as his opponent was small, weak and armorless. On the other hand Beeleez-Ra's opponent was large, obviously expierienced in combat and had good quality armor. It seemed that the Argonian was being defeated and would probably be killed if no-one helped him. As Beeleez-Ra was losing his balance it looked like the Dunmer he was fighting was going to finish me with one powerful blow. ''Hold on Beeleez!''. Ethrador shouted to his friend as he knocked an arrow towards the Elf. The arrow went straight through the Dunmers' sword arm, he fell to the floor wrenching his face and screaming in pain. Ethrador stomped on the Dunmers' arm increasing his pain. The Bosmer knew it would be dishonourable to kill an injured opponent when they were so helpless but he also understood that only death would stop their foul crimes. Ethrador silenced the Elf's pain with an arrow straight into his forehead. The Bosmer turned to his Argonian friend. ''Are you alright buddy, can you carry on? Here have some more water.'' Ethrador helped Beeleez-Ra get his balance back as he said this and offered him a drink.

After a few minutes of getting his breath back, Ethrador started exploring what remained of the village. There were no more hostile Dunmer in sight but he couldn't find any townsfolk either. The only thing he could really see was corpse's. However as Ethrador was looking into huts and tents he heard the voice of what sounded like Ashina. He looked into the tent and saw her, she was badly injured. ''Ashina, are you alright? What in Oblivion happened here?'' As the Bosmer was saying this he noticed she was surrounded by guard's who looked similar to the Dunmer he was fighting just a minute ago. He looked at her with a hint of confusion on his face. ''Are these people your friends Ashina?''
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:21 am

OOC: Hopefully I can keep this true to Beeleez-Ra's personality, but here goes...;)

IC: That instant, another Dunmer charged the pair, but was quickly brought to heel by a commanding officer.
"Sepredia, muthsera," came a woman's voice. The oscillating eyes of the Dunmer turned to her, although he did not turn his head, and, recognising the face of Clanholder Nirabi, he stepped back reluctantly from the Argonian knight, raising his sword to keep the Argonian at his mercy. Nirabi would have none of it, and demanded his sword.
"Nirabi, kogoriel," the Dunmer protested. "Let me gut him like the fish he is, you'll thank me for it!"
"Ashina won't thank me if I let you," Nirabi replied harshly, simply taking the sword from his hand, her chitin armour allowing her to grip it by the blade. "Apparently this is someone she knows."
"Clanholder," the Dunmer said, dropping the name 'kogoriel' and the affection it implied. "She has a flesh wound. It won't do her much good to have an Argonian walking around making the place filthy." Nirabi ignored the Dunmer, and looked Beeleez-Ra in the eyes. He responded the look, which took her a little by surprise.
"Follow me, if you will. Ashina's waiting for you. Mind where you step, she's laying down and is pretty easy to miss if you don't see something moving beneath the clutter."
"They can see me, Nirabi," Ashina said, revealing herself. She had been sitting on the rim which ran around the side of the beehive house, beneath an invisibility spell. "And, yes, these are my men. Or are now, anyway. Assamma-Idan has explained the situation," Ashina gestured to the gulakhan as Nirabi tended her wounds.
"I've been recruiting," he said with a grin, to hide his surprise at being asked to explain himself, especially when, to him, his intent was obvious. "The Dunmer in Black Marsh, in the north, especially, are restless. They make fine warriors, having to defend against Argonian tribes and influence, and me and Nirabi have been hiring them for as much loot as they wish to plunder from whatever we attack."
"Don't bring me into this," Nirabi scowled. "The attack on the prison was your idea."
"I never said it wasn't. I didn't know Ashina would have been so successful on her own."
"You call this success?" Ashina retorted. "Beeleez, this wasn't my idea. But these Argonians were under the rule of Imperials, and had submitted to those leaders. They were the enemies of both of us. And, besides, with this village and other outposts destroyed, we have officially broken out. The prison is overran. Another army is storming the sewers, and will enter the main building to deal with the defenders and Dolan's little pets."

