Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 am

Hey Mako,

the scenery you are momentarily in is quiet ?huge" and really hardware sensitive ? Oblivion handles this once in a while very well once in a while it takes a while till the next AI-packages are executed. Sometimes this means thirty seconds or longer! (eventually read last line again?lol ;) ? but it proceeds fine on) Like in your case, I hope. I don't have the CS at hand atm (like a mentioned above) so I cant look the stage up you gave me? but if everything worked fine and Nanya was rescuing you ? all worked out well enough and we can move on?. IF NOT and no Nanya at all around, following may be happened:
On your journey with Nanya from Bravil to the ARCANE HALLS OF LORN (muhahahaha) Sorry. She maybe ran into a stone, steep slope, tree or was attacking a mudcrab beneath the water-line what maybe be appeared to you like she is twisting on the surface ? and you maybe solved this problem by shooting an console "TCL" on her. If this happens (!!!) Oblivion doesn't understands anymore on collision-boxes that she (or any other NPC) has still collision (or resets it somehow never mind the outcome is equal) what is kinda ? uh? annoying ? because for Bloodscripts, at this point where you are at, we need her to walk over collision boxes ? what she cant anymore ? so she get stuck doesn't matter if you shot another TCL on her to revamp the collision. It's gone. ;)
IF that happened ? the only work around is to take an older savegame and proceed without any console-tcl-spell on her OR bothering Ryan with console commands to proceed through the final act of Bloodscripts from your point now?. ;) But I hoped everything worked out fine? *pray ?.lol ;)


Yeah and this is actually the reason why Beth has not used that trigger-system in the ori game what I used for B&M. (Lets call it "modding-freedom") You just have to watch out that you WALK in Interiors or hold in at the end of a channel like we had at the "trials" (if you are willing to take the time) otherwise (because I know how once in a while everything is triggered) it will not make fun, but we figured that problem in another mod I did and walking was the solution? so it should work here as well?.

Take care
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

OKAY - so I've tried two separate characters and both are having the same problem... during the second quest - once I'm in the HALLS Of XXXX I go to the right, per Nanya's (sp) request. From here, I cannot quicksave or rest - these actios crash the game.

But my biggest issue is that I complete the HALLS, where Nanya comes to save me, I get the Bloodscripts and we return to the portal. Going through it causes the game to crash without fail (no pun intended).

I cannot restart the game as it says something like "the are no master files in this saved game" or some such drivel...

Does ANYONE have suggestions. I love the "new" Bravil and the quests/characters are great but this is driving me nuts.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 am

Hi Van Stellecks,

but this is driving me nuts.

Yes. Me too. Because that may not happen. First at all your quick-save/resting issue is something what sounds for me very very strange... because quick-save should work all-the-time- everywhere... or are you talking here about "cant rest" is no option - like in 90% of all dungeons? But doesnt matter quick-save has to work....

The portal thing... yeah... I know... it happens on some computers once in a while... it didn't before a former patch - technically your character is teleported by a trigger-box - this doesn't work as I said before sometimes - and even on some PCs where it didn't work once it worked the second time... It happened once to me also, after I patched and the second time it didn't so I guess its a game-engine-thinggy - Anywayss - I got for this particular problem a handy solution right here for you... :) : Try this:
Let Nanya proceed after you have talked to her and got the book... then let her pass the portal BUT DO NOT FOLLOW instead:
open the console type in coc cultarcaneA (or BravilcultarcaneA - I am not sure but one cell-id will work) and you should find yourself in the entrance hall of Lorn (that's your XXX ;) ) where you just have to walk out to got your final conversation with her... if you are blocked on your way (Oblivion always places you on the last marker if you do a coc cell-change via console) use tcl to get to the front-door... she should talk to you then .... ;)

That should work out.... but to your quicksave thing - that sounds very very strange and is not okay... I would keep an eye onto that if that ever happens to you in a dungeon from the ori-game I would reinstall or check my mod-list - maybe it's something in the ini-settings - but I have no clue I am just guessing around here...

So Tc and coc cultarcaneA is your passport out of the ARCANE HALLS OF LORN ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am


Thank you so much! I will give that shot.

