Blackwater Mercenaries

Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:25 pm

Years ago, Aiden Williams moved into Grayditch, and created from what began as a small group to a well known and respected mercenary group in the wasteland. The group moved into an old business building south of the Citadel, in DC. After a regrettable trek to Point Lookout to lose two of his men, he soon returned back to DC. They brought back an enormous person, named Red, who was deformed, but powerful. He was the newest entry into the group, because of his help and dedication. They began getting contract after concract, and became notorious. One of the group's gunmen, Dakayev Solek, was growing better and better when performing contracts, and was promoted to second in command. Dakayev and Aiden finally gave the squad a name: the Blackwater Mercenaries.

1: No ubering
2: No power armor or strong armor
3: No drunk/stupid characters, that means you can't misspell on purpose or act dumb like: "frank walkde in 2 the room adn knoked over a pot n sez,'hEy, were's the booze lololololol' then he fell ovar and passde out"
4: No mega-weapons like a fat-man or alien blaster
5: No controlling unless you have permission from the person(Don't just say you have permission, I will ask that person to see if you're lying or not)
6: You can't kill someone's character unless you have permission(As said above, I will find out if you're telling the truth)
7: BE ORIGINAL!! I'm sick and tired of everybody's character being an ex-BoS and an assassin who does whatever the hell he wants and his whole family is dead and he swares revenge. It's not that hard to make up a REAL history.
8: Don't disrespect others, it's rude and you will get kicked out for it. That means, no: Insulting, vular behavior, cursing out, sixual harrassment, and various other things.. you know the deal.
9: Try not to have six, I may allow it on some cases, but never go into detail. Just say you went in, did your business, and came out.
10: Romance is allowed, but don't go too far. Violence is allowed as well, but I don't want to know about the human anatomy, okay?


Name: Aiden Williams

six: Male

Age: 28

Race: Human, Caucasian(Human, ghoul, etc. and your ethnicity)

Faction/Alliance: Neutral, mercenary

Weapons: R91 Assault Rifle, silenced N99 10mm Pistol, combat knife

Armor: None

Clothing: Black leather jacket with spikes on it, faded white t-shirt underneath coat. Black and white scarf hung loosely around neck, fingerless driving gloves, black jeans that are a little tight on legs. Black shin-high boots. Dark gray headband.

Appearance: Punked haircut, black hair. Height: 5'4, a bit thin.

Personality: Prefers to befriend those of his own kind, friendly and outgoing with strangers or people he is meeting for the first time, sometimes agressive and annoyed when things aren't done according to plan, secretly scared of pitch-black situations.

History(optional, but recommended): Aiden was born in the Pitt, but was taken out by his parents who were slavers in the Pitt. Since they just had a child, they knew they couldn't raise him in a place like that. They brought him to the Capital Wasteland and raised him in Megaton. He moved out when he was nineteen, and spent four years in a home in Grayditch. He had plenty of unused guns and ammo, and decided to put them to use. He started his own mercenary group, and the first headquarters was his home in Grayditch.

They later found a large building in the DC ruins unoccupied and made that into their base. The front door of the building is only possible to open with a password. They have had several run-ins with other merc groups like Reiley's Rangers and the Talons, but never had gunfights with them.

Second in command: Dakayev Solek
Third in command: Gabrielle Adamms

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Soraya Davy
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:57 pm

I tried to find the sheet I was told to find, but it turns out that the sheet is nowhere to be found... It was only PM'ed, and I don't have that anymore. <_< Better start remembering...

Name: Yasgurr

Age: 38

six: Male

Race: Human/Caucasian

Faction/Alliance: Tribal, Mercenary

Weapons: Giant axe

Armor: None

Clothing: Wears a tanned colour robe with matching hood, covers all of his body and gives a decent amount of protection from the elements. The fabric is made in such a way that he can survive extreme heat, cold and wet with ease.

General Appereance: Yasgurr isn't someone that you'd want to mess with, he stands 6'9 tall and is bulging with muscle, he has shoulder length brown hair but this isn't normally seen due to his hood. Multiple scars criss-cross his face and body, this is due to the fact that he gets shot almost every time he kills just one man.

