Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

It is ok to leave Sayjiid somewhere, unless you want to have a companion.

thanks, companions are alright if they're quest related, but outside of that, I never found much use for them (maybe 'cause I'm always a stealth character, but that's just me)

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elliot mudd
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 pm

I'm not sure what I missed, but Oren won't talk to me about the book I found in the temple. He just asks if I have the book and the only option I can speak to him about is the one I bought at the bookstore (if I drop that book the response list is blank). I went through the temple though and got the Bloodscripts what am I missing? Quest stage says 60 btw.

I don't know if this caused it but I bought the book from the bookstore while I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing on quest 1. This triggered a log entry for the second quest and when I went to speak to Oren the first time he acted like we already spoke. I may have skipped something there...
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:37 am

Hi Rothos the happy one,

okay - what happened there was that you have missed the starting conversation with Oron what now shows up as a missing topic...

In any way Oron tolds you that he is the last of Mephalists and want to keep the book secret to one of his fellowers (Auril) - so your task was to get it for Oron and to get a mighty reward (armor, money, something what seems to be appropp-propp-propp-iate - prop - prop)
anywayz - to not stand around with Oron and do nothing I suggest you try in console:
AddTopic TheBloodscripts

(If it doesnt works out first time- klick him too and type in again) ;)

Should solve your problem...

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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:10 am

Thank you ~Ryan~, that worked :bigsmile:

Well, the idea worked was AddTopic BravilTheBloodscript for anyone else who might have this problem. But I'm not one to quibble over fine points.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am


I am a new user to this great mod. Got a feedback and a question (big spoilers):

1) I too had a lot of trouble finding the entrance of the temple... because I too found the exit first! The exit is located closer to Bravil than the entrance, surrounded by dragon tongues, as if it was meant to be found first and cause a hell lot of confusion. :P Now just in case you are having the same problem - it is SW of the bloodwxxx cave, NORTH of the river (you started on the south side, so is the exit, duh).

2) I just finished the bloodscript quest (the 2nd one) and I receive a key from Nayan. The hint at the begining of this thread talks about a prayer room. That's great, except no room I've seen so far is called prayer room. :P Where is this room exactly?

3) Just some personal opinion to improve this already excellent mod - the mod maker could have added some more hints to tell the players where to go in a dungeon. Now we are just like mouses in the labyrinth - until we push the right button or pull the right lever, because we are lucky to search the right tunnel. That's a little weird...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 pm

Edited: problem solved.

My problem was that I missed Ruun's guidance because she got stuck in the landscape. Good that I didn't start out from Chendyhal or I would have spent 2 hours following her all the way.
The following night at 8 PM, I was outside my Bravil Sea Dome and here comes Ruun. I then followed her south... walking and walking, all the way south to the bridge close to Leywin, ok she crossed the bridge.
Then we came up all the way north... walking and walking... till we almost reached Bravil.
She then turned right (east), on water... Hey, aren't we going back to where we started?

The destination turned out to be directly west of the Bravil Sea Dome, after 1 hour of real time walking. @#$@%%$
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 am

Hi Maltz, how you doing...

I will try to sum up fast - cause I am little sick and on so many C vitamins that if you would squish me now I would become a marvellous lemon-juice, I guess - so sorry if something comes out wrong - I try my best:

Your "one": that sounds to me like another mod adds some flowers there, so far I know were none added at the exit of the temple by B&M. You should be able to see the next flower in a radius around five steps from the last one.

2) the Prayer Chamber ( or referred as "prayer room" for better understanding at the first post) is where all the Mephalists gathered for the last ritual. At least there is no other room would should give any impression of a room for "prayers"...