As for the quick-save crashing the game, it was only after I faced the first opponent (who comes out for you in the room full of doors). After killing her, I could quicksave (F5). However, once you go through that door into the long hall... any quicksave causes the crash.

Rebooting the game, I can see the screen image in the Save I m about to load, but I constantly get that message saying "the master files are not something-or-other."

This does not occur anywhere else in the game <_<

alrighty then!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:23 am

Very peculiar,

I followed your directions step by step and oddly enough, using coc cultarcaneA brought me back NEAR the entrance of the Halls of Lorn, but when I used tcl to go out the door to talk to Nanya, it was just empty blackness.

I then tried to coc bravilchapelofmara which was successful - until I saved it. Of course, the game wouldn't load because "none of the master files were saved in this game..."

Any other insight would be greatly appreciated!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:16 am

Very peculiar,

I followed your directions step by step and oddly enough, using coc cultarcaneA brought me back NEAR the entrance of the Halls of Lorn, but when I used tcl to go out the door to talk to Nanya, it was just empty blackness.

I then tried to coc bravilchapelofmara which was successful - until I saved it. Of course, the game wouldn't load because "none of the master files were saved in this game..."

Any other insight would be greatly appreciated!

When using the coc cultarcaneA and arriving near the entrance to the Halls of Lorn you can not use tcl to go out the door. Nanya is in a different cell and that is why you saw blackness. Can you coc to that spot and then go through the door normally without crashing?

As far as quicksaves go, they are prone to corruption. Delete the quicksave file and let the game create a new quicksave slot and do that frequently to help in avoiding corruption. Do not rely on quicksaves, once a quicksave file is corrupted, gets used and merged in with a standard save the possibility of that save carrying the corruption forward is tremendous.

I hope this helps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am

Ok, I have a problem.

Take one - I get to the Big Arcane room thing with Oron opening the portal at the top. I went invisible and ran to the top, I was told to hurry after all. So I get there, blast away all the guard, run across the bridge Oron is standing infront of the portal *gasp* NOOO I must be to late! I then kill Oron, take that! YAY the day is saved I dident let him get in the gate right!? nothing happens. Wait for awhile, nothing happens, talk to Nanya she tells me to hurry befor Oron opens the gate...

Take two - Load to right outside that cell, this time dispite being told to hurry I take my time and make sure to kill ALL the NPCs in the room, get to the top, and Oron is standing there again, arms up chanting at the gate. I wait for about 3 minutes. Nothing. Cross the bridge, talk to Oron. He greets me warmly and goes back to looking at the gate... What the hell. So I say screw it and go into the gate myself, wander around the room for awhile and go back out. Gate Vanishes and Oron is still there waving his arms around. I [censored] slap him and load back to the outside of the entire ruin complex.

After that I went online and found a video for that section, it seems Oron is ment to be inside the gate by the time I get up there? So what am I doing wrong? Or how can I bypass this area / quest stage?

Any help would be great.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

Bah sorry double posted.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:02 am

Ok, I have a problem.

Take one - I get to the Big Arcane room thing with Oron opening the portal at the top. I went invisible and ran to the top, I was told to hurry after all. So I get there, blast away all the guard, run across the bridge Oron is standing infront of the portal *gasp* NOOO I must be to late! I then kill Oron, take that! YAY the day is saved I dident let him get in the gate right!? nothing happens. Wait for awhile, nothing happens, talk to Nanya she tells me to hurry befor Oron opens the gate...

Take two - Load to right outside that cell, this time dispite being told to hurry I take my time and make sure to kill ALL the NPCs in the room, get to the top, and Oron is standing there again, arms up chanting at the gate. I wait for about 3 minutes. Nothing. Cross the bridge, talk to Oron. He greets me warmly and goes back to looking at the gate... What the hell. So I say screw it and go into the gate myself, wander around the room for awhile and go back out. Gate Vanishes and Oron is still there waving his arms around. I [censored] slap him and load back to the outside of the entire ruin complex.