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:38 pm

Beeleez-Ra looked at Ashina, then to the Dunmer surrounding them. He still didn't trust the lot of them. He looked out to the dead Argonians, not sure whether or not to believe that they were sided with the Imperials. But then he took a closer look at the clothing that they were wearing. They definitely were imperial style clothing. He looked back at Ashina and her crew. He sighed. He walked over to Ashina and looked at her. The guards all put their hands on the hilts of their swords, prepared to strike him down if he were to make the slightest movement of trying to kill her. He had no intention on killing her. He sheathed his two swords. He bowed just slightly.
"I'm sorry that Ethrador and I fought your army Ashina. Please, allow me to make it up to you. If you ever need a blade, don't hesitate to ask me. I will assist you in any way that I can." The guards relaxed just a little. Beeleez-Ra looked out over the horizon, wondering if Vaermina has wished him to work with the Dunmer, the ones that still fought for slavery. He knew that Ashina was an Ashlander. He still didn't care though.
"I'll fight only for you. Anyone else in your little army that asks me will get a no. My blades are only for you." He remembered another valuable lesson his trainer taught him.

Beeleez-Ra watched as his master stood for his new king. The trainer came over to his squire and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Why did you say you'll fight for him if he is an enemy of Argonia? Beeleez-Ra whispered.
"Because, even though he is an enemy, a larger threat is out there, and he wishes to fight them. Remember, an enemy of my enemy is my friend for now. Besides, he is a guest in Argonia and the Knights of Argonia helps those in need while they are in our country. I trust you'll do the same later on in life."
"I will..."

The time for him was now.
"Don't make me regret this Ashina." He turned and walked out to a small dock that was near the settlement. And the journey to freedom begins. Silvertail...I will find you. Don't know when, don't know how, but I will. I swear on my blades. As Beeleez-Ra sat down, he saw a letter. He picked it up and read it.

Dear Silver-Tail,
How's it going cousin? All's well in Bruma. The people are friendly. The Countess has offered me a nice, cozy room. It has three beds, so you and your son should come live with me. Move as soon as you can, because I have heard rumors of a bunch of Ashlanders moving in to destroy your settlement.
Love, Ereek-Wa.

He crumpled the letter, and threw it into the marsh. Tears formed in his eyes. He believed that Silver-Tail did not make it. And I have sworn my loyalty to the people who killed her... He had a long stressful two days. He laid on his back and just cried, not caring who heard him.
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Lily Something
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:48 pm

Ethrador was suprised the the seemingly innocent village of Argonians was actually under rule of the Imperials, although even more suprised that Ashina had partly allied herself with the attackers on the village. Nonetheless even though Ethrador had no love for the Imperials and the Empire he didn't want an entire town destroyed because of who owned it. In fact it actually angered him that Ashina's champion could be so ruthless as to slaughter an entire town. ''Was all this destruction really necassary? Not all these people were under influence of the Empire, think of all the women and children you have killed. Are you completly stupid or just selfish and reckless not caring what damage you cause to others. Your lucky you are friends with Ashina, only the god's know what I would do to you if you weren't.'' Ethrador said this to him with much anger and agression in his voice. The Dunmer just stood over him and threatened him. ''Watch your tongue Bosmer, or I'll feed it to the Kaugoti.'' Ashina had enough of the argument and stepped in. ''Both of you, this is not the time for conflicts. Please just let it go, or sort out your troubles another time.'' As soon as she said that Ethrador stormed off away from them in a pissed of mood.

The Bosmer decided to just roam around the village, which he noticed actually looked quite nice in the sunset. After about 5 minutes of walking around he caught a glimpse of Beeleez-Ra in the distance by the docks. Although Ethrador found it odd that he was crying, and quite heavily as well. He wasn't sure if he should disturb the Argonian but also as a friend he needed to try and see what was wrong. He rushed over to his friend and knelt down beside him. He knew that supportive words were not his speciality but he tried his best. ''Hey buddy cheer up, err think of what it will be like when we find Silvertail, you won't be crying then.'' What Ethrador was saying obviously didn't help so he decided to ask directly what was wrong. ''Seriously what is wrong? What happened, you were fine just a minute ago?'' Ethrador awaited for the Argonians tears to clear up and a reply.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:22 am

IC: "Pschaw," Assamma-Idan hissed, cutting across a conversation between Ashina and Nirabi. "Of course it was necessary. If that village still existed, then we'd have to come back for it later to free Argonia. And an Argonian obviously puts his friend up to continue an argument...!"
"He's a knight, apparently. The Dunmer he fought has told me."
"Then he should help us free Argonia instead of supporting its traitors!" Assamma-Idan hissed, storming out in pursuit of Ethrador, who, in his suspicious mind, was plotting something with the lizards. Ashina grunted, but did not stop him from leaving, only giving him her latest orders.
"Get the mercenaries to the nearest port, on the river. We'll get a ship out of here. And if you meet any of the other prisoners, bring them back here."