Personality: Yasgurr generally doesn't like anyone that isn't a Tribal, but he likes Aiden well enough to have joined his group when they last visited Point Lookout. He's quiet and deadly.

History: Yasgurr spent most of his life in fading memories, all he really remembers is waking up in a church. After he found out that they'd done something to his brain he stole a ceremonial axe and went on a rampage. Killing as many people as he could he escaped and wandered Point Lookout for many many years. His survival skills became more and more evolved until he could survive an attack by the most dangerous of creatures and still find a way to escape or fight it.

After the Blackwater Mercs came to Point Lookout for a small re-supply Yasgurr tracked them across the environment. After they stupidly got captured by a hunting party he sprung them and tagged along for the rest of the trip. After given an offer to join the mercs he accepted and has since been one of their best trackers and survival-expert.

I did that off the top of my head... Any changes?
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:15 pm

Most of it was pretty much historically correct, just one tiny thing. They were at PL to get ammo and supplies because they lost alot of stuff after a Super Mutant attack. But you don't remember that, probably. =P
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:59 pm

Most of it was pretty much historically correct, just one tiny thing. They were at PL to get ammo and supplies because they lost alot of stuff after a Super Mutant attack. But you don't remember that, probably. =P

Changed. :P
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:00 pm

Changed. :P

And now.. We wait..

If anyone wants to know what we do in the RP, we discuss that later on.. Just read the idea thread.
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:17 pm

Would I be allowed to enter Rachael into this or is she a bit out there for this kind of thing?
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:17 pm

I will join soon
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:39 pm

Name: River ingman
Age 29
Race: Caucasian
six: male

Faction: mercenary

Weapons: M9 pistol, AK-47,intervention sniper rifle silncer attached. Combat knife
Clothing: white wife beater, Desert Kevlar vest unzipped, Desert camo cargo pants, boots, fingerless gloves, Black tinnted tropper shades

Appearance: River stands at 6,4 always has a normal look on his face unless you piss him off. He has A good muscle build as well. Has a good since of humor. He has a buzz cut with 5 oclock shave also

Personality: River is a normal person in general but can get a little mean in battles.

History: River was born into a good family in megaton but always wanted be become a merc. When he was 12 his father showed him how to shoot and was great at it he could hit a target one hundred yards away. Soon he left megaton to start a new life as a merc he learned it was hard without a group, River heard about the black water mercenary's and quickly wanted to join. They let River in because he was a great shot and has been a member ever since.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:50 am

Name: John Enfield

Age: 27

six: Male

Race: Human/Caucasian

Faction/Alliance: Neutral, Mercenary

Weapons: Lee Enfield Rifle No. 4 Mk I, .44 Magnum, combat Knife

Armor: leather armour.

Clothing: Dark brown trench coat, usually worn over his armour, a red woolen scarf, sunglasses

General Appereance: John is 5"8, short brown hair,clean shaven, generally has a grim look. Is of light build, though fit.

Personality: Is very patiant and is often bitter and cynical, and generally keeps anything about himself to himself, but willing gets on with others. John is more easily talked to when he is working with machines.

History: Grew up in quite a large settlement, just a few miles west of the capital wasteland, where he was known as Boy, it, that thing. John's mother died during child birth, the father ran off after he found out his lover was pregnant, so a casino owner took him in and looked after him, poorly. Forced to work and repair the machines, which he worked his talents in mechanics, he was given no name at the time.

At the age of 14 he was outside the settlement as he sneaks away to get breaks, always recieveing a beating after he got back for being missing, but it was a small price to pay for his alone time, but on one day a girl, the daughter of the mayor of the town was wondering outside as well. Seeing her about to be attacked by a creature, he saved her from it, with nothing more then a small knife he had stolen. Due to this girl got to know the boy and gave him the name John when he told her he had no name.

A number of years later, when he was 19 the settlement was attacked and over run by raiders, John was on the outskirts of the settlement again, this time leaving for good, he had taken a pistol from his 'employeer' and set out to go somewhere else. When the raiders attacked he tried to make his way back to resecue the only person who treated him like a human being, but was too late, he grew bitter and kept to himself afterwards.