After that I went online and found a video for that section, it seems Oron is ment to be inside the gate by the time I get up there? So what am I doing wrong? Or how can I bypass this area / quest stage?

Any help would be great.

Ok, I'll see if I can help :)

You do have Nanya with you right? When you entered the large area where the Portal is did you meet up with her and she told you to hurry? (I'm sorry if I am repeating something you have already said, I would like to make sure I'm on the right track). From there (the bottom of the large area), you both take off battling the NPC's? You must speak with her before going up to the portal and if you do see Oron don't talk to him.

You do want him to go through the gate as once you enter he will have a speech for you and Nanya will show up too.

I don't think you're doing anything wrong, perhaps the script is not firing as it should. I would suggest trying again from a save prior to entering that area. I've not read about any problems with this specific section previously, so perhaps another load or two will straighten it up.

As far as bypassing this part of the quest, I don't think you want to. Also bear in mind that once you do something like that there is no going back. Open the console with the ~ key, type sqt and hit enter to find the ID of the current quest. You can try upping the stages by perhaps 5 when you see the ID and stage. Type setstage ID (whatever that is) 20 (appropriate number here). Then hit enter.

I hope this helps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 am

Ok, it's been a while but I'm in bloodscripts quest now. I was wondering, how do you have to press the pressure blocks in the corridor that leads to the hall of sacrifices so as not to die instantly? Do you have to jump from one to another rather than following a safe path over them?

Also, after I got the blood book, I noticed another door left of the hall for which I don't have a key. Is it neccesary to open that door? I spyed with tcl what was behind it and I saw a forgotten diary or something similar which I didn't dare to open. Where is the key to that door?

Despite that, I returned the book to Oron and he gave me my "reward" (that freaking Ma Syd Jun, how did he came there?) and after doing "something foolish" again, I spoke to Nanya. Now she's leading me to the halls of lorn, but the problem is that the path seems to be blocked by the strange island from the shivering isles expansion. Is it normal that Nanya has problems to continue her path because of this island?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:45 am

Ok, it's been a while but I'm in bloodscripts quest now. I was wondering, how do you have to press the pressure blocks in the corridor that leads to the hall of sacrifices so as not to die instantly? Do you have to jump from one to another rather than following a safe path over them?

Also, after I got the blood book, I noticed another door left of the hall for which I don't have a key. Is it neccesary to open that door? I spyed with tcl what was behind it and I saw a forgotten diary or something similar which I didn't dare to open. Where is the key to that door?

Despite that, I returned the book to Oron and he gave me my "reward" (that freaking Ma Syd Jun, how did he came there?) and after doing "something foolish" again, I spoke to Nanya. Now she's leading me to the halls of lorn, but the problem is that the path seems to be blocked by the strange island from the shivering isles expansion. Is it normal that Nanya has problems to continue her path because of this island?

I never quite figured out if there was a pattern to getting through that without losing most my health. I cast a heavy duty protect spell on myself, keep heal potions on a quick-key and run like hell. I make it with a sliver of health left, but I do make it.

Not to worry, you will get the key for that room later on.

Best thing to do is just bugger off a bit and Nanya will eventually make it to the destination, sometimes she gets hung up in a few places. Since she has a quest marker attached to her it won't be hard to find where she is at once she gets there.

I hope that helps.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:56 am

from MadMike:

Take one - (...)
Take two - (...)

Hi Mike,

yes I saw the dailies - I know what you mean. I think you have to give the audience more intensity of your character. I know we are all doing here a MadMike ? quest but that's not the kind of MadMike ? quest the folks are used to see. I think this one is different. I mean, don't get me wrong here, but I think if you would step out of the scene ? like on front of the computer screen and leave the character as he is even in this action-sequence. I mean,- we would get a big a "Woah!" , here, from your folks. Kinda: "Man, I never saw him this way! That's a totally new MadMike quest!" ? That would serve in my opinion the quest ? your character and finally - your whole hero career. But who am I? Nobody. You are the star of the quest. But - maybe you should just show up in this sequence. Take that action-run more visible, and a little slower, the whole sets costs some money, so we should give our investors at least a small chance to see where we put all their money in. And ? Oh. One minor part. Please don't bounce Frank again with your blade form the platform. :) The villain is to be slaughtered in the ThirdSphere (page 110 line seven) not in those halls, like in the first draft we handed out to you. The water we got in the hall ? its ? actually - industrial oil waste ? what was a lot cheaper compared to real water, so that was a 'not so nice landing' for Frank. Anyway: All over again:
More visible! More intense (slower)! Lets get it all in our final take.