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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:48 am

IC(Beeleez-Ra): Beeleez-Ra sat up, stopped crying and wiped his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Ethrador. It's just....I'm just happy to be free. It's time that I tell you the story of why I'm not with Silver-Tail...." He closed his eyes and began to hum. As he hummed he felt himself calming down. He knew he couldn't hum while telling his story, so he got the same beat and started tapping it out on the dock.

I sat with Silver-Tail, on this very dock, looking at the moon. Her eyes were sparkling, and she was happy for the first time since being freed from the battle. She looked over at me, and ran her hand over my scar.
"I still can't believe that you got wounded because of me." I misinterpreted the sparkles in her eyes. They were tears, not joy. I looked at her.
"Don't worry about it Silver-Tail. I got wounded because I wasn't paying attention..." She took that the wrong way.
"Because you were focused on me..." She looked down, tears slowly falling.
"Silver-Tail, you're not the only one that was in that cage..." Then her mood changed. I was really confused. She was angry now. I didn't know what was happening.
" you just happened to be the one they sent? Fine, I guess you don't care." She got up and stormed off. I was really confused. I got up and returned to the castle at which I lived. One of the other Argonian Knights called me over, so I walked over to him. He seemed drunk, and he was. He had a bottle of gin in his hand. He looked at me.
"Gold-Tail died...He fell, a blade struck him between the eyes. Don't tell Silver-Tail." I nodded, but she had to know. I ran to my room, and waited till later in the night. Then when I knew everyone was asleep, I found a rope and slid down the side of the castle. I ran to Silver-Tail's hut. I made a deep growl sound, that is the call we made up, and Silver-Tail looked out her window, groggily. When she saw me, she scowled.
"What do you want, don't even know what to call you. You knew and you didn't tell me!" She shrieked.
"I came to tell you, but Ravenbiter didn't want me to tell you. I'm risking my life, by coming to tell you. But since you already know...I'm sorry for your loss." Silver-Tail looked at me like I was on skooma.
"What are you talking about? I'm talking about your initiation to the Knights of Argonia. What did I lose?"
"Umm....Gold-Tail was slain while fighting for freedom." She glared at me even more.
"You're a monster...I don't even want to speak to you."

She shunned me from her life....umm..I went back to the castle and had a glass of skooma, then another...until her name faded from my memory. And it hit me, at the arena, how much I love her..and this is a renewal of an old promise I have made to her. And you, Ethrador, will be my witness. AS LONG AS THIS ONE HOLDS A BLADE, I WILL FIGHT FOR HER, ARGONIA, AND PEACE.
After this last bit, he stopped his drumming and stood up, unsheathed his swords, and knelt. He then bowed his head.
"This one has offered his blades to Ashina, for an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Peace is more important for now. Once we get the peace, we will find Silver-Tail." He started towards the camp, a new alliance has been formed between him and the Dunmer. He looked at Ethrador.
"Will you fight by my side with these Dunmer? I understand if you would rather go back to Cyrodill." He hoped he can count on Ethrador to keep him alive, for there was only one downfall to Beeleez-Ra's fighting style. After he fights, he will faint, if the battle is long enough.
"What does this one say?"

OOC: Gallowglass has allowed me to also RP the story of Silver-Tail, so here's the beginning of her travels..hope it works out...

IC(Silver-Tail): Tears streamed down her eyes as she saw her village burn. Her cousin was was right. But that wasn't the only reason she was crying. She saw Beeleez-Ra fighting with the Dunmer and getting hurt. She has lost so many loved ones because they were all warriors. She was about to go help him when a Bosmer already did. She thanked Talos for him being saved. She was about to go and give him a hug, but she saw him kneel before a female Dunmer, and held up his blades. She grabbed her sons wrist and dragged him through the marshland. She found an Imperial boat and paid 400 gold(which she knew was unfair, but she just wanted to get out) and her and her son was transported to the Imperial City. After that she moved to Bruma. She located her cousin and they both became maids in the castle. How could you...I was just about to forgive you..and you go and swear yourself to the unclean ones who plague our home. She worked day and night, hoping she can have a chance to kill him herself...
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 am

Ethrador listened carefully to Beeleez-Ra's story. It made the pain of being away from his wife hurt even more as it reminded him how much he missed her. The story actually bought a tear to his own eye. ''That is a very sad story my friend, but I'm sure she still loves you no matter what happened in the past.'' The Bosmer was very impressed with the Argonian's piety, in fact his dutiful respect for his homeland and peace was one of the main reasons Ethrador liked Beeleez-Ra. It made him look up to him in a way.

