» Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:23 pm
Alright guys, thanks for the tips! Here's my build now.
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Birthsign: The Warrior (choose it over The Lady because I thought having your fatigue restored a little bit faster was more important than 15% resistance to paralyze)
Specialty: Combat
Favorite Attributes: Strength, Willpower
Major Skills:Blade, Block, Conjuration (felt bad about choosing this skill because I'm not sure if I was gonna use turn undead often, but it does fit Paladins), Heavy Armor, Illusion, Restoration, Speechcraft
As you can see, I'm a bit torn between choosing role-playing friendly options and options that would actually be useful for me. I already feel like I should have chose personality instead of willpower, or at least endurance, but I thought I needed that faster magicka regeneration since Imperials are already penalized on willpower. I choose speechcraft, obviously because that's a huge Paladin role, and I thought it would balance some of the "non-paladin" choices I made. If I hadn't chosen speechcraft, I would have chosen alteration. Overall, I would say I'm satisfied with what I've chosen, but if you guys still have any suggestions about my build, please suggest them.