Okay, so I decided to play this character http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/quinbus777/media/ScreenShot2269_zpse513a007.png.html after seeing the post about Asian races in Skyrim and I made her just to see if I could.
Since I also decided the Akivri/Blade gear and questline were appropriate for her backstory I decided to play her.
Then it occurred to me. When you help the Blades on the MQ and you recruit and, say, recruit members, and/or kill Parthurnax and what not, are you automatically a Blade?
You don't take an oath, or have a ritual, or even say to Delphine, 'Sure I'll join". Does being Dragonborn make you one automatically? Do you have to kill P only? Do you have to kill P and recruit? At what point, if ever does it become official. All the other questlines have a clear demarcation, an oath, a ritual, or a 'here ya go Archmage have the robes of office' sort of thing.
As a side note: I know I don't have to be in the Legion, but would a Blade definitely want to join the Legion, or stay unencumbered by that obligation?