Beeleez-Ra knelt down and stated that peace was more important at the moment and they would look for Silvertail later. Once again Ethrador was impressed that he put peace before his own self needs. As the two made their way back to the camp Beeleez-Ra offered his friend to fight by his side with the Dunmer, the Argonian understood if he wanted to get back to Cyrodill however. ''Yes my friend, I will fight with you. I certainly have no love for the Empire seeing as they seperated me from my wife but I do not want to go around slaughtering people, it is not my way. Only the people who are deserving I will kill. And another thing, please keep me away from that Dunmer called Assamma-Idan, he is Ashina's champion. He is ruthless and I would he happy if I don't have to ally my self with him. As a matter of fact I do not desire to offer my sword and bow to the Dunmer, I offer it to you Beeleez-Ra, you will be the person I will be honoured to fight with. Not those Dunmer.''

Once the two reached the camp, Ethrador caught sight of Assamma-Idan giving him evil looks, Ethrador returned the looks. Assamma-Idan then called for a ship to the nearest river so that we could get out. Although Ethrador wasn't sure about to get on a ship with him it would be an easy way to get out of Black Marsh. Nevertheless he was not in the mood for igniting a conflict with Ashina's champion. But the Bosmer thought Beeleez-Ra might feel differently, he looked over to his friend. ''Hey do you want to get on that ship when it arrives, or would you rather wish to stay here on Argonia and help keep the peace?'' Ethrador thought it would be right for Beeleez-Ra to decide, personally the Bosmer actually would like to do some good seeing as he hasn't directly done many thoughtful deeds in his life yet.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:49 pm

Beeleez-Ra thought it over.
" depends..If we get on that boat, we will be with the Dunmer, we stay here, we will still be with Dunmer. This is tough. This one knows that no matter which path we choose, it will lead to battle, and possibly our death. Whichever one you want my friend." There was a rustling in the bushes and Beeleez-Ra unsheathed his swords and turned quickly. He jumped in front of Ethrador out of habit and stood at the ready. An Argonian warrior stepped out and Beeleez-Ra lowered his swords. He smiled.
"This one is gla.." He never got to finish his sentence. The Argonian charged at him, an imperial broadsword in his hand. He slashed the sword downward and Beeleez-Ra sidestepped. The Argonian growled and swung again. Beeleez-Ra parried the blow and slashed out, slicing into the Argonian's shoulder. He howled out in pain and, without thinking, Beeleez-Ra shoved his other sword into the Argonian's chest. The howling stopped. He pulled the blade out and the Argonian fell, dead. Beeleez-Ra's hands started to shake, as he saw the Imperials' armor on the Argonian. He knew that they were definitely with the Imperials now. He sheathed the swords(after wiping them), washed his hands in the marsh, dried them, and then set one hand on Ethrador's shoulder. He looked him in the eyes.
"This one has made his mind up. We have to get on that boat and go with Ashina. I need to stop the Imperials hold on my home. I'm sorry Ethrador, we fight with the Dunmer..." He took his hand off and then fainted. He had no more energy for the day.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:43 pm

As Ethrador was having a chat with Beeleez-Ra an Argonian darted out of a bush and attacked Beeleez aggressivly, it took Ethrador buy surprise and he drew his blade with a cat like reaction. However he had no need to fight as his friend made quick work of him. Ethrador looked down on the dead Argonian and noticed that he had Imperial armor and an Imperial blade, the Bosmer had no doubt that all the Argonians living in this area are under Imperial rule. This personally upset Ethrador that the Argonians could not leave peacefully in their own ways of lifestyle and culture. Beeleez-Ra decided that they needed to get on the boat and help the Dunmer fight for the Argonians to stop the spread of Imperial control. Ethrador agreed and felt good that he was helping fight for noble reasons and that he was rebelling against the Empire. However he still didn't like the idea of fighting with Assamma-Idan and his men. Suddenly Beeleez-Ra fainted, as he seemed to do after a long and hard day. ''Damnit! Not again.'' Ethrador tried to shake his friend awake but it was to no avail.