After about two years in the wastes he stumbled across an old war museum and found the rifle he uses, reading the inscription on the rifle he decided to take up the name Enfield as a secondry name, and usually made sure others only knew him by that. With practice he came to be known as an excellent sharpshooter, one that prefers to not use a scope, and has been hired as bodyguards, assassinations, and a few merc groups have recruited him for his sharpshooting skills.

John had been picky about what missions he did, not ever killing a man he deemed did not deserve it, or he could see them helping those in the wasteland. John came across the blackwater mercenaries when one of his jobs crossed their path, and was recruited, specially for talent in working with machines.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:37 pm

Oh boy! I cannot type that I've done a complete RP but I might as well throw my hat in the ring with this one. They seem fun enough and are in the norm these days. I'll refrain from any ridiculous things. That'll only be reserved for my stories.

Name: Gilford Thompson

six: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human, Caucasian

Faction/Alliance: Neutral, mercenary

Weapons: 10 mm pistol and a small barber's razor

Armor: None

Clothing: Tattered black suit coat with a white undershirt, ripped brown pants, and grimy boots. Also carries a bookbag with some notes, newspapers, art, etc.

Appearance: Scrawny and short (5'6). Greasy black hair that is horribly cut with 5'oclock shadow.

Personality: The friendly and outgoing type. Loves to talk, joke, and be jovial around people to keep spirits up. In truth it only hides his own insecurities about himself.

History(optional, but recommended): Gilford Thompson had spent most of his life within the Dupont Circle area of what was once the District of Columbia. He'd scavange for books, newspapers, anything. It was knowledge that he craved. The Wasteland had surely taken a man a plenty's intellect and morals. Thompson promised to himself that it wouldn't take his. From those days of wandering he finally found the call to his yearnings. There he came into association with a group of art patrons trying to reserve what paintings were left in DC. Thompson felt that this was a cause worth fighting for. It wouldn't be for the caps or the guns. No sir'ee. It'd be for the preservation of art as we know it!

Things were going wonderful. No bloodshed of any kind! They'd scavange relics of the days of ole'. They said that a man couldn't make business of pacifism in these times. Gilford and the patrons were proving them wrong! Excitement and curiosity lead to their pontentially biggest job ever: The National Gallery of Art. It was the Mecca of art in Washington, holding what was thought in these times to be the last surviving piece of Leonardo DaVinci himself. This trek wouldn't be like any other. Guns were distributed and life and limb were at risk. The patrons would be heading directly into the fire of those steel knights and green abominations. Violence, unfortunately for Gilford, was necessary.

The quest was an utter disaster. Gilford and the team got lost on multiple occassions and were picked off by random belligerents on the streets of DC. It was too much for Gilford and the others. They were mere supporters of the arts, not soldiers. Their weapon and tactical experience was adequate if anything. Gilford came to an unnerving conclusion. An old painting wasn't worth his life after all. During a heated excursion he got seperated from the group and was forced to trek alone in the harsh and unforgiving rubble layden streets. His mind was in a haze of confusion and paradoxical thoughts. Everything that he supported had brought him to the point of deprivation and near death. But it wasn't for the caps. The Wasteland had surely taken a man a plenty's intellect and morals.

Sooner or later Gilford pitifully surrendered to a group of burly professionals near the old Pentagon. In desperation he offered his services for a bed, food, and drink. They reluctantly obliged to his whims and Thompson is in the now. A man with little to no urge to kill working with a dozen or so that'd murder on the drop of a dime. The Blackwater Mercenaries eh? His own life better be worth what he'd have to go through...
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:21 pm

Name: Aaron Marcellus

six: Male

Age: 23

Race: Human, Caucasian

Faction/Alliance: Wastelander, Mercenary

Weapons: .308 Sniper Rifle, N99 10mm SMG

Armor: None

Clothing: Dark grey jacket, Black t-shirt, Dark grey cargo pants, Black army boots

Appearance: Unsettled hair (unsettler style), Blonde. Height: 5'5. Pale skin (from spending so much time out at night).

Personality: Sort of a sociopath. Loves popping the heads of anyone dumb enough to get into his range. Generally dislikes most people (especially childhood friends, since they teased him for his Latin name).

