Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

After I " sleep ' with Yana and return to her house I crash everytime.
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 am

I [censored] Yana and now Blood&Mud raqes my fps in Braveel
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 am

Okay, how you doing, guys?

@BladeofMercy - there are two bridges now cross the channel in Bravil - one at the mages-guild the other directly cross the water - THIS ONE is our first mark - cross it and the first door on the right - first floor on the water (and the small boat).

@Vini - two options: 1st could be a corrupt save-game (so start all over again ) - 2nd make sure she is out of the house - if you fasttravel there this may occur

@Chewu - hope you mean "robbed" her - please keep on mind we have minors around here - your FPS may not go down after a specific action in B&M - that is nearly impossible you should have encountered a FPS reduce before, what is quite natural because of the NPC amount in town. Maybe you have installed new graphic mods or something like that ... e.g. Bananasplits Better Cities? <- you can play around 1st with the shadows 2nd the lod - both should give you immediate improvements - if not! tell me - then something works wrong in general ... B&M should be playable with a Radeon9600 and average to low settings on an ordinary computer with 500 MB...only at the vanilla bridge you should look on the floor - there you are in the middle of all cells - that is why it goes down there.... ;)

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james tait
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

:wave: Hey Ryan. :) (Long time no "see".)

I have decided to tackle Oblivion again, and must have B&M. Bravil is just to ugly without it.

I needed a break away from Oblivion, I restarted too many times. I think enough time has passed it wont kill me to redo some of the quests now.

Glad to see you are still hanging around helping others. :)
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:23 pm

I'm on bloodscripts, and I just went to the script store and bought the book, but I have no idea where to go.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:37 am

Thanks! I hope i can go through the quest...
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm

3rd stage the trial
the two books located in Bravil
. Where to go for
the third book?
? In
Temple of Ruun
or in
Halls Of Lorn
And where is
Ardan's Tomb
for gods' sake? In bravil or outside?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 pm


@Wolfpup - Hey... how you doing? Maybe it interests you... we just update the B&M-page/blog/whatever and also in English and try to cover there the most relevant questions plus voice-samples, walkthrough, links to B&M-add-ons/fixes/patches (e.g.BBC or your Omod :) ... hope you are fine with that... ) and something about the actors/other people who put time into this "project". So we tweak it a little up and try to keep it handy for anyone... but its still WIP - maybe during the next two/three weeks we are able to provide a link... ;) I ll let you know... and uhm...

( to look that up again):

@ N-i-e-sch-i-z-z-l-e

Hi! :) ... uhm... maybe you will let me to draw your attention to the first letters of each line... ??? Would you say then, that this would be a helpful hint?

@Vasha 100

Uh... Welcome for whatever, whoever, whenever helped you... o.O - Anyway: Great!
*whispers: Or is that a result of a secret-reply-system? Kinda: Muhahaha, Ryan-will-never-know-where-this-came-from-gold-members-reply-button?
Where any user can post something - clicky - and "beep": Secret post launched. Screen-message: He will never know what we talked about!

;) So...but..yeah... guess you doing fine Vasha....

@ Yeah, friend Blade of Mercy - ;)
do you know that on this particular board, if you asked more then five mod-related questions and house a guinea pig you owe the replier who provided an accurate answer a beer or a soft-drink depending on your and his/her age and legal rights of the country you are currently living in? These are the rules. (I just made up) But - Yeah. I am sorry - and forced by the law of the board to ask you now, if you are a proud guinea-pig owner?
Before I may tell you, that you have to go to the halls of Lorn to the catacombs and that Ardans tomb is outside of Bravil... there is by the way something - you should have recognized - going on, around dusk to dawn and heard something at midnight?... Have you made such "mystical" experiences? O.O And if not be aware... there is something what might help you further.... ;)

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Chris BEvan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

Hi, Ryan
it's me again and more than 5 questions and IOU 2 beers (or soft drinks of your choice but I really recommend guiness)

So, I got
all 3 books
shoed me the entrance.
Heard the voices. got the books.
, now what?
Should I use TCL as it says? nothing broke...
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:41 am

Hi, Ryan
it's me again and more than 5 questions and IOU 2 beers (or soft drinks of your choice but I really recommend guiness)

So, I got
all 3 books
shoed me the entrance.
Heard the voices. got the books.
, now what?
Should I use TCL as it says? nothing broke...

