Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:31 am

I believe you're supposed to travel to Leyawin and wait one day, then she will travel to the quest location, IIRC. She moves very slowly...walking speed, but it is a direct route.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 pm

I think figured it out (a bit long, but I figure others may want to know).

When I was in the temple getting the Bloodscript, I saw Nanya run down one of the halls but I lost her. A little bit later, I tripped the cave-in and got a "Nanya is unconscious" message. I didn't think of this right away, but on one of my trials to get Nanya moving after zapping back to the Black Arrow, she stumbled and fell where she was standing. I don't know what mod it comes from (OOO?), but NPC's with low health who do not heal themselves will stumble and fall occasionally. When she got back up, I did a "resethealth" via the console and her health bar went all the way from zero to full. I have the INI file set to show the red-yellow-green health bar and it went all the way from red to green, so it was clear it went from zero to full. Now she was walking, but she would still stumble and fall from time to time. When she got her horse from the stable and started riding to Lorn, she would fall off the horse occasionally. When she would do it in the open water, it would take some time but she would "float up" and re-mount (it was amusing to see her "swimming" in mid-air).

Eventually, we were out on the east side of the Shivering Isles island when she fell off again, but this time it said "Nanya is unconscious" and she would not get up. When the normal NPC unconscious timer would run out, it would just display "Nanya is unconscious" again and nothing would happen. In an act of complete desperation, I used "resurrect 1" via the console on Nanya. After that, Nanya got up, got on the horse, went all the way to Lorn and never fell off again. She also stopped stumbling and falling when she would walk. Everything else with the quest went fine. Hopefully nothing flakes out in the future. I have the pre-Nanya savegame tucked away in case something happens and I have to go back to it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:33 pm

edit: done with that part, but now a NEW problem!

I killed Ardan, went through the secret entrance(Nice little city thing, btw), went up up up, unlocked 2 gates, got to the last anndddd....need a key. So, I have a question: does this mean I missed a quest phase? because it still says something about needing to get into the tomb or something, the second message of the quest. I have all 3 books, but... well, did have to tcl through the main wall door there...... eh. so hopefully this doesnt ruin the game if I have to tcl through this last door >_>
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

No, no , no , no nemetoad WRONG!

NAMIRA! Namira is your hintword... there were multiple times you have pressed a Namira-statue and there was one before the gate with the key...

Okay do this: Go back into the tomb entrance... go on tcl... go right into the smaller room - there is one secret door... go through this secret door till you are at the end of the small secret passage. Your characters back to the wall! Go back in collision... move forward... there should be a quest-update (if not) go back that way - what teleports you back to the secret passage in the level you were before (with the gate) - you have missed there a triggerzone in that channel what ends the quest (or set it up to a new stage) ;) and its in this secret passage... what you can go both ways...


Thats where you go...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:13 pm

I had a save for prior to fighting Ardan, and I looked for Namira. Must've missed her ever-present statuette. In any case, I looked on youtube and saw something along that lines, so I'm good now XD
Minus a few trigger issues that I had, I must say this was a really brilliant mod. I avoided taking anything overly-power breaking though, such as the vampire cure potions and the like. Love the minor details though, though I have to ask if the "magicka potion" is of any value in Jany's house.... the one that looked like a water skin. When I first dropped it, that was when I heard the first scream/singing from the books. terrified me XD the Wraith sound is what gets me. I always look for one when it happens!
In any case, love your work, hope you have fun producing any future endevors. I do have to admit though, the trigger system does seem a bit iffy sometimes depending on how fast a character is, I've noticed this >_> Personally, I would suggest adding markers to any future projects for areas that can be difficult to find the triggers.... not like for every hidden statue or anything, but like.... well, where you should stand when openning the breakable wall with singing books :P I guess I stood too close or something.

In any case, love it all, especially the final act of the second quest. Going up to the portal was brilliantly done and was awesome to me to fight my way up. Sort of like how I wished a lot of mods had certain fights. I like being able to see my goal and all the challenges to get to it, so much that I plan to add this style of playing to any mods that I ever get the motivation and skills to produce.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 am

Hey Nemetoad,

great to hear and thanks a lot.

