I do not know if this is the right forum but I have discovered two other mods that conflicts with this one if enabled.
1. Cheydinal murder quest
2. The mystery of the Dulan cult
Just for your information.
Thank you, svartekaptenen...
info heard... buuut... I have two questions - without knowing these mods - uhm... why is changing load-order no option and what kind of conflicts exist? Because if somebody comes along and will ask - we can maybe figure something out...
Would be great if you could come in - once again...
Etheral walker,
It is strange, I had the "dream" and then went to Ma Syd juns, he said he "gave" me the book but I have nothing in inventory and the quest updated. should I open the ? stuffs?
Yep that is strange, happens once in a while that Oblivion may hop over one script-line - actually I think - it never happened at this particular stage, its a really short scriptline, you know? This normally happens if you have twenty lines - and go ten times through them, and over and over and over again, like in a loop...or got a lot of stuff to render- BUT - here in your case, that may not happen... so I d say, we have two options: Start quest from zero, its just going to the Redmare - back to the Jun, see if everything works out fine (Id say - it should)... or you have to cheat the book by console... but you have to look it up yourself (the ID), - yeah our service is lacking here - all going down - nothing is like it used to be these days... and proceed... So, that is what I would suggest...
Anyways-- hope it works out -
and talk to you again Svartekaptenen about the conflicts...
Take care, guys