Hi Migck,

The blocks. Yes - there is one ? but I only remember the start ? it's the second from the left ? next line left and then cross right and from the middle somehow right ? left again?.
First I wanted to write little letters onto them (imagine it like in Indy III LastCrusade) but that would have been one mesh and one texture per platform ? just for this sequence and no-where else in the mod?. B&M was "big enough" ? so I decided to cut that out. But yes. There is a way, but jumping is faster.

The room you have explored is the final room ? thank your gods that you haven't triggered the quest up ? otherwise you could have broken the stages.
Because of that it says on the release page: Don't load if you depend on cheats. See MadMike above us ? there are so many mods and so many different ways to play Oblivion ? that the thread here would be maybe three times longer- with at least the same player reports ? about this room (and there is some more in B&M) ? what you can find out or stumble into ? what is not supposed to be revealed. Its natural if you playing a mod and something works wrong or seem to be wrong - to think ? could be a bug. To pull my head out of this I threw out this "Don't load if ?"s. ;) But yeah you will find that room again later and you will enter it.

How MaSydJun came there ? we both will never know? I asked him once and he said something funny about mortals and spheres and whatsoever? I don't think he answered me at all?. But yeah. I have no idea also. I just accept him there.

To Nanya ? it was reported before (once or twice) and seems not be usual. As SI came out I tested it a couple of times (because that was what I feared) and she made her way always along the left side of the island. You know what I did, as I had to test the quest? Just take the next horse on front of Bravil and ride as fast as possible to Leyawiin to the other side? what works wonderful also. But pssst ? don't spread the word ? its only for people who have crossed the Niben at least five times with her. ;) :)


EDIT: Lol... thanks lilith ... I am to slow .... but now if I already wrote one page I dont want to waste it... but you are always so wonderful helpfull... Thank you.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:17 am

EDIT: Lol... thanks lilith ... I am to slow .... but now if I already wrote one page I dont want to waste it... but you are always so wonderful helpfull... Thank you.

You're welcome :)

LOL... Slow? No I don't think so and your answers are always so much more creative than mine, they are fun to read ;)

By the way, I just recently played this for the third time.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 pm

Good, so I have gone through the bloodscripts quests and encountered little to no problem, apart from that killing mephalists counts as murder to my character (but I think it's just a little issue with Deadly Reflex... the temptation to cut the heads off those bastards is too strong)

Despite that, after the fight with Oron in the 3rd Sphere, Nanya handled me the blood book. Then we went out the portal, but now I'm puzzled. I can start the third quest Trial with no problem when talking to Ma Syd Jun, but the quest Bloodscripts is not set as complete. Shouldn't Nanya be giving me a key or similar also apart from the book? And if I got that key, where should I use it? What has gone wrong?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:10 am

Hi, sorry Migck my computer crashed down - so you will get now the short version:

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Date: No thanks - be in relationship
Time: Otherwise I wouldnt file it wouldnt I?

Topic: Blood&Mud ***Spoilers*** Thread (#3)
To: Migck
Subject: Wut a subject?
From: Ryan

Book, good - Stop - Key as well - Stop - Go to PrayerChamber beneath Bravil - Stop - Unlock door there - Stop - Play all quests vice versa as you wish - Stop - Doesnt matter - Stop - Sorry for murder count - Stop - But would be great idea to have guard outside Lorn collecting fines for murderer - Stop - Smile - Stop - Tc - Stop - Ryan - Stop

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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 am

I can't find the golden "wyrm" tongue path and whatever I'm supposed to jump into.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

