So I'm running my way over to Gnisis to join the Imperial Legion and I'm attacked by a kagouti. I quick save too late, it sees me, and now I'm screwed. My major skills include destruction and axe but my magick is gone and I can't hit anything with my axe. I'm dead in three hits. Over. And over. And over. And over again.
I'm trapped into cheating and using the console to either jack up my axe skill or simply sethealth the beast to zero. Before this I saw a cave and attempted to run through it but the first guy I saw killed me in the same manner and I was powerless against him. I'm completely dead in any combat situation that doesn't involve a rat or a scrib.
I know this can't only be happening to me, everything I'm sure has been in this situation especially early on. What to do? I really don't want to have to go to Skyrim just for the combat at the sacrifice of a deeper experience, more interesting places / creatures / environments, and that stupid everything levels around you thing.