Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 pm

Hey JanBonde,

in general I have different perspective of balancing/ what you can get and what not... So simply: Use it if you do not like it or use it if you do... That is why everything is like it is...

Now if you say: That is not enough for me and I would like (or someone else) to have a patch to frame B&M more to my game-style-p.o.v. and if it makes you happy or anyone else... Why should I have any objections and stand between you and your luck? Never. If it makes you happy... GO FOR!
Would be great if I would know if something like this exists - so I could answer if someone ever will ask and link it so that someone else could find it easier... GREAT!

There are already some German balancing mods working with or around B&M (only for the German version, sorry :( <- and where some not ask btw. - what I do not like because I believe in manners even on the net - If someone takes 10 hours to deal with the CS - 5 minutes for a "Hey Ryan, just that you know..." mail must be possible - I mean I am around and not gone) so why not do this for the EV as well...?
I am fine with it whoever wants to take that job, JanBonde :)

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James Potter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 am

I started playing BM on Saturday and its the hardest fing mod ever made for Oblivion. Now Im on the quest where I have to follow Nanya... somewhere.... I have no idea where to go and I think Ill just ditch the [censored].
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:49 am

Thanks, Ryan. I'll see who I can dig up to do the work ;)
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elliot mudd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 pm

Hey JanBonde,

in general I have different perspective of balancing/ what you can get and what not... So simply: Use it if you do not like it or use it if you do... That is why everything is like it is...

Just wanted to say "mee too" to JanBonde's view. My pet peeve with many mods is that they make it much easier than even the vanilla game by adding merchants with lots of gold, too easily available equipment etc.

While I agree that one can choose not to use those things, it is somewhat of an immersion breaker. I'm of course fully aware that there's different opinions on this, but I just wanted to say that I JanBonde is not the only one.

Anyway, I love quest mods like B&M :)
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm

Hey JanBonde,

in general I have different perspective of balancing/ what you can get and what not... So simply: Use it if you do not like it or use it if you do... That is why everything is like it is...

Now if you say: That is not enough for me and I would like (or someone else) to have a patch to frame B&M more to my game-style-p.o.v. and if it makes you happy or anyone else... Why should I have any objections and stand between you and your luck? Never. If it makes you happy... GO FOR!
Would be great if I would know if something like this exists - so I could answer if someone ever will ask and link it so that someone else could find it easier... GREAT!

There are already some German balancing mods working with or around B&M (only for the German version, sorry :( <- and where some not ask btw. - what I do not like because I believe in manners even on the net - If someone takes 10 hours to deal with the CS - 5 minutes for a "Hey Ryan, just that you know..." mail must be possible - I mean I am around and not gone) so why not do this for the EV as well...?
I am fine with it whoever wants to take that job, JanBonde :)

Thanks, Ryan. I'll see if I can help out with this effort.

You know me already, so you can be sure I will let you know if anything comes of it.

Thanks again!
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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:20 am

He, he, he lol?

You know me already,

As if I could ever forget that real huge impressive white hat. And ,,, What is that?! You are not wearing a gun in my thread, don't you! ?lol ;)

--- Yeah, strange reader that was hidden advertisment for "Culture-Clich?-Week" on Beth-Board! ? Like that "dress up like your ancestor"-week from high-school ? And if I would find a sombrero and a walrus pelt I would just join the party. But for so far? ---

Great man, honestly, if you want to sit down with that ? guess its not so hard to the stuff you guys from FCOM used to deal with ? BUT HEY: If you take a look at B&M you will find an NPC named Ronja ? she shoots Daedric arrows at the skeleton ? you maybe want to change that as well ? to "iron-arrows" or something like that? It's a minor issue but for guys like JanBonde maybe of importance and easy to oversee?

Let me know if you need any info? ( I am not so aware what all aspects of FCOM are? yeah you got one free on me for that?lol ? Sorry. Serious. But that Ronja was just one thing what just came up on my mind)? so I will try my best... :)

@JAN BONDE and THENICEONE ?. Its all in finest hands by now ?.
Sooooooo? hand me a Magaritha and let's hunt down some walrus to honor my ancestors! *picks up a wooden fork Woudan Huzzaaa ! ;)

Take care

EDIT: I forgot: Thank you! @dev_akm
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:11 pm

Okay, I'm glad to see this thread is still very active. I downloaded the mod in English and started playing it this weekend. Wow. All I can say is wow. This is how a quest mod should be - great quests, freaky-scary people (I mean, seriously, I haven't been this nervous playing Oblivion since the first time I went through an Oblivion gate during my first Siege of Kvatch quest). Nice graphics, nice quests, excellent dialogue and the voices are to kill for. Truly. Riia (sp? the Bosner woman) made me want to cut her throat just because her voice and dialogue is so snotty (obviously my character is not a Bosner). And, of course, that, eh, witch . . . Yana . . . still have to get my two favorite swords back!