If I remember correctly, you need to be there at a certain time...
At midnight... wouldn't hurt to be there a few minutes early. The walls are supposed to open for you.

Edit: Because I can't read... LOL

Were you there at the time I mentioned above? If so and nothing happened, this is the only place it is ok to TCL.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:23 am

I can get the books in the 3rd one but I have problems trying to find the tomb. The Ruunghost walks towards the Bravil boatgate, does a dozen circles and then vanishes. I would actually be quite happy with directions at this point.

I'm also unable to save games for the first time. Hope the tomb isn't too trapped.

This is a great mod but I suppose it could be smoother.

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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

. came out with TCL because had no patience. Spoke to
. he says old news - I am to meet somebody in the pub... Is that how it ends? I doubt it...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:08 pm

Yeehhh, I found the tomb by accident.

Got a big door to get past now. I hear some voices but I can't make them out. "Enter and ask?" with some drum noises. I read somewhere about timing so I'm just going to hang around there till something happens.

Let me know if I need to do something though.

Yeh, I can save games now too.

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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 am

@Blade of Mercy

Hey? sorry for any inconvenience?

came out with TCL because had no patience.

? that was the quest related worse thing you could have done? okay we do a trick now?
- get back to entrance of the tomb of Ardan
- look right there is a small side-room
- on the opposite wall/left corner is a secret passage tcl into that minute, tiny, small secret channel and enable collision right away to hit the trigger later?
- find the trigger by just moving around ? must be in this level or in the next one right in
this passage.

If Ardan is dead no-one has to go all the way back again, there is a door behind the throne what leads you out and through a trigger what advances your quest and then MaSydJun talks to you ? and you are done? ;)

Sorry. But the outrance-door is there? guess because of your efforts we are even now? lol?. *drops BladeofMercy a tab


Hey Emma,

That one I love out of context:

Yeh, I can save games now too.

Wish they would have implanted such a feature in the original game? ;)

Okay? here we go:

I read somewhere about timing so I'm just going to hang around there till something happens.

That is a good start? if you could hang around more in the center at the altar it would be pretty much greater so that we are absolutely save here. If at 23:55 something sounds up and nothing crumbles down, then you can proceed by four ways:
1) get out of the tomb and enter again after a short swim (so engine re-calculates level including all up-dated procedures )
2) chill out a bit more and rethink your adventurer life
3) open console press tcl and move by your magical "my-atoms-are-smaller-than-yours" ? craft through the door.
4) have a barbecue with some of your heroic friends

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 pm

Ok i've read this thread many times, but i cannot figure out the dragon tongue riddle. This thread says to go to the northwest end of the map, right above the larsius river. I've searched everywhere around the Larsius River, but cant find anything

I have the Forgotten Realms book though

Can some one help me, I know it must be an extrememly easy thing to do, but i just cannot do it.
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TOYA toys
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

Ok i've read this thread many times, but i cannot figure out the dragon tongue riddle. This thread says to go to the northwest end of the map, right above the larsius river. I've searched everywhere around the Larsius River, but cant find anything

I have the Forgotten Realms book though

Can some one help me, I know it must be an extrememly easy thing to do, but i just cannot do it.

Wasn't easy for me.

Sometimes it is good to clear the head so take a walk along the path on the land side of Bravil. It is much more refreshing than trying to relax inside the city.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 pm

Yehh! I did it.

I think I did most of it by accident. It's really difficult. Don't know how I got through the labyrinth; something weird about that.

It's difficult but really cool. When's the 4th one coming out? Or maybe elswyr could get developed a bit. There's nothing but tree's but it's nice to see the Cyrodil cities from different angles.