History: Aaron is a born and bred city boy, raised in Rivet City. His father did grunt work for the scientists in the lab. He has no memory of his mother. One day, Aaron was given a .32 for his 13th birthday, and since then he's loved guns. He recently left Rivet City to scav for something valuable enough to support his aging father.
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James Wilson
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Post » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:02 am

I'll just go ahead and fill out a profile for Rachael and then see if she's okay after you read that.

EDIT: Let's see if the third time's a charm!


Name: Rachael Yogere

six: Female

Age: 37

Race: Human(Asian/German)/Super Mutant Hybrid

Faction/Alliance: N/A (Mercenary)

Weapons: Longsword hanging at her left from her belt, M107 sniper rifle strapped across her back, Hunting rifle always either at the ready, or dangling from it's strap on her right arm, prepared to be ready at a moment's notice. She has also taken up study of a mish-mash of martial arts and other forms of hand to hand combat.

Armor: See below.

Clothing: Dark brown leather Duster that comes down to her ankles. Under the coat is a shirt that looks to be some kind of T-shirt, a dirty black colour and her pants are also leather, tanned a dark brown to match her coat. Black, steel-toed boots. A heavy belt around her waist carrying supplies in various pouches. Dark tinted sunglasses. Fingerless black leather gloves that cover her arms to just the elbow with protective armor over her elbows and straps running around the gloves at the wrist and several more further up. The only skin visible besides her head is her upper arm from where the sleeves of the Duster end and where the odd gloves begin, showing off the rather impressive muscles there. Rachael likes to keep her clothing simple and durable.

Appearance: A tall (near 7' spot on), intimidating woman who never looks happy and tends to frown or just generally be unpleasant company (granted, a lot of her scowl is just how her facial structure is). Her physique is quite impressive when one could see it, but she does her best to keep her body mostly hidden, partially due to the fact that her muscle build is somewhat unnatural. Her eyes are all together not dissimilar from a Super Mutant's: A pale green with slit-pupils like a cat. Her hair is black and done up in neat, tight braids with all kinds of beads throughout. Many of the braids in front are falling over and partially obscuring the woman's face. Her ears are pierced in several places, some with chains dangling from piercing to piercing. She has plenty scars from this and that, but nothing especially noteworthy. Her skin is a dark, tawny colour, giving her what appears as a middle-eastern complexion (but far from it).

Personality: Mostly, Rachael is grim and unapproachable. It keeps her sane and keeps people from asking her ridiculous questions. She doesn't feel much comfortable around normal humans anymore, learning to be suspicious of everyone the hard way. She doesn't mind much of anybody as long as they leave her alone, stay out of her way, and don't endanger her job. In fact, while working, she is a force to be reckoned with because she takes it very seriously.

While she has a good, solid wrap on her emotions most of the time, if pushed too far, she will flip into a mindless bloodlust just like any regular mutant would (and she does wish she hadn't inherited that specific trait). While in a rage, she knows allies and friends, but everyone and everything else becomes fair game to unleash her fury upon. Normally, even in day-to-day battle, she holds most of her strength back, only using what is required. During a berserk rage though, she has absolutely no restraint at all.

She does have a softer side to her, though. Hidden under the gruff attitude and distrust is a woman who, by her own standards, is still quite young mentally. She's had so little social interaction through her life that didn't include caps or guns or using guns in order to get caps, that when it comes to interpersonal communication, she can be quite uncomfortable. If provoked, she can be just as loving and protective as she can be rageful. Due to her own history, she will seek out and aid those she feels kinship with. Sometimes, it's just nice to be around people who understand. Thus, she is very kind to Ghouls and other humans who have obvious mutations.

History(optional, but recommended): Rachael had never known her father, and her mother never told her about him until she was eighteen. Even though some things had obviously been edited out of the story to make it even able to be spoken of in the first place, it was more than enough for her to know full well what had actually happened and it made her spine shiver in a chill. Not once had her mother ever considered her a burden, nor had she ever wanted to terminate the pregnancy and Rachael was glad for her mother being so accepting and still caring for her after the horrors she had faced.

It was also around that time that Rachael's body started to change. Once Puberty hit the young woman, it had hit like a freight train and she would sometimes gain a couple pounds of what appeared to be solid muscle over the course of a night. Some of these "growth spurts" could be horrifically painful, but she made it through somehow. After all the pain of growing, she started noticing other things--senses more keen than they'd ever been, immunity to Radiation and disease, and the more obvious ones of her muscle structure and her eyes. Her facial structure was always a bit off, heavy browed and angry-appearing.