3) This one I dont get so I have to shoot a little around in the dark here to understand your impression. Actually the dungeon design is really straight / linear.
So if you press TGM in console and keep running you should get through any room and so hit also the spots of interest or quest-relevants in less then five minutes.
Maybe you had the impression by not staying to the book in the first quest after paragraph "do something really dumb" - or - maybe I can explain to you, why I wouldnt lay out more hints IN the dungeons: See, personal me - I miss (once-in-a-while) if I see a dungeon what purpose it had. I mean nobody takes a shovel and says: Hey, guys lets dig out a dungeon! So - there was a reason for the architecture the room-design etc. - So someone, even in a fantasy-world had a concept by needs (e.g. need to burry a lotsa bunch of people - need to hide the golden egg). Now, this places beneath the earth are extremly old. Just by the flow of time someone should have stumbled into those forgotton rooms. It would be just logical that it would happen. Now, - it was not supposed to be, that someone enters before, because we want you (as our hero) to be the first living human/orc/elf breaking that final frontier. That is the reason why everything is like it is: With a little imagination it should be quiet clear what room served what purpose and on the other you should have the feeling that you entering these halls as the first after a long period of time. ;)

4) To your Nuun thing - I am sorry for you - she is time triggered and other mods play into it with pathgrid changings. It happens once in while that someone get confused by her, mostly if they are not aware of her belonging to B&M and she appears in Bruma or somewhere else and then disapears by dawn.

but thank you for your nice words and

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 pm

Step III: Looking for Wyrm (Dragon) what does that mean?
Step IV: Jump where?

...eehh please?
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 pm

Blade of Mercy,

I hope we both go together if I say: You are in the first quest of B&M and not just commenting the spoiler/walkthrough section?

If so.... you should have recieved a book. We assume you have opened it and at least read it (com' on at least the first few lines).
If so.... you heard something about "wyrms" if not - you have the wrong book - if yes go pick some yellow flowers east of Bravil and if none seem to appear anymore at a river site dont go south go north there are more at the other side... and then I ll promise you will understand the next step.

If any of my words dont make any sense at all to you - please try at least to treat me like a human being and talk to me or I will bounce here around and cry like Jerry Maguire: Help me to help you! Help me to help you! Help me help you! Help me help you!


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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 pm

That Jana do u complete it?After she throws me in that pit and i get out i go and talk to her but she talks to me normally and i dont get any journal updates and i tried killing her but still no luck
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 pm

Hey Chewu,

actually-- she shouldnt talk to you normal... o.O there something went wrong... do you have still all your possessions? If yes maybe Oblivion dropped one script-line - if your computer has a lot to calculate (e.g. the 2020k items you carry around ;) ) it sometimes does this - okay - try this go in her house do a little search - for a chest and just open it - should be an "Oh, you my stuff..." questmessage - with a little luck that solves our problem.... but if you still have all your belongings I would suggest you load a pre-savegame and try again... She should talk to you different.... after put you in the ... you know what....

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

I don't have anything.she took all my stuff.I killed her and took the key but it doesn't open the door on first floor so i unlocked it with console to find out whats in there and i found chest with all my stuff and lots of other stuff behind the bars( how do u get in anyway?).after she wouldnt talk to me but i think something went wrong as i had to unlock the door with console
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victoria gillis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:23 am

bumpy :D
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:38 am

Hey! No happy bumping here around, I can browse this threads here to page thirty if I have to - I am willing of taking this time and I am not impressed if a thread goes down to page 71 because I am looking at the date of its last post and here everything beyond two days is off to page 30 and on... and this doesnt mean the thread is old or out of date or already dead, burried and covered with flowers. ;)

Okay... lets get over that once again and I will not asking questions like: "Why seem to role-players, regardless of nation and culture, killing an NPC always to be the first logical point of argumentation?" "How handle these guys this in RL?"
"Hey, you, Brad?! Where is my cup, I told anyone in the office not to use my cup!"
Brad: "Uhm, I think I saw it, role-playing work-colleague, but I have no clue - Hey, why are you smashing this ruler? Hey! Arrgh!"
"Yeah! Swallow your own filthy blood, you little lousy traiter! Now who took it?! Tell me! Who took my cup! - If you cant speak with a ruler through your neck, then write his name on the carpet with your own reddish ink!"

