Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:03 pm

Omg Rethska? lol you poor guy all on your own in here? I am sorry, but its bunny-time-holiday - anyway - at least I read any little word and you figured any thinggy very well out, didn't ya'?

And as I said, I read any letter, - your comment concerning the wonderful hand-shaped blade of Namira skinned in this marvelous authentic rusty style, you dared to besmirch with your heathen theories haven't passed us! Curse you! May the gods of elder have no mercy with your soul in the afterlife! ?lol ;)
And yes, it is maybe not the most wanted blade of Oblivion, but - some my love belongs to used it frequently because of it's swiftness and *put fist on heart and looks up to the horizon: What can matters more for a 3D-artist?
*head down Nah, okay? at least that's my justification for never have switched it or bring in a better model and how can someone tell a blade from another if there were no Blades of Namira like in B&M? Okay, let's skip this?

uhm? castle? yes it is the reward with no specials? a reward of a time back where castles were seldom? in the German version the castle-crew was voice acted also ? so it was maybe a little more individual ? but there are so many castle-mods around, that I thought ? come on. not many players will move in there and only take a tour and for one tour you can skip the data-amount of MP3-files and the time to translate those? So, sorry? yes it's "just a ordinary castle"? ;)

I guess that were your major-concerns? Otherwise gimme a call? and ? uhm? MaSydJun's Basemant? have you cast your eyes at the closet? That is one easter-egg? and you should encounter Albert, a book and a sweetcake? next to Edward ? these were all "eggs" at his basemant?.

After all, thank you very, very much for your feedback, really enjoyed reading it? was once in while lost at your "room-descriptions" ? if you give me hint-words with "statues" ? sorry, there are everywhere and in all sizes O.O !!! ?lol

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 am

Omg Rethska? lol you poor guy all on your own in here? I am sorry, but its bunny-time-holiday - anyway - at least I read any little word and you figured any thinggy very well out, didn't ya'?

And as I said, I read any letter, - your comment concerning the wonderful hand-shaped blade of Namira skinned in this marvelous authentic rusty style, you dared to besmirch with your heathen theories haven't passed us! Curse you! May the gods of elder have no mercy with your soul in the afterlife! ?lol ;)
And yes, it is maybe not the most wanted blade of Oblivion, but - some my love belongs to used it frequently because of it's swiftness and *put fist on heart and looks up to the horizon: What can matters more for a 3D-artist?
*head down Nah, okay? at least that's my justification for never have switched it or bring in a better model and how can someone tell a blade from another if there were no Blades of Namira like in B&M? Okay, let's skip this?

uhm? castle? yes it is the reward with no specials? a reward of a time back where castles were seldom? in the German version the castle-crew was voice acted also ? so it was maybe a little more individual ? but there are so many castle-mods around, that I thought ? come on. not many players will move in there and only take a tour and for one tour you can skip the data-amount of MP3-files and the time to translate those? So, sorry? yes it's “just a ordinary castle”? ;)

I guess that were your major-concerns? Otherwise gimme a call? and ? uhm? MaSydJun's Basemant? have you cast your eyes at the closet? That is one easter-egg? and you should encounter Albert, a book and a sweetcake? next to Edward ? these were all “eggs” at his basemant?.

After all, thank you very, very much for your feedback, really enjoyed reading it? was once in while lost at your “room-descriptions” ? if you give me hint-words with “statues” ? sorry, there are everywhere and in all sizes O.O !!! ?lol


You are most welcome. It's a fantastic mod that makes you think. I definitely recommend it. Sure the rewards are well, mediocre, but the way it is put together, the look of it, the characters and voices, the mood, the feel of it, the incredible design of Lorn and Ardan's Tomb, Bravil... well, it is a must have mod - especially with a trader as rich as MaSydJun! I loved it.

Thanks for the reply. The only question remaining is the locked Aylied door on the right side immediately after going through the crumbling doorway in Ardan. (Same room as writing on the floor.) It doesn't open for me.

I just thought of another question too. Will the voices at midnight continue forever?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:55 am

Just a couple of other comments... I'd really like some of the characters from Bravil as companions. It would be nice if, at the end of all quests, the characters became 'unkillable'. ie. essential. Especially that cute blonde with the attitude... omg... lol

MaSydJun, when directing you to the castle, mentions something about 'all being revealed'... What is it? And the door that opens when you hit the little statue in the castle... is there no door?