Years later, her mother passed away from acute Radiation Poisoning. They had been an exceptionally poor family and simply couldn't afford better water to drink. Though she was immune to the Radiation, her mother hadn't been and it had been hell on her to watch the woman, the only person she had in the entire blasted world, slowly fade away. Her mother's dying breath had triggered her first true rage and she practically tore the small shack they lived in apart before she got herself under control.

Learning and using that control had been very difficult at first and she had tended to shy away from people as she worked hard on acting like a normal person. It took her years to get something like control over it, though it was this time, both being alone for so long, and the somewhat tenuous control, that made her surly and antisocial. She interacted enough to get jobs and to get paid, but beyond that, not much more.

Eventually she did uncover that more caring side of her that she had thought had long since died and it had, bizarrely, taken finding a Deathclaw hatchling to drag it back out. Raising the tiny creature to a fully advlt and proudly built male had sated something deep within herself, a strange desire to help those in need that simply would never be helped otherwise. Not one to take up causes, for the absolutely downtrodden, for the "freaks", for the "monsters", she showes this compassionate, loving side.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:46 pm

Kikaimegami, I don't care who you use as long as the story makes sense.

Ringman, I will NOT allow .50 cal Barret sniper rifles.
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:59 am

OK Ill change it to a intervention
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:03 am

Room for another person?
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:22 pm

One more person and we're going into blast-off, so hurry.

Kikaimegami, you got to explain how Rachael got into the group.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:20 am

I'll join gladly, if you give some more background.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:41 pm

I'll join gladly, if you give some more background.

There isn't more to tell. You either join or you don't.

I've said it so many times before, I'll say it again. We vote on what we do and where we go when we start.
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JR Cash
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:48 am

The M107 is .50cal, but she only uses it on mutants (works great on those and is pretty much a waste of ammo on anything else, plus she can actually stand while using it). It's pretty much an "oh crap" weapon, but she likes it.

I'll think up a story for how she joined. Right now though, a Kikai is in serious need of a siesta.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:27 pm

Is this the same Blackwater mercenary group from IRL? Though they did just change their name to E Corp or something... anyway, in a weird way that would kind of make sense since they are the largest mercenary group around at the current time.

Ah well, just wondering.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:59 pm

So PLR whats going to be are first area to debait over?
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:29 pm

I think I made it in time.

Name: Connor Dafoe

six: Male

Age: 32

Race: Human, Caucasian (Irish)

Faction/Alliance: Neutral, Survivalist/Traveler

Weapons: Winchester Model 21 Double-Barreled Shotgun, Akimbo Colt Pythons, A Machete, and a pair of brass knuckles.

Armor: Hardened Leather Armor.

Clothing: His clothing comprised of a light duster with a desert camo finish, baggy pants which are tucked into a pair of steel-toed boots. He is very often seen with a M40 Gas Mask and a Irish flag which he uses as a head wrap. Keeps a laminated four-leaf clover tucked into his duster's front pocket.

Appearance: Chestnut-colored bedraggled hair with a rough beard the same color as his hair, he is often very dirty, he has a slight tan from the sun, and a scar from his left cheek running down to his upper lip.

Personality: He is usually a kind person to those he has first met, and willing too help, around his friends he loves to joke and playfully insult people. Although, when he is heavily drunk he is a very dangerous, and cold person.

History: Although most of his child-hood was forgotten due to a concussion, when he was 20 he traveled in the wilds of Ireland where he was nearly killed many times, through his experiences he learned to survive and hunt. With his knowledge of the wilderness he was able to travel many miles, even to the Bering Strait when he was 25, where he caught a boat and found himself in Alaska. It took 7 years for him to hike to the Capital Wasteland, where his skills were most appreciated by a man named Aiden Williams, and was recruited to join him in his Blackwater mercenaries.

Edit: Some typos.
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Post » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:00 am

Then we shall begin!

In the primary thread, talk in OOC until notified. We will discuss it in there, and will roleplay once our minds have been made.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:16 am
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