Excellet work, thank you for making this great mod!

I haven't completed all the quests yet, but just curious - without getting too much in the way of spoilers - does Bravil change once the quests are over? Clean up, so to speak? Or does Bravil always have this permanent, bloody, dirty, trailer-park-from-hell kind of look to it? Hmm . . . I can't really decide which I'd prefer - the clean or the dirty Bravil.

Also, I'm only Level 16. Has anyone completed the quests at this level?

Thanks for giving us these hints, too!
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

Okay, help!

I have searched Riia's house for Jainy's key - I've torn it apart almost, but I cannot find it. The spoiler suggests that it's in her "shed." Does Riia have a shed, too?

I cannot find this key anywhere.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 am

Hey Max Bat,

First at all Thank you vaary much, for that nice feedback. And, yes, yes ? someone drops in once in a while, leaves a mess ? someone takes a broom ? wipes it all out? its a weekly comin' an' goin'...

But yes? Riia? there are some characters with different dialog: Riia for example- she has different one-liners if you are Bosmer (m ? then she ask you for money OR w ? then she got that one line (what I really love) ? "There is only place for one bad wood-elf in town, sister!"?lol) ? maybe she got more for highelves or dark-elves (I do not know anymore ? some of such things are different from the German to English version) ? but Captain Ansol has different lines if you play male or female and ? Jafiir talks to you other lines if you play Kajiit, Argonian or human, Torro (I think even in the English version responds differently if you are male or female) ? and of course if you are hero of Kvatch or not, but that is also in the standard game? uhm?. So yes, your guess was right?

And no?. Bravil stays like it is? see? originally it was really intended to do "just" a Bravil-Mod ? what I did for some of my relatives a lot with Morrowind ? and as I showed it to my brother, he went: Oh, is that again just a graphic-mod?
And I said: Nah! It got new characters ? like look: There is the hang-man running around?
And he went: And do they got new dialog?
And I said: No. What for? Everyone hates Bravil. I love Bravil. So it got new houses and new characters and if I should release it someone else may take over do all such stuff.
And he said: So no new quests and no new dialog, that is what I call a " just graphic mod". It looks great, but it has no more value.
(I should mention that he thought later, that this was really rude ? and felt sorry for it)

BUT - trust me this "graphic mod" (what was also thrown at me as I did MW-stuff) term its like a branded standard-quotation in my head. And it really annoyed me. Because you put a lot of time into it and the one you had on mind the whole time you made it for goes:
Oh yeah, cool, BUT? - And that "but". Itchy. Its like: I bought you a pony, why are you not happy?! - Yes, I am happy, but its not black. ? But it's a pony, you always wanted a pony! ? Yeah, but a black one. That one is pink. ? You can paint it black if you want to. ? It's not the same. ? ;) lol
I guess, you know what I mean. So the quest was just garnish and even the dialogs ? were only written because the German Planetoblivion started with the Speaker's Market (a resource for voice-actors). And I loved the idea, - because it was a great progress of modding. It is innovative, you know. And anything else in B&M developed out of it? so you have to take B&M ? if you want to be strict ? as a "city-changing mod with quests".
- That was its purpose. To carry the city on?

That is why everything will be there? and stay there? and is like it is?. ;)

And to your Riia-key "problem" (maybe the key fell down) but it should be on the cupboard if you enter Riia's house (think its one of the houses next to MaSydJun's at the river) look left (think at ten, eleven o'clock from the entry)?.

Yeah. Yo. Guess that was all, right?

So thank you, again, for your nice words, an'...

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 am

Hey Max Bat,

First at all Thank you vaary much, for that nice feedback. And, yes, yes ? someone drops in once in a while, leaves a mess ? someone takes a broom ? wipes it all out? its a weekly comin' an' goin'...

That is why everything will be there? and stay there? and is like it is?. ;)

And to your Riia-key "problem" (maybe the key fell down) but it should be on the cupboard if you enter Riia's house (think its one of the houses next to MaSydJun's at the river) look left (think at ten, eleven o'clock from the entry)?.

Yeah. Yo. Guess that was all, right?

So thank you, again, for your nice words, an'...


Thanks for responding. I love the way you write, by the way. Not just the dialogue in the mod, but these responses are real gems as well. And there are some great lines in this mod. Truly.

