ENot quite a Blight situation, but here's a http://i391.photobucket.com/albums/oo351/Spiffyman777/Ashland%20Overhaul/Aslands.png of the ashlands. My blue boxes are where blight would be worst. That would be Red Mountain, and as Architect kindly pointed out, Kogoruhn. The black are large areas that I feel (this is a quick glance at a map, I'd have to fully investigate later) are isolated zones in the Ashlands. What this means is that there will be different species of trees in each area (with the biggest difference going to the Northern flatlands). Currently, I have it planned for Wolli's trees to the be dominant species in the ashands, and I'm banking on others (or wolli as well

) to create new ashland trees for the area specific-species. I'm attempting to make some trees as well, so I'm not just trying to mooch off other people :foodndrink:
The blue areas will also be Vurt's zones, where his trees will make their debut.
Also, since the Ashlands are bordered by other environments, I don't like how their flora don't appear in the Ashlands. So what I'm planning on doing is creating a version of these zones' trees and letting them contract Blight (seen visibly on the textures). These trees will be featured on the border areas, simulating the spread of Blight. If Vurt (I hope you're reading this) would be so kind as to share with his competition

his dead tree meshes would could be useful the trees that just couldn't make it...
EDIT: Alternatively, if there are some generous texturers out there, I could just provide a different texture for the area trees, if tree donations don't meet quota :confused: That doesn't mean those textures wouldn't be appreciated in either scenario though!