Same in MaSydJun's 'basemant'. Where is the 'door' that sounds in the background after hitting the statue?

I dunno... maybe I am just wishing there was more...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 pm

I just thought of another question too. Will the voices at midnight continue forever?

As long as you have the quest related books in your inventory, yes. It is one specific one, but the name escapes me right now. Remove them from your inventory and the "voices" will be gone.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 pm

Hey Rethska,

I dunno... maybe I am just wishing there was more...

Lol... "B&M"-Paranoia, but by all your statue-hitting, door-sound hearing - I assume that the statue in MaSydJun's basemant is located in our "special area" cause otherwise there are no statues set in his "lower-level accommodation" and I have no idea what doorsound you are hearing... Honestly. Oh - Maybe its Aeko going to bed? She lives there too, you know?

The only question remaining is the locked Aylied door on the right side immediately after going through the crumbling doorway in Ardan. (Same room as writing on the floor.) It doesn't open for me.

Okay - guess I know now, where you are - try to follow me:
You made your way through the seals - lotsa dead, Bloodscripts-quote, folks - place yourself on the altar - secret door opend -
you entered secret room with writings on floor. Stop. Okay here we are, right?
So if you place yourself onto the writings - the secret passage on front of you opens.
If you go left through the door (left from the entrance)- a door reveals and you should be stuck. Its a kinda pharao/wrong passage/trap way - leading you one way around the temple entrance. If you went there once and step back to the small room with the carvings/writings - the door what blocks the "trap passage" is still there... I mean they built that thing that you dont get out and not with the idea:
"Hey, if a bunch of heroes wants to steel our king's stuff - we put in an re-activate-able multi-trap. So that if the first gets through, - and gets out with all the gold - The next one comming for the stones, or the dust - and goes: Ha, ha, lucky me all gold off all traps disabled. Now I can collect as much stones as I want to. WHAM! He will never know what hits him - and twice as hard! So they will get away with our gold, but not with the bricks!"
I mean it would be funny if it would have been happen that way, but,- Yeah, I dont think so. No, I dont. ... lol

But I guess you circled once around in that trap passage and later came back to the same spot... where the door was now cloo-oosed... ;)

Just a couple of other comments...


I'd really like some of the characters from Bravil as companions.

Lol... I remember there was a really nice B&M player from Growlf's board (you know Growlf? He does that armor-stuff what is not for minors) and he made Sylvia and Alicia (omg hope that was right - I really forgot a character name as companions (so there must be a mod you maybe can do this - joining NPCs to your fellowship)... and did some posing-screenshot-series - where his male character was surrounded by the girls in Growlf-outfits posing in Japanese freeze-moves... And I wrote him a nice comment about the shots and was kidding around, that he should be nice to ladies because Sylvia is voice-acted in the German version by my sister, so no dumb stuff there... but he was like
He stopped his foto-series with her. What was not my intention, but I thought it was really cute that he reacted that way- because they are just pixels - but that people treat the NPC like the voice-actor who stands behind it. And here it was Ryan's lill sis. Things I love in Oblivion-communities... but anywayz:
Aaaaand - that brings us to you companion-"request". See I thought about doing a companion-at least it has to be logical that NPC X goes with the player - I mean - see Marwen,- he got a fulltime job in Bravil, he cant wander arround, but Riia (you talk about her I guess (Sophie did her) and not about Sylvia?) would have been a great idea, even if she is maybe not so the group-time-Bosmer... But if I would do something like that, it must be something "more", than the "I am the good looking trash-bag carries all stuff for sale" or the "tank"-kinda guy... And so I thought about a companion who has the dialog and the options to multiple original quests ... like kinda companion , if you do for e.g. thieves-guild stuff - the thief-fellow really can help you with information or knows about a second way to succeed in a quest. Has special lines abou the towns. You know. Just an companion who knows his way around in Cyrodiil. This would be a companion I d love to see/ create.... But Ive never played the game for so long - just brought Martin back and went to a dungeon raid through the eastern mountains and made two Bravil quests- so I dont know the rest of the game/universe etc... so well... and B&M was so huge - they still got exclamation marks behind the Deluxe version on the German boards going: ITS 210MB (!!!) - and all this stuff the dialogs, the research and to finally work this out with a voice-actor - was way to much for B&M. That should be a different mod... maybe a B&M-add-on.... lol - 'Bravil Rewalked' or Or something for someone else to do.... ;)

Hope I got you covered?

