BSparrow was kind enough to suggest to me that I should open a separate thread for those who would like to gain some knowledge from the real world on the use of white arms, and their use by assassins in ancient history as well as martial arts fighting techniques. So, first and foremost, BSparrow, this thread is dedicated to YOU, and the title of this thread too is also a tongue-in-cheek reference to your magnum opus, long may your opus be indeed magnum!
First, though, I shall need an introduction. Who should and should not read this thread, and a bit about Who I am.
If you are the type of writer who believes that it doesn't matter at all what is possible, or not possible, in the real world, and that what real world martial arts experience is like should not have any bearing on TES fanfics because you are writing about the gameworld, then this thread is NOT for you. Don't read any further, you have (and I am not being sarcastic) more valuable things to do with your time.
BUT if you are the type of writer who is going to write extensively about assassins and adventurers who battle, also rather extensively, with white arms - swords, daggers, maces, axes, spears, bows, arrows, and whom use light and heavy armour as part of their equipment, and who perhaps combine their attack weapons with light or heavy shields - and who may have to fight either single or multiple opponents at a time - and who make it their business not only to fight but also to stay in shape ....AND if, at the same time, you are also the type of writer who would like to inject a little realism into combat scenes...
...THEN this thread is for you!!!
First, I'm fifty two years old, disgustingly healthy (according to my doctor) and have studied, on and off, the martial arts since I was a teenager. No, I am not Steven Seagal (my idol!) but I do know my way around weapons, and I have a solid foundation in striking and grappling. And I have studied (from the scholarly point of view!) the craft of assassination from ancient to modern times.
And I am also a gamer, and a writer, and I have noticed that many of the fanfics here center around either adventurers with a talent for combat, and/or assassins.
This is why I am writing the thread.
There's a reason why the dagger has always been associated with the assassin. Many of the assassinations of ancient times have been done with daggers, and even today the short blade and its skill is still being taught in many martial arts schools.
But for assassination, the dagger needs to have these attributes: it must be easy to conceal: it must be capable of causing death with a very great degree of certainty: and it must have great incapacitating power.
All these characteristics may be found in the classic dagger of assassination, the stiletto. While strictly speaking it is not a 'dagger' since a true stiletto has no sharp edges, it is usually called one. It is a long, slim blade, sometimes edged, but sometimes not. It resembles more an overgrown needle than a shrunken sword. It tapers to a very, very sharp point.
The classic assassin's technique is to keep the stiletto in his sleeve, and move to within touching distance of his mark: then thrust upward under the rib cage into the heart, and move off quickly.
Wounds to the heart are paralyzing, and thus there is a high chance that the victim will not cry out as he is stabbed. Indeed, there have been recorded cases where the victim did not even know that he was stabbed until the assassin was some distance away: he initially appeared to be having a sudden shortness of breath, and only after three or ten seconds could he scream that he had been stabbed. With stiletto stabbings there is very little blood: sometimes less than a nasty shaving cut!
This is why ancient assassins liked to carry out stiletto assassinations in a crowded street: it was very easy to 'accidentally' collide into the mark and at that point-blank range swiftly stab him into the heart, withdraw the blade as swiftly, and move away before the commotion broke out. Frequently the assassin was aided by helpers who would shield him before and after the assassination, and if a chase happened, would pretend to chase the assassin and hinder the real pursuers!
Some stilettos have been fitted with springs in wrist sheaths, so that when the blade is released by the assassin's hand immediately after the heart stab it retracts, pulled by the spring, into the wrist sheath. This is an idea you may wish to consider.
Regarding poison.. I will explain more on that later, in my other posts on bladed weapons. At present I will just say that it was rare for stilettos to be poisoned, for may practical reasons.
My next post will be on the basic sword, and swordfighting techniques.