In the distance Ethrador could see a boat being docked. It was a small well built Dhow that could hold just about everybody who was planning to get on it. The Bosmer saw Assamma-Idan calling people and gesturing for them to get aboard the ship. Ethrador hoisted Beeleez-Ra onto his shoulders and walked very slowly and sluggishly to the ship due to the large amount of physical activity endured during the day. As he walked onto the ship Assamma-Idan shot Ethrador another evil look, this time the Bosmer just rolled his eyes, trying to avoid any possible conflict with the Dunmer. Ethrador asked Ashina, who was already on the boat, where he could find a bed for Beeleez-Ra to rest in. ''Evening Ashina, would you by any chance know where I can get my friend some rest on this boat?'' The Ashkhan pointed to a trap door beside her. ''Thank you.'' Ethrador replied. The Bosmer did not expect the cabin to be as deep as it was. He looked around in there for a bit and noticed a lot of storage boxes and a few beds. He took of his friends' armor and put it in a cupboard leaving him to rest comfortably in his under-armor clothes. Ethrador climbed back up the stairs onto the bow of the boat where Ashina was sitting. He stood motionless for a few seconds to marvel at how beautiful the night sky looked above him, before being nudged by a Dunmer walking past him. The boat was now moving along the river. Ethrador sat beside Ashina. ''So where is this boat gonna end up? I take it you have plans. Are you going to help cleanse the Empire from Argonia?'' He lay on his back staring to into the star's awaiting a reply.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

IC: "It can't be that hard," Ashina smiled. "According to Nirabi, it's not that far from here to Quianxnixa, a fishing settlement and pirate haven built around the ruins of some tower, built by Torval the Pilot. We can hire a guide there and travel overland, if we want. In my opinion, it beats travelling along these rivers where anyone could attack."
"But it would be expensive," Ethrador replied. Ashina leaned in closer to him, checking behind her for the dhow's owner, and whispered.
"Then we get within sight of the place and loot this ship. We can sell it to the pirates in town. Then we can hire one of them to show us the sights."
"Within sight of the place? Why do we have to be within sight of the place?" Ethrador was curious.
"So the pirates will see the fighting, assume we're with them, join in, and only discover otherwise when they're down here amongst the cargo, surrounded by escaped prisoners and Dres mercenaries." Ashina waited for Ethrador's comment, but he made none, so she gestured towards the door to the tiny cabin. "See what's in there whilst I find some bottled magic for Beeleez-Ra." She had given an order, but with occupations of her own that meant Ethrador could not do otherwise if he wanted to help his friend. He only paused briefly, to ask Ashina how exactly he could go about taking things from the cabin without the captain's permission. When Ashina said she'd also distract the captain, he got to work.
Ashina herself went back onto the top deck, where Assamma-Idan and Nirabi were already talking to the captain about the price of the journey. They had no idea that Ashina didn't intend on paying. But they served her purposes anyway, so she ignored them, and spoke instead to a House Dres mercenary, interrupting his conversation.
"Muthsera?" he asked, confused.
"Do any of you have skill in creating bottled magic?" Ashina asked. The Dres was even more confused, unfamiliar with Ashland phrases. He looked to his companion for guidance. His companion, who seemed more acquainted with Ashlanders, smiled.
"Potions," he explained. "She wants to know if any of us sell potions." He turned to Ashina. "Yes, there's a young Hlaalu slave we brought along. She can make potions."
"Where is she?" Ashina asked.
"Behind me." The Dres mercenary turned around, and tapped the slave on the shoulder. "Ashina wants you to make a potion..."
"For Beeleez-Ra," she explained. "I'm sure the captain wouldn't mind us borrowing some of the goods on board."
"Of course not," captain, although somewhat surprised, cheerfully replied. He was clearly nervous, though, and it was hard to tell whether or not he trusted his passengers. "Help yourself, as long as what you take is paid for."
"Oh, we'll pay you back, tribesman," Assamma-Idan replied, earning a glare from Ashina. Nirabi sighed. Now that she and Assamma-Idan were back in Ashina's company, the old competition for their younger ashkhan's attention was back on.
"Good, Ashlander. It is a pleasure to have you on my boat."
"Likewise," Assamma-Idan grinned, continuing with the ambiguity. Ashina clucked her tongue.
"Just make the potion, girl, and when it's done take it down to Beeleez-Ra. Gulakhan, clanholder, get down there now and make sure Ethrador doesn't steal anything. Captain, is the price of the journey up for negotiation?" The Argonian nodded.
"The customer knows what they can afford, yes, yes, I am open for negotiation. Do you wish to go to Quianxnixa?"
"Yes, but we wish to stop just before it for a while, to see the scenery." Ashina could have kicked herself. What sort of excuse was that? The Argonian looked at Ashina as if she was mad, but concealed it with the smile of an imga.
"How much would you pay?"
"How much is your cargo worth?"

