I dislike the fact that TES made the Nords sort of abandon the old Gods and heroes and adapt to the Imperial Gods like Akatosh and the rest of the tosh (pun intended).

Talos is now Tiber Septim, I mean what right do these damn Imperials have to rename him? And the Empire should belong to the Nords, not the Imperials since the Nords founded it! What's next? Are the Imperials going to Imperialize Ysgramor as well? Technically, the Imperials should be nothing more than a footnote in history. My Nord character adheres to the Nordic pantheon and Ysgramor is my role model. My Bosmer worships Y'ffre and also dislikes the Empire and the Thalmor. But then again, I'm beginning to sound like the preacher in Whiterun so the rant ends here. Anyway, tell me what you think. NOTE; I'm not cirticizing the game, this is simply an RP question, much like a poll about liking Lydia or not.
(I'm not too much of an expert on TES lore so feel free to correct me).