Anyways... as I said I will not ask... but it always comes to my mind.... so.... Yana dead. Well done, knight Chewu. Lets see if we can help you on on your dark journeys: First at all - there is no way behind the bars for numerous more atmospheric reasons than game-play issues. I think you will do fine with out it if not use the console. And nothing worked wrong with your door-opening. That is all fine and okay... even Yana will get back because she is on respawn. Its funny that she had no insult lines what would be the only conversation she would have with you - but she get new ones anyway at the moment you purchase a house in Bravil and become like this a Braveelian. Some NPCs have different dialog lines concerning the players gender or race or Bravil-house owner-stats. ;)

You doing fine - as I said before it looks like Oblivion dropped one script line. Or do you think Yana belongs to the quest-start of the first quest? Oh, - if so... thats wrong - she is not part of it - she is just a side-quest. You have to talk then with Sylvia or Alyshia. Doesnt matter how you have opened Yanas door.


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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 am

Ahh ok.So how are u suposed to open that door (except console)?I really hate using console or force to complete a quest.Started new char so I better ask to know what should i do when i get to Braveel :D

I tcled thro bars and i was like OMG there's so much excellent armors shields weapons jewlery etc(there's pegasus armor ffs xD ).why it isn't made accesible?
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 pm


You are supposed to lock-pick this. Yeah not fair for paladin-type, guys - and yes hard to get a lock pick if you dont know where to look (the Fair Deal - but pssst), but an equal price for falling for any girl what just got two nice words for you, I think. We were planning btw to put in a "male-type Yana"-guy in also - a Redguard without the robbing part - he should have bought the player drinks and suddenly - Woha! Blackscreen - Wake up - totally new location - bedroom. - but it didnt worked out at all during the betas (so the testers went nuts) and finally I thought its to offensive - but he was really great voice-acted by Bjoern who also speaks Marwen and Ansol. Anyways - I thought about creating a way to Yana's treasure room - even during the making of B&M II (where it came first with) some people brought this idea up - but finally I thought if you can take from Yana you lower the character and I still think its not possible to rob someone from Braveel, you know? She only cons you if you are no Braveelian, what I think is fair enough - and I think its not fair to pay her back this way. I mean she was real smart and actually got you (you in general) and you can get all your stuff back, so... lets let her get away with that... This influenced the final decision to leave the room as it is.... you should get the armor also at MaSydJun's "Goodies and more" ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:41 am

Blade of Mercy,

I hope we both go together if I say: You are in the first quest of B&M and not just commenting the spoiler/walkthrough section?

If so.... you should have recieved a book. We assume you have opened it and at least read it (com' on at least the first few lines).
If so.... you heard something about "wyrms" if not - you have the wrong book - if yes go pick some yellow flowers east of Bravil and if none seem to appear anymore at a river site dont go south go north there are more at the other side... and then I ll promise you will understand the next step.

If any of my words dont make any sense at all to you - please try at least to treat me like a human being and talk to me or I will bounce here around and cry like Jerry Maguire: Help me to help you! Help me to help you! Help me help you! Help me help you!



Hy, dear ryan. No, don't cry. I've got a book. It says dragons. I did not see fowers but if you say so I'll go to the river for yellow flowers...
The weather here in bravil is horrible it rains cats and dogs third day (winter, what to do...)
I had a nice surprise and lo and behold I found a small bookshop which highly advanced my char (3 levels in 15 min and bear inmind I play FCOM + KCAS on slower skill x5).
I am a busy man, Ryan but I'll postpone saving the empire and will go to gather some yellow flowers for you...
But not just now, am coming from work and work the next 2 days... still I will bring you some yellow flowers.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am