Yeah, I opened the construction set and found the key in Riia's place, but when I go in, it's not there. So maybe it did fall down. Also, the texture on the dresser is different than the one in the construction set. I don't know if that makes a difference.

Another oddity: I was finishing one of the quests, coming out of a house, and there was a fight going on between - well, basically everyone in town was involved. It looked like a woman in a gray-green hooded robe started something and soon the guards, Riia, everyone was involved. She summoned some daedra and, I think, cast a frenzy spell on one of the guards. Jainy wasn't killed - because she's an essential character - but Riia was and so were a couple of other townspeople, and two guards. Jainy was knocked unconsious several times. Afterwards, I grabbed some nice loot including two guards uniforms and Riia's clothes (kind of sorry to see her dead, though).

Is this a bug? I'm playing FCOM, too, so this may be a result of that.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 pm

That is called the "City-Swimmer"-Effect? a disturbance of the force ? ? so to say? that is a part of the vanilla/original Bravil?. Where the character City-Swimmer starts stealing and draws (even before) anyone into a fight. Now the B&M-characters as well? that has nothing to do with FCOM or any other mod?. : (I should use more smilies here - the one who his responsible for them here -seems to put a lot of love into that - they are always so great and progressive) -> :dance:

I thought about changing it .. but I guess that this was no bug by the original designer and was meant to be? and I think that has to be respected even it is (maybe for some of us) odd, weird or atypical? It is just an artistic aspect ? maybe to show us the chaos-theory or "butterfly effect" (highclass AI-design?lol- Someone made an AI-package with a deeper purpose?lol) or maybe it means nothing ?but do not mind.. all important characters are on "respawn" (really all) ? so they will be back.. the town can not be vanished?



P.S. I forgot your character-level question as I read over the thread again? my testing character "archer-type-like-mesobad-lonesome-darkelf-assassine" (Hoo!Ha!)was at seven during Bloodscripts? I remember that? :)

PPS. "I like my sugar with coffee and cream!" :intergalactic: <- See that is what I mean with the smilies around here... Why was the Sparta-Smily abandoned btw? That was a great one too... Mr.Smily-Man..? :mellow: O.O
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:33 am

Okay, I am sorry to do this, but I am freakin stuck. Completely.

I just started The Forgotten Realms Quest (Quest I). Got the book, followed the path. Fair enough. Made my jump. Climbed down the ladder. Entered square chamber. Completely black. Used spell and torch to find winding circular tunnel. Came to stone door. Nothing. Cannot open it at all.

Read through this thread. In front of the door is a square stone. It will not activate at all. Not at all, as in, not at all. I jump on it. I smack it with my sword. Nothing. The door is impervious to me.

I read through this thread again. Tried backing up to open the door from a distance. Tried sneaking to the door. Tried running at the door, right smack into it (I think this qualifies as "Do something dumb!").

The door will not open.

Went back, and read the book again:

On temple's gate the ol' cheers welcome,
awaits the stranger and his dark deed,
Hails the mighty and his warm breath,
He wants to bound round the cold steel,

The wise won't pass, the fool succeeds,
The patient fail, the fast succeed,
Who chooses long has chosen wrong,
Who chooses fast, has long passed on.

Okay, assuming the wise won't pass means I gotta jump into the well. Did that. The patient fail, the fast succeed? Did I linger too long in the tunnel? I mean, the noise I once head behind the door is gone now . . . the tunnel is silent . . .

Sigh I'll try again, but any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, sorry to bother.

P.S. I would LOVE, literally, love, love, love to think someone made an AI for deeper (even literally darker) purpose . . .

P.S.S. EDIT: Text deleted. Never mind. I figured it out - like Alice, I jumped down the wrong hole. I found the entrance.

Sigh. This is one very, very hard mod.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 pm


I read through this thread again. Tried backing up to open the door from a distance. Tried sneaking to the door. Tried running at the door, right smack into it (I think this qualifies as "Do something dumb!").

lol... sorry... I think that is cute... because what ever you read there - there we talked about a different door. But the "do something dumb" part was very good. I talked about my brother up here in the thread - he was the first one who ever played the quest and he stucked exactly at this part of the quest. - the "do something dumb" part. What I guess you figured allready out... like this here:

I jumped down the wrong hole. ;) there is no ladder at the entrance - but you will figure out what that was soon... and do you know that there are video-walkthroughs (in German so, if you do not mind): But maybe it helps out a little bit faster before going again through 49 pages spoilerthreads ;) :


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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

