Despite having numerous characters I have always perceived BS/Ench as a means of "breaking" the game. With my current character I have decided to discard this predisposed perspective & use both skill trees. Here is my concern.
At what point does BS/Ench become cheating?
While there is somewhat of a limit on quality of items you can create, this can be surpassed with the use of items with modifiers that improve the quality of smithing/enchanting by (x)%.
So for example before crafting a dragonbone weapon you could be wearing a iron helmet, gauntlets, boots, chestpiece, that all improve smithing quality. You could also have ring/amulet that improve it as well.
This could be taken even further if you created a full set of +% enchanting equipment & made another set of armor that increases +% enchanting & so on & so forth for improving the quality of weapons/enchants endlessly.
Edit: I forgot there are potions that add to this as well.
Now I know its a single player game & none of this matter, but I also don't want to break the very fabric/essence of the game. I want to be able to make legendary equipment etc, but don't want to be 1 shotting Alduin.
What is the happy medium/What do you perceive as a reasonable limit to these 2 skill trees? Ideally I want to posses artifacts that could possibly exist in Skyrim.