You are supposed to lock-pick this. Yeah not fair for paladin-type, guys - and yes hard to get a lock pick if you dont know where to look (the Fair Deal - but pssst), but an equal price for falling for any girl what just got two nice words for you, I think. We were planning btw to put in a "male-type Yana"-guy in also - a Redguard without the robbing part - he should have bought the player drinks and suddenly - Woha! Blackscreen - Wake up - totally new location - bedroom. - but it didnt worked out at all during the betas (so the testers went nuts) and finally I thought its to offensive - but he was really great voice-acted by Bjoern who also speaks Marwen and Ansol. Anyways - I thought about creating a way to Yana's treasure room - even during the making of B&M II (where it came first with) some people brought this idea up - but finally I thought if you can take from Yana you lower the character and I still think its not possible to rob someone from Braveel, you know? She only cons you if you are no Braveelian, what I think is fair enough - and I think its not fair to pay her back this way. I mean she was real smart and actually got you (you in general) and you can get all your stuff back, so... lets let her get away with that... This influenced the final decision to leave the room as it is.... you should get the armor also at MaSydJun's "Goodies and more" ;)


I wanted to lockpick it but it said i need a key o.O(at least it said that on my last character).Maybe it will be normal on new char.I hope u make some wierd secret route to that treasure room.Lots of goodies in there:D.Must...not....use.....console.........
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:52 am

hehe I love this mod , and its a bad idea to use the console other then for testing purposes! :P
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 am

Stuck in
The Temple of Ruun
where that ... misunderstanding of human origin
is doing some mumbo-jumbo without result.
How to
open Stone Door
, obviously should be ralated to the
three buttens next hall.

I had so much troubles following those
Wyrms Speeches
and now am intellectually exhausted and frustrated... gimme something to kill!
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:09 pm

he,he,he sweeties!

@Chewu I doubt this.... I dont have the CS at hand right now... but if it says so... it would be a bug - I really think hard where I could put a key to Yana's door and I dont think there is one at all... if there is the door-key-thinggy checked in the use - so technically you just check a box to tell a door if a key exist to it... but I dont think so... the only thing-if it is really like that (or are you talking here to her house-key? Yeah, that is the one Yana has - then you have to follow her secretly and slip behind her in the house - what is possible) could be that you run the OMOD version or something out of my hands where somebody else did some work on... But so far I know is there no key for the basemant...

@Shikamaru ... thanks for the kind words and yes... you dont need console... it works... and was tested numerous times...

@now he is talking to me
Blade of Mercy..

hehehe... uh! Com' on... its not so hard - just press the buttons and be quick and you will succeed... you do not to have to be a genius to beat that part... I translate a little for you: 1) try it from long distance not to activate the trap 2) just move slow and crawl! ;) 3) dont mind if a switch is missing 4) voila there it is! ;)
Two levels on and you may kill as many creatures you want.... there is a warning at the release post saying: DONT PLAY if you want HACK N SLAY Now, dont show up and give me a bad name for missing this! ;) ... you ll do fine! ;)

TC all of you

Edit: forgot the heart - its an american board right ? So we should do at least something for the special day, today - where I so lucky avoid it in my country
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 am

he,he,he sweeties!
@now he is talking to me
Blade of Mercy..

hehehe... uh! Com' on... its not so hard - just press the buttons and be quick and you will succeed... you do not to have to be a genius to beat that part... I translate a little for you: 1) try it from long distance not to activate the trap 2) just move slow and crawl! ;) 3) dont mind if a switch is missing 4) voila there it is! ;)
Two levels on and you may kill as many creatures you want.... there is a warning at the release post saying: DONT PLAY if you want HACK N SLAY Now, dont show up and give me a bad name for missing this! ;) ... you ll do fine! ;)

TC all of you

Edit: forgot the heart - its an american board right ? So we should do at least something for the special day, today - where I so lucky avoid it in my country

Yeah, ryan, but what am I to press if
behind the fire screen there is no button?

Still will try it just because I love you and it is valentine...
Buttons and missing buttons!
here I come!
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 pm

First leg completed but...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:59 am

Namira's blade
, Sire but cannot find that
Arrow Tavern to the left down the river
Any chance someone knows it?
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:19 am

It works like it should on my new char.I got very hard lock o.O took ages to open with my paladin
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