thanks! I just tested it but somehow I still seem to end up with the same problem. I have a seperate mesh for the boots, jacket and pants and it does seem to export the boots correctly but not the pants and jacket mesh. I can't merge it all together in one mesh because then I would have to redo the mapping and textures? So I'm realy lost right now. I'm wondering if there's anything I'm doing wrong. Because I exported a head mesh the same way and that one worked out fine? So I have no idea what's causing this problem?
yea, this can be a very annoying issue to debug. i've only dabbled around with armor before, mainly modifying the vanilla ones.
as sesom said, it has to do with the weight paint. i'm guessing it's probably a vertex (or a couple of vertices) that have not been weight painted to any bone. i
think the easiest way for you to resolve this would be to isolate the pants and jacket, and just re-weight-paint the weight paints on both. make sure you hit every single vertex (of course make sure you are painting the vertices to the correct bones), because even if one vertex doesn't have weight paint, blender will throw this error at you.
i had this error when i tried to modify a raider armor. turns out it was one (yes one) vertex that hadn't been assigned weight.
i'm not sure if blender selects the vertices in this case or not... when you get the error, you could try doing an inverse selecton (CTRL+I), then press 'H' to hide. that
should leave only the un-painted vertices visible. press CRTL+H (i think) to un-hide the vertices.
as far as merging in into one mesh... it depends on how you have set up your UV map/textures. if the pants & jacket share the same texture file & are UV mapped correctly, you should be able to merge them together.
hope this helps.
if you're a max user, why for the love of max aren't you using it??

i'm guessing that you have a version that is unsupported by the current export scripts.....