Hey guys,
This is not a big question, just looking for some advice
Currently on another major playthrough (main quest + everything else) and I started thinking about the Blades.
My question is, would you say it's worth it to do all them Blades quests (recruitment, Dragon Infusion, etc.) EVEN THOUGH I know that I'm gonna be siding with Paarthy?
As I gather (correct me if I'm wrong), the whole glitch surrounding Esbern's 'Dragon Infusion' potion quest was fixed in one of the most recent patches - so this got me thinking that maybe it's worth pursuing.
And I've never done the recruitment stuff, so that's new to me.
Anyways, just wondering if I should take advantage before dropping them like yesterday's anti-dragon newspaper.
I'm sure I'll get a few "Do it yourself and find out"-s, but any other advice would be appreciated.
That's what these forums are for anyways, right?