I do have to admit though, the trigger system does seem a bit iffy sometimes depending on how fast a character is, I've noticed this >_> Personally, I would suggest adding markers to any future projects for areas that can be difficult to find the triggers....

True? and the game is not made that way ? the designers made a lot of use of quest-scripts ? and stage targeting. All that stuff what runs in the background.
There are two advantages on triggers ? the first thing is that the quest does really only proceed if the character is at spot X. The good thing is, that you can even theoretically let someone run around without any introduction and if he is at this special spot: Bahm! Everything goes!
You don't have to go back to someone or talk to someone, you don't have to have a script running numerous times in the background of the game. So you have on the one side extremely control and on the other (and that is the second point) freedom.
You can go out of the quest ? do anything else ? and the quest holds on. All scripts only run at that special spot. Nowhere else.
The problems you said what might occur with this system are absolutely true.
I said it by now many time but that is the reason why the release post is like it is. Spares us a lot of crying and cursing. ;) ?lol But put in a marker.... that gots you out of the game.... then you can also put a red-lighted arrow on top of it.... lol ...jk
In any case, love your work, hope you have fun producing any future endevors

I am in the Order of Dragon ?team - and now we are at the point of recording and I am atm totally lost with all characters. Someone throws out that voice actor should preform "Mar Argan" ? and goes: Oh he would be so brilliant for that. And you go like: "Who is Mar Argan? Is he from the city? Does he have general dialog also?" (because than you are the one who has to write it) "No he is from the assassin-guild" "So what is he doing in the city?" "He kills people and sends the player on a quest" ?lol? but yes, thank you its great fun? we are totally un-organized and totally under control. This is a mammoth project (around 500MB new mesh&texture content and I heard it will rise to around 600MB) ? its more an add-on than a mod?lol ? but the team is great fun, great guys and we got a lot of outstanding community support from anybody?.So I have lotsa fun?lol .. yes? thank you. Oh, oh, oh... and we got our first teaser out since Tuesday... you seem to like watching videos:

In any case, love it all, especially the final act of the second quest.

Love to hear that cause I am not such a fight-style player ? but I missed fighting humans in Oblivion ones in a while I really thought I only kill creatures? and on the other hand you have a "higher" motivation than protecting your stuff? so I know what you talking about ? I had great fun also right in the Halls of Lorn and took down Mephalists while testing it ? its kinda "Doom I" "Serious Sam" level-design? push anybody out your way to get to the door, what you see or know that it is on the other side <- That is all what is behind it.

But thank you... again....

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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:29 am

I'm sorry for grave digging but I'm stuck after I get the blood script. When I talk to oran. He send me to the other realm and I can't get back to bravil. And I can't figure out who is nanya so I can't go throught next step. and How can I get my stuffs back after sleep wilt yana.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:39 pm

Hey Anable,

To your first question the answer is: First listen (there is some special sound), but the location is also kinda "base-jump" like - then jump - and if you jump dont be on TCL

To your second one: Where you lost ist... and bring a torch and a lockpick

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm

Thanks, I've already go throught that case. I will deal with yana later on.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 pm

After look in mod-map. So the entrance to ardan tome is outside bravil and under the river. I've follow nuu to the tome but no clue about ardan's tome.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 am

Hey Aznable,

maybe you should break the "seal" by the new sounds you hear latly quite often... at least if you never heard them... at least they are there at a specific time... listen to the words - maybe you will encounter them again, sonewhere else... maybe in Bravil... maybe there will be another hint... So far I can tell you that you need threee "keys" to break the seal... ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:55 am

OK, found the seal and go throught it. Now I'm at the altar.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:42 am

Finally!! I've blood and mud quest. This might be the hardest mod ever. Great work with the maze and great job with this mod. :goodjob:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:12 pm

I just finished B&M too. I had to use the setstage command in Arden's Tomb because after the midnight thing and the passage opened the quest stage would never progress. But anyway, thanks for the mod. I love the NPCs like MaSydJun, awesome voice acting, same with Marwen and Ordan and others. Great fun.