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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

Ethrador quitely climbed down the stairs into the small cabin. He followed his objective of searching the room. He crept round the small area peering into storage boxes and cupboards, but didn't find much except for random clutter.

As the Bosmer was looking around he heard a noise, Ethrador turned to the entrance of the cabin to see Assamma-Idan and Nirabi climbing down the stairs. Oh great him again. Ethrador thought at the sight of Assamma-Idan. ''Can I help you two''. Ethrador said to the Dunmer. ''No, we are here to help you in your search for anything useful down here, which it seems you are doing a pathetic job of doing so.'' Assamma-Idan replied obviously intending to insult the Bosmer as well. The female Dunmer Nirabi then spoke. ''Plus we need to come down here to keep the captain from poking his nose into our buinsess.'' Ethrador got the feeling that Nirabi was definatly the nicer of the two Dunmer.

A few seconds later a skinny slave girl came down the stairs. ''I have a healing potion for an injured Argonian, where...'' The slave stopped speaking mid sentance as she caught a glimpse of Ethrador looking through cupboards. The girl turned and ran to the stairs, she would certainly tell the captain. Ethrador didn't want to hurt her but he needed to stop her. The Bosmer caught her, put his blade to her throat and ripped the potion of her bony hands. ''You tell the captain about this and your life will be forfeit, now go.'' The slave was shaking tremendously in fear. Ethrador felt bad about this but he had no other choice. ''Wow, and you called me ruthless. Threatening a poor weak slave girl, how noble of you.'' Assamma-Idan said this to Ethrador with a sarcastic smurk on his face. However the Bosmer did not say anything in return, he couldn't think of any comeback seeing as the Dunmer was actually right and what he did was wrong. ''Oh shut it Assamma, you know all to well you would do the exact same thing, if not worse.'' Ethrador smiled as Nirabi made this comment.

Ethrador walked over to Beeleez-Ra with the healing potion in his hand. The Bosmer poured it down his friends' throat, the cuts and bruises on the Argonian started to heal up. Nonetheless he continued to sleep. As Ethrador walked past Beeleez-Ra's bed, he noticed a large chest on the floor next to a decorated cupboard. As Ethrador opened them his eyes widened in amazement. Inside there was high quality armor, pristine weapons along with all sorts of potions and poisons. ''Hey you two, I think we have found the jackpot!'' The amazed Bosmer said to the Dunmer. ''About time.'' Assamma-Idan remarked, just the way Ethrador he would expect him to. ''Well we better go show Ashina.'' The three of them climbed back up the stairs to the deck. Once Ethrador got up he gestured for the Ashkhan to come to him. He told Assamma-Idan and Nirabi to go to where the captain and slave were situated so the slave wouldn't rat them out. Ethrador whispered into Ashina's ear. ''I think you better come see what we found down there.'' The Bosmer motioned for the Dunmer to follow as he slid back into the cabin
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:19 pm