Is there other mods like this one too?

Ok, I'm going to get all the easter eggs now; it's the right time of year.

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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 pm

@Blade of Mercy
Hey?€? sorry for any inconvenience?€?

Hey, Ryan, it is all my fault and there is nothing for you to be sorry about
And thank you for the second chance.
Can I do the trick with the
few days later or must load one of the saves I did while still in the

Redid it all. Killed
and again cannot find the
and go home for the reward.
Where? How?
looked everywhere... I think...
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:51 am


Hi Obbob,

are you covered by Emma now or do you need more input?

@ Miss Peel,

Don't know how I got through the labyrinth; something weird about that.

He, he. That's my favourite part ? mostly because its difficulty came from a minute lighting moment during sturdy brain worrying how to increase the 'intricacy' of a labyrinth in Oblivion.
In the first part (BravilScum) you will remember the exist of the Namira-temple, which was also a great labyrinth in my opinion and caused me a lot of time during testings ? but most player feedback was: Muhaha, I beat your little small 'labby'-building attempt in less than five minutes, what was not challenging at all! ? So I had one of this lightning moments after hours of deep thinking? cough? as said above, and I annoy since then everyone with it:
The trick is that the entrance-door blocks the way to the further labyrinth part ? so the player character has first to disable the door by reaching a trigger spot somewhere else in the labyrinth and THEN has to go back to his/her/its starting location to gain access to the blocked part, where you finally have to go if you want to proceed? That's the weird-stuff you discovered ;)

When's the 4th one coming out? Or maybe elswyr could get developed a bit. There's nothing but tree's but it's nice to see the Cyrodil cities from different angles.

Thank you for your kind words, but the fourth will not come. Bravil is done ? title is Blood&Mud and not "Quests of a realm-Ryan-had-to-make-up-because-he-has-no-clue-about-Tes-universe"? ;)? So? there is actually a RealmofRuun ques-tmod ? just in German, but I said a couple of times, if someone else wants to translate and record/voice-act it in English (it's a group-adventure, so you go with four NPC's on raid-tour to the gold-chambers of Rangit ? with 45 pages of dialog) I give all support I am able to. But that's my "finito la musica". Somewhere I have to draw a line at least what I don't cross in two month, you know? But thanks for the trust to put hands on Elswyr, but I think I saw once a trailer where someone else was working on this? ? And it looked very great. ;)

Hey BladeofMercy,

No doesn't matter at all when you hit a trigger - and you pass it whenever and with what-save-game-ever you like? uhm? okay little walk through:
Kill Ardan ? dark-wall behind throne must open a secret wall ? hint: miniature ? pass traps ? up da staircase ? hint: Namira ? into secret tunnel STOP! There must be a quest-message? triggers the quest up and let MaSydJun talk? ;) then you can move out of the dungeon?

If you have a speed-value beyond 150 ? try walking so you don't to miss the trigger-box (supersonic-speed is a no good for that trigger-system, but I love it?  ) ;)

And a P.S. to find a common base: As I said trigger I didnt mean a lever or switch or something like that - its just invisible a "magic trigger" ... ;)

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Danial Zachery
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 am

Ho, there, Ryan!
Thanks for the tip. I walked slowly. VERY slowly. hit Namira on the head... done.
To think I spent 3 days looking for a button.
Please, next edition either make Namira statue bright red or pink
Or put a writing on the nearby wall: 'Special for the blade: Step right here, you daftie!'
Anyway, now I am a proud owner of My Schloss. Schloss, eh?
Dat mast be Ancient Ruun schprache, nicht war?

A big big thanks.
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Luna Lovegood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:08 pm


To think I spent 3 days looking for a button.

I am sorry? I thought you missed the trigger-box all the time ? because that's a common issue ? if players are to fast (speed beyond 150 etc.) or with special mod-casts active on the player character ? but there are some advantages of that trigger-system so I stand to it? but next time (if there will ever be one) it will be smooth all the way down?.

