Hey Max Bat,
First at all Thank you vaary much, for that nice feedback. And, yes, yes ? someone drops in once in a while, leaves a mess ? someone takes a broom ? wipes it all out? its a weekly comin' an' goin'...
But yes? Riia? there are some characters with different dialog: Riia for example- she has different one-liners if you are Bosmer (m ? then she ask you for money OR w ? then she got that one line (what I really love) ? "There is only place for one bad wood-elf in town, sister!"?lol) ? maybe she got more for highelves or dark-elves (I do not know anymore ? some of such things are different from the German to English version) ? but Captain Ansol has different lines if you play male or female and ? Jafiir talks to you other lines if you play Kajiit, Argonian or human, Torro (I think even in the English version responds differently if you are male or female) ? and of course if you are hero of Kvatch or not, but that is also in the standard game? uhm?. So yes, your guess was right?
And no?. Bravil stays like it is? see? originally it was really intended to do "just" a Bravil-Mod ? what I did for some of my relatives a lot with Morrowind ? and as I showed it to my brother, he went: Oh, is that again just a graphic-mod?
And I said: Nah! It got new characters ? like look: There is the hang-man running around?
And he went: And do they got new dialog?
And I said: No. What for? Everyone hates Bravil. I love Bravil. So it got new houses and new characters and if I should release it someone else may take over do all such stuff.
And he said: So no new quests and no new dialog, that is what I call a " just graphic mod". It looks great, but it has no more value.
(I should mention that he thought later, that this was really rude ? and felt sorry for it)
BUT - trust me this "graphic mod" (what was also thrown at me as I did MW-stuff) term its like a branded standard-quotation in my head. And it really annoyed me. Because you put a lot of time into it and the one you had on mind the whole time you made it for goes:
Oh yeah, cool, BUT? - And that "but". Itchy. Its like: I bought you a pony, why are you not happy?! - Yes, I am happy, but its not black. ? But it's a pony, you always wanted a pony! ? Yeah, but a black one. That one is pink. ? You can paint it black if you want to. ? It's not the same. ?

I guess, you know what I mean. So the quest was just garnish and even the dialogs ? were only written because the German Planetoblivion started with the Speaker's Market (a resource for voice-actors). And I loved the idea, - because it was a great progress of modding. It is innovative, you know. And anything else in B&M developed out of it? so you have to take B&M ? if you want to be strict ? as a "city-changing mod with quests".
- That was its purpose. To carry the city on?
That is why everything will be there? and stay there? and is like it is?.
And to your Riia-key "problem" (maybe the key fell down) but it should be on the cupboard if you enter Riia's house (think its one of the houses next to MaSydJun's at the river) look left (think at ten, eleven o'clock from the entry)?.
Yeah. Yo. Guess that was all, right?
So thank you, again, for your nice words, an'...