It was too bad a few of the books like Nanya's diary and another one I'm forgetting were still in German but I opened up the CS and translated the text online to get a general idea. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 pm

I'm rather at my wits end :( I finally made it all the way to Ardan's place. The nasty labyrinth for the Hunter's whatever (took me three hours!) But I finally made it there, thank god. And it always crashes right before the fight with Ardan. I go into the room, walk up the stairs, listen to him babble (I've heard this speech at least three times by now), and just after he says something about having all eternity so losing one sword isn't a big deal, just before we're about to head into the fight, I get a CTD. Every time :( I can't complete the mod and I don't know why... I don't know if anyone's had this problem or not, but I would appreciate any help.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 pm

Hi Sechan,,

sorry for your problems and more sorry for that I can not help - because I remembered someone who had the same problem and it was something dumb like switching load-order - but I cant remember anymore what it was... BUT
I got some good news for you.... : You do now the following:

If facing Ardan (means - in the moment you spot him) - open console - then click on Ardan (on the upper screen you should read his name or a reference ID) - if you see that ID, name whatsoever- type in KILL (you may use capitals if you want to but its no must - its more a feeling thing the game doesnt mind) - THEN you have killed Ardan...

Now, I know you will say: Uh, wait - Ryan - how do I get my quest update then?
And here comes the good news - there is no questupdate if you have killed Ardan - the quest updates if you (I really would love to see your face now because of your (realy admirable labyrinth-passage) ) find your way out of the
What is not the same way back - we are so far... lol ... but its not so easy to find also - its on from Ardans I spoil you as much as you want to - if you have a problem there (after Ardan's death)... but honestly great job so far... I now its hard - I do not beat it sometimes and ran around there for about 15 min - till I got my way out there - and I know - how you get out there - But I love it - I am so proud of the way how it works (because it is really simple - but makes labyrinth so hard - you could even enable a map - the only reason why it is disabled that you would now how it works - that is another reason why the map is faded out for this time ) - that I tell

But yeah... do that via console - and proceed - I think you deserve it... and its no cheating (if that is a problem for you - its not for me).... so I hope I could help you... at least... ;)

have fun
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:31 pm

Thanks. I waited until the last bits of speech and did a kill and it worked fine. I don't mind using console commands depending on the situation. It got stuck at that point and if a kill command could allow me out of there, then that's fine. Tiaz got his castle and he's quite happy with it :P Though he almost hit Ma Se Jun for just being straight up and telling him exactly what he was doing XD

It was quite fun, and I particularly like the feel of Bravil. It's in all my games and it really is BRAVIL, to me. And the voices are so creepily good that talk in Tiaz's head XD The ambiance is great!
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:34 am

ok so i finished the blade of the goddess and i cant seem to able to start the quest Bloodscripts how do i start it?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:36 am

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

You should have a look into the "Black Arrow" in Bravil and speak to Oron.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:31 pm

ok so im on the third quest and im not sure really what the "right place" is where your supposed to do the thing with the books
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 am

Ah! Brazzle!

How are you? ... :)

Let's see... so on the first page it says:

Nuun leads you to the tomb. // The words Anatos yuurim thul (you should here at a specific time) - are repeated by Aina the Mad (what should give you some hints of the next books) - (...)

Bring all three books to the Ardan’s Tomb and wait till 23.55 ?"

So I would say, you should follow Nuun... (or take a swim south of Bravil - so you do not have to wait :) for her )


P.S. Hi Trr Kah .... good morning... lol
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

can someone tell my what the Rewards for the secound quest is??
- oron gave me 3 options, dose it make any difference which one i choose??
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am


GO - just pick one.... dont wait for answers... dont mind ... just do it :)

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Lily Something
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:34 am

Hey there, Ryan. Got a question for you.

I use FCOM and so far I love what I see from Blood and Mud. I have one problem though and maybe you could assist. When using a FCOM-build it is rather important not to have powerful equipment that's too easy to get your hands on. Like you can get in some places. For example MaSydJun's shop, plus a certain place where you can get loads of Nirnroots as well as Master alchemy set. It would also be grand if the shopkeepers gold were decreased somewhat as I use Living Economy. What I'm getting at is; will a patch be released for FCOM users? Or would you have any objection if someone released such a patch? Not me, as I haven't even tried opening the CS, but maybe someone else would have a go at it.
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