Please, next edition either make Namira statue bright red or pink
Or put a writing on the nearby wall: 'Special for the blade: Step right here, you daftie!'

lol...I took it down? think I will go with the sign-idea ? a list of player names and next to it some small lines? but in every quest there is one Namira-statue you can move and something cool happens? a kind of "quote" - That was the idea behind?

Anyway, now I am a proud owner of My Schloss. Schloss, eh?
Das muss Ancient Ruun Sprache sein, nicht wahr?

You bet : )

Was much fun Blade, thank you for your kind words, and take care...
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:18 am

Okay, I am soooo enjoying this mod. Design is fantastic and the fights (at top difficulty/lvl 55) are HARD! But anyway, once the trail of wyrm tongue is discovered (lol), it all works beautifully for me, so maybe I am more of a thinker than I thought (who woulda thunk it?) So I've done lots of stuff like collect books and keys and I've even returned to the prayer room for a tidy easter cash bonus, and I found Ardan's tomb and everything works great.

But... (you knew it was coming, didn't you? lol) okay, I'm in the room with the three mini statues. I didn't figure the resting clue from earlier in this thread. Instead I got fed up and shot one of the mini-alive-statues and it fell off it's pedestal (served it right). Lo and behold, when I get close to the said mini-alive-statue, doors open up. I head right, looking around, and couldn't find the words on the ground (I did later after I cleaned my glasses lol) so I headed left. Checked it out, moved Namira, thought all was good. Returned to the writing room, couldn't get through locked Aylied door then must have accidentally found the writing as I was able to head downstairs. Off we go. Down down down. (BTW I loooove your ruins, they absolutely rock. Lorn was OUTSTANDING! I sooo wanted to just leap off the top and sail down lol - but but but! What happened to the map in Ardan? You are so cruel!!! lol)

Okay, sorry, anyway, I am up to the entrance to the Hunters Realm, and I cannot unlock the gate. I am off to try it again from the beginning room in a minute, and have a go at sleeping in the first chamber and leaving the left tunnels alone (I'm thinking it is the way back? Or just hmmm, dunno) But after about 2 hrs looking around and admittedly NOT checking every egg (Please God if it's in there kill me now), I can't figure out the gate to the Hunter's Realm. Have I missed something?

I need a hint.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 am

Okay, after another hour retracing my steps, I found the trigger. Yay! Realm of the hunter took another couple of the most frustrating hours ever lol. AND eventually I cheated. I just could not find the way out. Okay, so listened to Ardan's pious speech and now he lies dead on the floor. Returned here a couple of times. Could find nothing but his armour and weapons. Before exiting Arden's chamber there's a locked gate 'upstairs' (which is why I went back). I'm thinking I've either broken it by cheating or might get the key later so I head out. Quest updated. Then back to MaSydJun and wow he said the name so quickly I don't know who to speak to in my brand new castle lol. And nothing in my journal.

Have I missed something with that upstairs room? And what about the locked Aylied door in the 'writing on the floor' room?

And can you tell me the name of the person I am supposed to speak with in the castle? Perhaps if I can find them all will be revealed?

(By the way, from earlier in B&M, Namira's sword doesn't work properly in 'journal view' - it moves behind me instead of in front when I spin around, sometimes it is also slightly see-through - and jeez... it's a very ugly sword... No wonder Namira gave it away lol)

Probably one of the best mods I've played - Up there with Aasgard for atmosphere and design. But the voices make it something special. It's wonderful work.
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 am

Hello again.

I like my new castle by the way, but I am frustrated with this. A castle as the reward? I already own a couple of them lol. Not like you can lease it to a passing adventurer. Am I supposed to talk to someone or find something? Which? It's driving me mad lol. Is that all there is??? Or did I screw this up when I cheated to get out of Hunters Realm?
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Anna S
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 am

Yes, I'm still checking back.

Also, MaSydJun's 'basemant' has me baffled. I hear the doors, but I can't find them lol!
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