7th Rain’s Hand, 3E431: The most formidable prison in the Imperial Empire, Blackrose, was broken last night. It isn’t yet known how many inmates escaped, but it is presumed they are moving towards the border with Morrowind at some speed.
We have informed every major city’s garrison of these events, requesting that all ports be sealed and that Black Marsh’s borders are regularly patrolled. We suspect they will head to Morrowind because they refuse to patrol their borders any more than they already do. Damn slavers.
This is where you come in. If you wish to help, arrive at Blackrose by the 14th of Rain’s Hand, where you will join a group of bounty hunters to track down and retrieve the prisoners. I needn’t remind you that this will be very dangerous. Not only will Black Marsh probably try to kill you, but the prisoners are desperate and they may try anything to escape.
Bring Mandrake Root.
Lucian Chase, Captain of the Blackrose Guard.
Who Are You?
There are two sides to this RP:
You are one of the prisoners who escaped. You have nothing but the clothes on your back, and whatever you managed to secure for yourself in the escape.
You are one of the bounty hunters. You arrive at Blackrose with a 15 day gap to the prisoners.
What Are You Doing?
If you are a prisoner, you will undoubtedly be trying to secure weapons, armour and provisions, all the while trying not to get killed by the Marsh, and make it North to Morrowind.
If you are a bounty hunter, your job is to try and retrieve the prisoners before they reach Morrowind, dead or alive.
Where Do You Start?
The prisoners start on the northern shore of the lake north of Blackrose, having fashioned a raft out of fallen trees to avoid being tracked.
The bounty hunters start at Blackrose, in a meeting with the Captain of the Guard.
? Write in third person
? No Character Controlling
? You can be strong and tough, but don’t be uber. No one is good at everything.
? No Mind Reading
? You may have a character on each side, if numbers require it.
? PvP will be a part of the RP, but make sure you talk to all concerned before posting.
(Romance is acceptable, but I doubt the situation will arise)
Character Sheet:
Name:Gender:Age:Race:Prisoner or Bounty Hunter:Birthsign:Skills – 10 max – non game skills allowed:General Appearance:Hair:Eyes:Weapons:Armour/Clothing:Other Items:Personality:Brief History:
PM all character sheets to me prior to posting it up here

Places Reserved/Taken: 13
Places Left: 7
This is something that's always interested me, but there's next to no lore surrounding it. So what better than to RP it and have our own lore? This is my first attempt at creating an RP, so any suggestions or improvements (for anything) will be gladly welcomed.