If I properly understand previous posts, the "prayer chamber/room" where you use the key you get at the end of Bloodscripts is the last room you enter in the Halls of Lorn where the portal is. Is that right? If so, I find only one locked door there: an iron gate that still does not open. I console opened it once and found nothing in there; literally--there were missing meshes--kind of a bridge to nowhere. Anyway, I assume I am wrong about where the prayer room is...would you correct me, please? Thank you for your great mod.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:26 pm

If I properly understand previous posts, the "prayer chamber/room" where you use the key you get at the end of Bloodscripts is the last room you enter in the Halls of Lorn where the portal is. Is that right? If so, I find only one locked door there: an iron gate that still does not open. I console opened it once and found nothing in there; literally--there were missing meshes--kind of a bridge to nowhere. Anyway, I assume I am wrong about where the prayer room is...would you correct me, please? Thank you for your great mod.

The Prayer Chamber is in the first "ruin" you went to during the quest.
It is the place where all the skeletons were kneeling in a circle around the podium.
I hope this helps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

I hope this helps.

It sure does...will check it out as soon as I get a chance to play again. Thank you for your response.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm

Hello I've been playing the english translated verison of this mod and I'm enjoying it greatly. I went through the blade of the goddess quest, I decided to keep the sword and store it. I went to Oron at the black arrow tavern spoke with him about the Bloodscripts and activated the quest line. I'm experiencing similar problems to another poster, before I get into the details of my problem. I've watched your Youtube video of the walkthrough, I do not know German but from looking at the scene in the graveyard I've placed my character in the same spot. I'm unable to find the grave stone. I've looked exactly where you said it would be in this guide and it's not there. The gravestone doesn't exist for me, I'm thinking I've done something wrong, I bought the book from Osslas scripts and read it. I'm unsure what to do, I've not used one single console command during my time playing. Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm pretty much stuck. :-(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 am

Hello I've been playing the english translated verison of this mod and I'm enjoying it greatly. I went through the blade of the goddess quest, I decided to keep the sword and store it. I went to Oron at the black arrow tavern spoke with him about the Bloodscripts and activated the quest line. I'm experiencing similar problems to another poster, before I get into the details of my problem. I've watched your Youtube video of the walkthrough, I do not know German but from looking at the scene in the graveyard I've placed my character in the same spot. I'm unable to find the grave stone. I've looked exactly where you said it would be in this guide and it's not there. The gravestone doesn't exist for me, I'm thinking I've done something wrong, I bought the book from Osslas scripts and read it. I'm unsure what to do, I've not used one single console command during my time playing. Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm pretty much stuck. :-(

Edit: I was able to load a previous saved file and speak with Oron again then buy the rhymes book. I was then able to find the grave, I'm not sure if my first attempt at this was bugged or what. I'm now going to continue on.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 am

hi, Ryan

bloodscripts problem.
I first bought the Auril's book, then completed Blade Of Goddess, Ma Sid jun Sent me to Black Arrow and the guy asks me do you have the book I say yes, read first letters, know I need to find a tomb but... where?

This is step II of bloodscripts. Sorry, forgot not to buy books and... don't remember what next...
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:45 am

Ryan, thank you for this incredible mod.

I was curious if anyone has experienced repeated crashes when trying to enter Ma Syd's establishment? Sometimes I can get in, and sometimes not, it is odd. (Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this.)

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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:41 am

I'm encountering a ghost named "nuun" during the middle of the day near Bravil and I'm not doing the B&M quest by the way. I'm sure I'm seeing her because her path grid has been disrupted, probably by New Roads & Bridges. A search of 'nuun' brought me to this thread. So, could someone tell me where she's supposed to be so I can check out the path grids in that area? TIA.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:25 am

Surely my question was asked a million times... but I feel I must ask it one more time :)

Is there a mod/plugin that shows subtitles in Blood&Mud Dirt Anglais?

If not, is there any chances someone is working on this "subtitle mod" for B&M?

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:23 pm

Surely my question was asked a million times... but I feel I must ask it one more time :)

Is there a mod/plugin that shows subtitles in Blood&Mud Dirt Anglais?

If not, is there any chances someone is working on this "subtitle mod" for B&M?


Anyone ?????

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noa zarfati
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 pm

Can someone please help me out.

I've just installed B&M and I met a ghost lady out on the water who spoke in German. Do I have the newest version of this mod? - linked through TesNexus.
I thought all spoken dialog should be in English in this version.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 am

I've just installed B&M and I met a ghost lady out on the water who spoke in German. Do I have the newest version of this mod? - linked through TesNexus.
I thought all spoken dialog should be in English in this version.

If I recall correctly in the German version she speaks English or French or something... either way she's supposed to NOT speak your native language, kind of a plot point ;).
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