IC(Beeleez-Ra): Beeleez-Ra felt liquid go down his throat. He felt some energy come back, but not enough to wake him. He was able to hear, but not clearly. He heard Ethrador, and the others talk about some nice stuff they found. He was curious as to why they were whispering. Its not like they are planning on...... It dawned on him that these people, maybe even Ethrador, were planning an attack on this ship. His head started to spin. He sat up to fast and his blood rushed to his head. He put his head in his hands and shook the feeling off. He stood up, stretched a little, and said a short, silent prayer to Vaermina. He had to find out what was going on. He found his armor, two broad swords, and put them on. He walked out into the hall and saw a poor slave girl shaking like mad. Those bastards.... He had no idea that Ethrador was the one who made her like this. He knelt next to her, and put his hand on her shoulder. She took a couple of deep breaths but didn't say anything. Beeleez-Ra slowly stood up. He knew he would have to help take this ship, since he swore his alliance to Ashina. He walked up onto the deck and saw Ashina and Ethrador whispering. He glared at Ashina angrily. He saw Assamma and Nirabi talking with the Argonian captain, obviously keeping him busy while Ethrador and Ashina plan the big heist. He walked over to the two Dunmer and the captain nodded at him. Beeleez-Ra told the Dunmer that Ashina wanted to see them. They looked at him suspiciously. They're thinking that I'm gonna warn him They slowly went over to Ashina and Ethrador, just making sure that Beeleez-Ra wouldn't warn him.
"It's nice to see another Argonian. What do they call this one?" The captain asked.
"I'm Beeleez-Ra, Knight of Argonia." The captain's eyes showed a little sadness.
"Well, then you're lucky...where have you been for the past year?" Beeleez-Ra was confused.
"I've been in Blackrose. Why, what has happened kinsman?"
"The name's Taikya. But the Imperials call me 'He-Sails-The-Wind'. Anyway, the Knights of Argonia have been destroyed. There hasn't been a knight here for some time. The Imperials came in and wiped them out." Beeleez-Ra shook with anger. He knew that he was put into the prison to be saved by Vaermina. That's not he was angry about. He was angry that the Imperials invaded his home land. He knew what he had to do. He had to help take the ship over. He looked over at the three ashlanders and his friend. Then he looked back at Taikya. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief as a slight wind blew. When the wind was gone, he opened his eyes, and continued a conversation with Taikya, waiting for some sort of signal to switch into battle mode...

OOC: rping silver-tail is not working, so im only gonna be rping Beeleez-Ra..but thank you, gallowglass, for allowing me the attempt.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:32 am

IC: "The Imperials attacked the Knights of Argonia?" Ashina asked. Even she was slightly shocked at their brazen move.
"They stormed each of their castles in turn, and destroyed their headquarters in Helstrom with magic. They're saying that the knights were supporting piracy against Imperial shipping, and that it was treason, and that the knights had to be executed as traitors to the emperor."
"Do Argonians trust them?" Ashina said, trying to get a better picture of events. She hadn't expected so much to change whilst she was in prison. But, then again, she hadn't expected to get out of prison.
"The settled Argonians think that piracy needs to be destroyed no matter the cost. The swamp tribes keep to themselves. But no-one thinks the Imperials tell the truth."
"Are there any swamp tribes near here?" This was the question that made the captain more alert. Even his Argonian face, which was incapable of displaying emotions, appeared nervous. He stared at Ashina, as if calculating how much to say.
"There are the Paatru," he said at last. "They are welcoming and don't mind outsiders. It is bad luck to kill a Paatru." The Argonian smiled, hoping Ashina wasn't an expert on Argonia and that the Dres would keep their mouths shut, so that the ashkhan didn't realise that that statement was false. Ashina did notice, however, and smiled back.
"Thank you, sera. This information is helpful. If you will?" Ashina asked, gesturing to the sails. The captain nodded, glad to have gotten away with what he'd said, and to be back doing what he loved. Ashina turned away from him as he prepared the ship, and walked back downstairs. Ethrador immediately confronted her.

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Madison Poo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:27 pm

Andi scurried across the prison floors as fast as he could, slipping through doors and dodging guards at every encounter, which luckily for Andi was none so far. His cape following behind and his books under-arm he came to a window, a small window but at least he could get an idea of where he was. He ran to the window, pulled himself up to reach it and peered out the window, looking franticly at the surroundings of the prison, then jumped back to the floor and ran towards the next door.

As he approached the wooden door he heard something from the other side, it sounded like faint muffled voices. He cautiously put his ear against the door to hear what it was, and it was indeed men talking on the other side. Andi could make out that they were checking the rest of the prisoners but he couldn't hear much else, other than the sound of the two guards walking heavily towards the door.

"Oh no, dear no, the game is up" Andi said to himself, or to his cape, "what to do, what to do" by the sound of his voice, he was terrified, he was about to be caught and thrown back into the cell, or perhaps executed for trying to escape. "I'll hide, thats what I'll do, yes I'm good at that. I'll use a charmeleon spell and hide, hmm where to hide, where to hide" he then realized the only place to hide was behind the wooden door as it opened, so he cast a small charmeleon spell and stayed where he was, as the door open the two guards walked through and kept walking towards the cell block. If they decided to turn around they would have seen Andi behind the open door with his pathetic cloaking spell. But they didn't, they walked out the next door and were gone.

