Hey Rethska,
I dunno... maybe I am just wishing there was more...
Lol... "B&M"-Paranoia, but by all your statue-hitting, door-sound hearing - I assume that the statue in MaSydJun's basemant is located in our "special area" cause otherwise there are no statues set in his "lower-level accommodation" and I have no idea what doorsound you are hearing... Honestly. Oh - Maybe its Aeko going to bed? She lives there too, you know?
The only question remaining is the locked Aylied door on the right side immediately after going through the crumbling doorway in Ardan. (Same room as writing on the floor.) It doesn't open for me.
Okay - guess I know now, where you are - try to follow me:
You made your way through the seals - lotsa dead, Bloodscripts-quote, folks - place yourself on the altar - secret door opend -
you entered secret room with writings on floor. Stop. Okay here we are, right?
So if you place yourself onto the writings - the secret passage on front of you opens.
If you go left through the door (left from the entrance)- a door reveals and you should be stuck. Its a kinda pharao/wrong passage/trap way - leading you one way around the temple entrance. If you went there once and step back to the small room with the carvings/writings - the door what blocks the "trap passage" is still there... I mean they built that thing that you dont get out and not with the idea:
"Hey, if a bunch of heroes wants to steel our king's stuff - we put in an re-activate-able multi-trap. So that if the first gets through, - and gets out with all the gold - The next one comming for the stones, or the dust - and goes: Ha, ha, lucky me all gold off all traps disabled. Now I can collect as much stones as I want to. WHAM! He will never know what hits him - and twice as hard! So they will get away with our gold, but not with the bricks!"
I mean it would be funny if it would have been happen that way, but,- Yeah, I dont think so. No, I dont. ... lol
But I guess you circled once around in that trap passage and later came back to the same spot... where the door was now cloo-oosed...
Just a couple of other comments...
I'd really like some of the characters from Bravil as companions.
Lol... I remember there was a really nice B&M player from Growlf's board (you know Growlf? He does that armor-stuff what is not for minors) and he made Sylvia and Alicia (omg hope that was right - I really forgot a character name ...lol) as companions (so there must be a mod you maybe can do this - joining NPCs to your fellowship)... and did some posing-screenshot-series - where his male character was surrounded by the girls in Growlf-outfits posing in Japanese freeze-moves... And I wrote him a nice comment about the shots and was kidding around, that he should be nice to ladies because Sylvia is voice-acted in the German version by my sister, so no dumb stuff there... but he was like stunned...lol...
He stopped his foto-series with her. What was not my intention, but I thought it was really cute that he reacted that way- because they are just pixels - but that people treat the NPC like the voice-actor who stands behind it. And here it was Ryan's lill sis. Things I love in Oblivion-communities... but anywayz:
Aaaaand - that brings us to you companion-"request". See I thought about doing a companion-at least it has to be logical that NPC X goes with the player - I mean - see Marwen,- he got a fulltime job in Bravil, he cant wander arround, but Riia (you talk about her I guess (Sophie did her) and not about Sylvia?) would have been a great idea, even if she is maybe not so the group-time-Bosmer... But if I would do something like that, it must be something "more", than the "I am the good looking trash-bag carries all stuff for sale" or the "tank"-kinda guy... And so I thought about a companion who has the dialog and the options to multiple original quests ... like kinda companion , if you do for e.g. thieves-guild stuff - the thief-fellow really can help you with information or knows about a second way to succeed in a quest. Has special lines abou the towns. You know. Just an companion who knows his way around in Cyrodiil. This would be a companion I d love to see/ create.... But Ive never played the game for so long - just brought Martin back and went to a dungeon raid through the eastern mountains and made two Bravil quests- so I dont know the rest of the game/universe etc... so well... and B&M was so huge - they still got exclamation marks behind the Deluxe version on the German boards going: ITS 210MB (!!!) - and all this stuff the dialogs, the research and to finally work this out with a voice-actor - was way to much for B&M. That should be a different mod... maybe a B&M-add-on.... lol - 'Bravil Rewalked' or something...lol Or something for someone else to do....

Hope I got you covered?