My character is pious, but obviously weak as he took both ladies up on their offers. He's also vengeful, so after Alyshia or Sylvia (whichever has the treasure room) stole his stuff, he turned her to stone in her bed. She's still there. Technically he can unpetrify her, but that particular spell is sort of buggy and she might be forever gone. Did I botch any quests? I'm just getting started but it's a fun mod!
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 am

in quest 1 was step 8 was I supposed to fight something? I made it out of the labyrinth and am now in town.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

the black archer chick was shooting arows near my bravil house at a skeleton, and marwen (or whatever, the masked gravedigger guy) walked into one of the shots and killed her, everyone then killed him and i of course took both their stuff at a very low level, pretty soon after installing this mod, is this going to affect anything?
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 pm

I can't find the golden "wyrm" tongue path and whatever I'm supposed to jump into.

Head along the Larsius River, what you are looking for is near Bloodmayne Cave.

My character is pious, but obviously weak as he took both ladies up on their offers. He's also vengeful, so after Alyshia or Sylvia (whichever has the treasure room) stole his stuff, he turned her to stone in her bed. She's still there. Technically he can unpetrify her, but that particular spell is sort of buggy and she might be forever gone. Did I botch any quests? I'm just getting started but it's a fun mod!

My mistake, see ~Ryan~ answer below.

in quest 1 was step 8 was I supposed to fight something? I made it out of the labyrinth and am now in town.

Not that I recall,
Go to MaSyd Jun. Start Quest Bloodscripts.

the black archer chick was shooting arows near my bravil house at a skeleton, and marwen (or whatever, the masked gravedigger guy) walked into one of the shots and killed her, everyone then killed him and i of course took both their stuff at a very low level, pretty soon after installing this mod, is this going to affect anything?

No, they are not essential to any quests.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:02 pm

the black archer chick was shooting arows near my bravil house at a skeleton, and marwen (or whatever, the masked gravedigger guy) walked into one of the shots and killed her, everyone then killed him and i of course took both their stuff at a very low level, pretty soon after installing this mod, is this going to affect anything?

Hi MadManMarz,

- if they will return from doom they will run around naked... but that's no real problem - and I have a question instead because that is not supposed to happen - are you running BetterCities or BetterCity-Bravil with B&M? Because if so - Bluepie (who did the B&M/BetterCity-Patch) wasnt aware of arrow-shooting in town and changed the pathgrid not correctly - and then I would have to take care of this - so please report :) . Nobody not even the local one-man executive is allowed to get off the pathgrid and walk into local close-combat shooting(s) so that things like that can happen... Her name (the archer) is btw Ronja.


he's talking about Yana - players mostly switch the girls - if someone says "robbed me" or "treasure room" it can only be Yana:

Yana = hometown cutie /Mini-Quest
Sylvia/Alyshia = own RedMare = Quest BladeofNamira (?) BladeoftheGoddess (?) RuunTempelTopic (?) I dont know anymore - so the first quest... lol ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:28 am

i'll post the name of the archer in a bit when i go back into the game but no i don't have better cities. it seems like that area right where she's shooting is kind of a clusterf&!@, because it's hard to get through there with that shack and all the movement. i tried to get her to shoot me and if i walked into her shot after she pulled the bow back, it would work, but not cause any damage...somehow this must've made marwen attack, but since he was not hurt, the guards saw it as an assault. by the way she had a daedric bow and arrows and it appears that she turned into one of those evil people from the gates right before she got killed. oh well if none of it matters then so be it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm


he's talking about Yana - players mostly switch the girls - if someone says "robbed me" or "treasure room" it can only be Yana:

Yana = hometown cutie /Mini-Quest
Sylvia/Alyshia = own RedMare = Quest BladeofNamira (?) BladeoftheGoddess (?) RuunTempelTopic (?) I dont know anymore - so the first quest... lol ;)


I'm sorry :( Fixed my post above. There's many cuties, I get confused... LOL
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 am

is this dude supposed to still be following me around from the end of the first quest or is it safe to leave him somewhere?

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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 am

is this dude supposed to still be following me around from the end of the first quest or is it safe to leave him somewhere?

It is ok to leave Sayjiid somewhere, unless you want to have a companion.

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