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:19 pm

okay...sooooo im doing the first quest but im stuck.

i jumped into the well thing, well...climbed down the ladder lol
and i got the sword of namira
and now im at the part with the "s" named guy and the huge door and the room with the 3 buttons on the wall

what do i do?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:01 am

help please?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

Paramodder is in!

Go again through the flames and keep a little longer at the end of the tunnel - according to the book that's the passage of "trust"

- aaan' out! ;)

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 am

I just finished playing. Great mod, Ryan. :) I'll never uninstall it just because I love the life you've given to Bravil (which I always hated and never went to before). "The ears are up" is my favorite quote ever. Thanks for many hours of enjoyment!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:25 pm


hey Anoriel.. Thank you for your feedback - have fun. And what you mentioned was the main motivation behind B&M - because I really enjoyned the original town as well - and I made right at the beginning of the game some quests there only to get the house in Bravil. While the rest of all players in the family owned already Cheydinal-Castles or Skingrad-Manors - and even forgot the name of Bravil and switched it with ... uh... Dirt-hack? (dont know the English game - its a little settlement where the folks try to eat the player - or something like that). What was one reason for me to stop playing Oblivion and start playing Construction Set because I was such a lousy ... but anyways - oh - maybe (I dont know if its in the Spolier's first post) - if you change race (so Woodelf or anything else) or Bosmer's gender - Riia has different first-lines for the player... Maybe you want to check this out.... or look here : - its a youtube video - but with your fave quote included... :) - So thank you, again.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 am

i still cant figure this out...

im in the room with sajid, and the huge door with the two peryite statues in front of it.

what do i do? i need details, not just one sentence please. im lost.

i have the sword already btw.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 pm

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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 am

what do i do? i need details, not just one sentence please. im lost.


I missed that "I got the blade of Namira" part - dont know if it was in first... if it was: its my fault I thought you are stuck before you enter the "blade" room.

Anyway, as the priestess said: You are doomed to eternity now to be caught in the temple. Like all the other guys there. No way out. Mean. But true. I am sorry. But if anybody could get out there - I mean... do you really believe you would be the first one who tries to steal the blade? O.O See, so the story ends. Take it as a man OR try to find something Namira related at this place (not where you have went back - that's the wrong way - turn around), maybe something what you can "use" - like "activate" - and if you find this (on the upper level - maybe - that's where I would go) - then be calm and listen - something there (or in the main-hall) has opened - so you can proceed - steal yourself away from oblivion ... ;)

But please do me a favour: 22 minutes for a bump in a spoiler-thread where the first post is a really handy description of what to do and where to go - I understand totally how itchy that is and how frustrating and I am honestly sorry for this - see I am here - I am here - and I try to look once in a day and I think that its anyone's responsibility if you put data on the net, but you have to give me more time. Maaan! Just some tiny hours. Just *pushes finger and thumb together: Some tiny hours. Please. Or if ten or twelve hxcbears show up in here - everyone becomes hysterical - and then there is all that bumping, and demanding, and beeping, and everyone is depressed and start yelling at each other - and then I get a heart-attack and fall dead with my head on my keyboard. And the last thing I see are 7,8,9, U and I while my nose hits the "J". And I dont want to die with a "J" on my nose, hxcbear. Maybe an "A". "A" that's somehow - special - but how I am supposed to hit that? So diagonal? - but an " A" , "A" that could be at least something of importance - like the letter what starts a new beginning - like "He went off to a new journey, what starts now...". But "J"? "J" means nothing, hxcbear. And if my girlfriend sees that, she could think my last thoughts belong to another girl - what I expressed with my nose. There are so many "J"-girls-names like Jessica, Jennifer, Jacqueline, Josephine, John Do's sister - but even Jonathan or Jerry wouldn't make it better.
And then I am dead and get beaten up. I dont think I deserve that, Hxcbear. To die with a "J" on my nose...and be beaten up. After that.
So please ... gimme me more time... just some tiny hours... ;) .. and don't bump. I help you. Promised. But I need more time? ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am


OMG Ryan! You are HILARIOUS!!!

