Hello. From the beginning of the game my characters face is blank/transparent (see screenshots). Nothing fixes that: nor graphics setting changes, nor different video drivers, and bug persist across all game versions from launch till this day.
Is there any way I can fix this? Does characters face configuration is stored in save files? If so, does save file sharing will help developers debug this issue?
System specifications (everything runs at stock and temps are fine):
CPU: i5-4570
RAM: 8GB @ 1600MHz
GPU: GTX 750Ti (ASUS Strix)
Video drivers: 358.91 and couple previous versions
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Game is run from unprivileged user (non admin).
Game versions: initial release through current one (beta)
Mods: At the beginning – none; later - mostly mods that change UI.
Screenshots: files [dot] fm/u/bt2b5u8p
Forum does not allow me to post links, so You'll need to assemble this deliberately broken link Yourself.
1st screenshot - that's how protagonist looks most of the time.
2nd screenshot - that's how protagonist looks in face resculpting mode. I assume that I can change something blindly, but issue still persist.
3rd-5th screenshot - graphics settings.