Andi knew now that if he wanted to get out, he would have to do it soon. Those guards will find that Andi's cell was empty and if they had heard about the rest of the escapees, they would probably know that Andi was not with them. Andi's spell wore off as he ran through the door and found a bolt lock on the other side, so he locked the door to stop the guards if they return.

"That was smart of Andi wasn't it, that was a great trick he played on those silly guards to get away" Andi was now talking to either himself or his cape, about himself, talking in third-person. "Doors, doors, we need doors, doors to lead us out of this horrible place, where we find a door we also find more......more scenarios, of failure or success, in fleeing from this mess".

Whilst creeping through the corridors of this place, he began wondering why he was put into this prison. "perhaps nobody liked us, perhaps they saw fit to get rid of me. Where better to ditch an old dog than deep in the woods, where he will never beg for food again"
Andi started to think since his aunt died, maybe the rest of the town could finally remove the raving nut-bag from their precious little town 'Straw-Back. The townsfolk had seen Andi as an inconvenience and thought he would ruin the town's reputation, although they never had to do anything for him, nor did he have any special needs, he could look after himself just fine.

His aunt was the only one to really know Andi, and the only person who actually cared about knowing him. Apart from his horse of course, his Patch horse was probably still at Straw-back. In all Andi's life with his faithful steed, he has not yet given the horse a name, as he could never settle on one he always liked the sound of something different with each passing week. "Our horse, my horse and your horse, she misses us. I miss her, and when I get out I will rescue her from those terrible people". He said to himself, starting to get angry at the thought of the townsfolk claiming her as their own. And talking to himself, seemingly as if he had two personalities "Time to get out of here and see our dear friend, our dear friend needs us".

He came to a corridor of stairs leading downward, but it was a long corridor and if he encountered anyone he would be done for. It appeared to be the only way out so he started bouncing down the stairs, until he came to a small room off to the left of the corridor, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked in to see a guard sitting in the room, facing straight at the doorway, looking straight at Andi.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, Andi noticed that the guard had not blinked once, thinking that the guard had commenced a staring competition Andi tried his hardest not to blink. But the guard was far too good at staring, Andi had accidentally blink about 13 times whilst the guard hadn't blinked once. Then in terror as the thought of the guard killing Andi for losing the contest, Andi held up his prized books as an offering "Oh sir please don't kill me, I've got a horse that I miss very much and some people at my old town I'd like to surprise" he blurted out, but then he noticed that by now the guard surely should have blinked, the contest was over.
Andi looked down at the guard's chest, only to see a few blade shaped holes in it, It appears that the guard was dead. And here Andi was, making a complete fool of himself in front of a dead guard. He put his arm back through the belt holding the books and took off down the stairs again, laughing angrily at himself for getting into a staring contest with a corpse.

He finally made in down the stairs and out the corridor, to find the guards sleeping quarters, he saw a flashy looking amulet on a nearby chest and grabbed it, it would make a great present for his horse. He started cautiously walking across the room when he saw a very unique chest against the wall, curiosity got the best of him and he went to check it out. Taking a huge risk in being caught, he looked over the chest. It had strange markings all over it and there was no lock at all, maybe it was a magical chest. Andi slowly lifted the lid, it wasn't locked by magic either, he opened the chest to find a shiny odd looking short sword and a note, he picked up the note and read it:

-"To Devryas, happy birthday my friend, I found this sword in the prison lockup, the Captain said it had been there since before he was here, thats about over 40 years, or more. Any prisoner belonging to this finely crafted blade is long dead, and the Captain said I could keep it. I want you to have it, I know how much you like to collect ancient Elven weapons and books. Happy birthday my friend, happy birthday"-

Andi put the note down and picked up the sword, it was indeed a thing of beauty. Andi had only ever held a sword a few times, and never in battle. But this blade was to beautiful to pass up. It had a curved blade and a gold handle with four small green gems encrusted in it, and had a gold sheath with a black belt with another six green gems in it. Andi didn't know much about swords but he knew he liked this one. He stood up and fastened the belt around his waist and returned the blade to the sheath. He then picked uo his books and headed out the room smiling.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:53 am

OOC: Hey guys, just to let you know I won't be here this weekend so Gallowglass will be controlling my character. Have fun roleplaying and I'll see you all again monday!
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:57 am

OOC: Wow did everyone else have the weekend off the RP too?
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Marie Maillos
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