The stronghold of Blackrose in central Black Marsh serves many purposes - remote fortress, bastion of Imperial influence in a hostile land, stronghold of the finest Imperial Legion soldiers well-versed in fighting insurgencies and guerrillas, and notorious prison to which few have been sent and from which fewer have ever escaped. For centuries, it has served the Empire, keeping the pirates and tribal elders who plotted treachery away from the public eye. But through the mechanisms of Imperial politics, a moving wheel on a restless axle, you have been sent there, as well, for undescribed reasons unknown to everyone except the person who recommended that you be sent there, whose name is struck from the records as word of your escape spreads...
Can you work with, or perhaps against, your comrades who have escaped with you, or will you try and escape the hostile wilderness and alien jungles of Black Marsh alone? Will you be able to reach the border of Cyrodiil, when the second part of your mission shall begin?
Character Generation:
You can include whatever extra information you want about your character, but be sure to include the following as well:
Name (their name and title, e.g. Ashkhan Ashina Zelaku)
Race (their race and cultural/tribal group, e.g. Dunmer Ashlander)
Expert-Master Skills (the skills which they are either an expert or a master in)
Novice-Journeyman Skills (the skills not mentioned in the category above)
Reason for Imprisonment (why were they imprisoned - false evidence, political rivalry, assassination, theft?)