Hi Obbob,
are you covered by Emma now or do you need more input?
@ Miss Peel,
Don't know how I got through the labyrinth; something weird about that.
He, he. That's my favourite part ? mostly because its difficulty came from a minute lighting moment during sturdy brain worrying how to increase the 'intricacy' of a labyrinth in Oblivion.
In the first part (BravilScum) you will remember the exist of the Namira-temple, which was also a great labyrinth in my opinion and caused me a lot of time during testings ? but most player feedback was: Muhaha, I beat your little small 'labby'-building attempt in less than five minutes, what was not challenging at all! ? So I had one of this lightning moments after hours of deep thinking? cough? as said above, and I annoy since then everyone with it:
The trick is that the entrance-door blocks the way to the further labyrinth part ? so the player character has first to disable the door by reaching a trigger spot somewhere else in the labyrinth and THEN has to go back to his/her/its starting location to gain access to the blocked part, where you finally have to go if you want to proceed? That's the weird-stuff you discovered
When's the 4th one coming out? Or maybe elswyr could get developed a bit. There's nothing but tree's but it's nice to see the Cyrodil cities from different angles.
Thank you for your kind words, but the fourth will not come. Bravil is done ? title is Blood&Mud and not "Quests of a realm-Ryan-had-to-make-up-because-he-has-no-clue-about-Tes-universe"?

? So? there is actually a RealmofRuun ques-tmod ? just in German, but I said a couple of times, if someone else wants to translate and record/voice-act it in English (it's a group-adventure, so you go with four NPC's on raid-tour to the gold-chambers of Rangit ? with 45 pages of dialog) I give all support I am able to. But that's my "finito la musica". Somewhere I have to draw a line at least what I don't cross in two month, you know? But thanks for the trust to put hands on Elswyr, but I think I saw once a trailer where someone else was working on this? ? And it looked very great.
Hey BladeofMercy,
No doesn't matter at all when you hit a trigger - and you pass it whenever and with what-save-game-ever you like? uhm? okay little walk through:
Kill Ardan ? dark-wall behind throne must open a secret wall ? hint: miniature ? pass traps ? up da staircase ? hint: Namira ? into secret tunnel STOP! There must be a quest-message? triggers the quest up and let MaSydJun talk?

then you can move out of the dungeon?
If you have a speed-value beyond 150 ? try walking so you don't to miss the trigger-box (supersonic-speed is a no good for that trigger-system, but I love it? )
And a P.S. to find a common base: As I said trigger I didnt mean a lever or switch or something like that - its just invisible a "magic trigger" ...