If you ever get sick of modding, try COMEDY!


*typing through tears of laughter*

Thanks for all your help. And yes, to others who wonder, Ryan is very helpful and always gets back to you. HAVE PATIENCE! With time differences etc, the world is NOT such a small place. Besides, I'm sure he has a LIFE! lol


ps. Yes, it was Riia. OMG she's such a hottie. Your little sister did her voice? Tell he she's totally hot and I want to travel Tamriel with her forever!!!

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:34 am

edit: figuring this one out on my own. ;o
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Len swann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:29 am

Last post, I promise! Ha!

Just for information Ryan, The Lost Spires has a bit of a problem with your mod. Part of the story takes you to Bravil to a new bookshop behind the left side of the church (while looking at it from the front). There's no problem with other buildings except it's outside the city wall and cannot be accessed without the trusty TCL. Just thought you might want to know as The Lost Spires is one of those mods a lot of people have. Not that TCLing is any problem lol, at least in this case. Anyway, yeah. That's it from me!


ps. Thanks lilith - that worked fine!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Last post, I promise! Ha!

Just for information Ryan, The Lost Spires has a bit of a problem with your mod. Part of the story takes you to Bravil to a new bookshop behind the left side of the church (while looking at it from the front). There's no problem with other buildings except it's outside the city wall and cannot be accessed without the trusty TCL. Just thought you might want to know as The Lost Spires is one of those mods a lot of people have. Not that TCLing is any problem lol, at least in this case. Anyway, yeah. That's it from me!


ps. Thanks lilith - that worked fine!

i never had that problem.

im using FCOM, better cities, LS, B&M and all the associated patches. I got to Rathmer's Books without a hitch.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 am

Hi Rethska,

Great? I ll give this on to Sophie who did Riia, if I get hold of her. My sister did Sylvia in the German version ? the story above just came up on my mind as I read your post and I thought it cant cause some harm if I share it? lol ;) ?
So Sophie did Riia, in the German and the English version aaand,- btw the Namira priestess ? its the same voice ? but I think we backed it up with Janine's (Jainy Tessaly ? the "bond"-agent-maid) ? so maybe it doesn't sound so similar like Riia.

But thank you very much for your Lost Spires info. I read once that ? omg...Leo! Right. Leo wrote that he did some patch to combine LS with B&M ? and I remember that, because I was wondering what it was? and I guess? by reading what Teylix said, that maybe that's it?
I just browsed the homepage of LS but I couldn't find the patch/version page ? but there was something like that?. Or maybe it comes with FCOM - I don't know. But there is a possibility of having both mods running together? Yo. ?lol


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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 am

hey guys, i need some help with the second part of the quest. so: i have done that leap too the steps and now i am in the large room with the statues of your character, but all i see is 3 gates, but the final one is locked and Nayana, but she is just stood on the altar and she is totally static, i cant do anything with her. i really need some help as i cant see any way forward.

cheers for your time.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:34 am

please help me guys - im really stuck
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 am

hey guys, i need some help with the second part of the quest. so: i have done that leap too the steps and now i am in the large room with the statues of your character, but all i see is 3 gates, but the final one is locked and Nayana, but she is just stood on the altar and she is totally static, i cant do anything with her. i really need some help as i cant see any way forward.

cheers for your time.

If I remember correctly there is an activator button in that room
on the side of the base on which the one of the statues stands. The one on the right.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 am

thanks you my friend - i will check it out.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 am

thanks you my friend - i will check it out.

So i've almost finshed the bloodscript, except gotten my reward.

So you speak of some sort f praying chamber, and i have no clue?

Is this camber in the first dungeon? like where you get the bloodscript? With all the skeletons and two crocodiles?

In that case, what is the command to just end up there, i really don't want to go trough all of that dungeon again.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:43 am

So i've almost finshed the bloodscript, except gotten my reward.

So you speak of some sort f praying chamber, and i have no clue?

Is this camber in the first dungeon? like where you get the bloodscript? With all the skeletons and two crocodiles?

In that case, what is the command to just end up there, i really don't want to go trough all of that dungeon again.

I believe the console shortcut you need is:

coc cultprayerchamber
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 pm

I believe the console shortcut you need is:

coc cultprayerchamber

Just so i got this right, was the 10k gold my reward? or is there some sort of secret passage?
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