***FIXED but not in the older version if that is what you are using***
DO NOT buy and read Mysterium Xarxes vol. 3 from Osslas' books, or you will mess up the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****Update September 21 2007*****
I have fixed the OMOD versions dialog issues. There should be no more German dialog.
With issues getting the mod to work, use the [RELz] thread, linked below. All spoilers/hints/etc belong here.
http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=721747 (Ryan will make a new one when he's on next, I would think.)
Some people want to read the release thread, without ruining the mod. Though Ryan said to add questions to that thread, someone suggested a spoilers thread, & I thought it was a good suggestion, so here it is. I decided to make this thread for Ryan, in case he is tied up for awhile.
The following was done by Ryan, who has "blessed" this thread.
(With some added comments by me, for clarification. will update more as I go along.)
Quest I
The forgotten Realm
How should I be prepared?
Oh, good question. What you need should be a book about Deadra gods, a little botanic knowledge and a Ruun Dictionary (get it from Osslas Scripts). And you have all wisdom you need to complete The forgotten Realm
Step I
Where do I start the quest?
[wolfpup addition]
Make sure you take them up on it. If it breaks your characters role playing, don't talk to them, & just go sleep in the bed in the Red Mare
Step II
I just started. What to do next?
[wolfpup addition]
Look for the unique voice. [Hint] They are found indoors
Step III
I own something what I can not figure out.
For those who don't want to look up wyrm:
Step IV
I am stuck, there is no way on.
[wolfpup addition]
[Hint] Take a leap of faith.
Step V
Patience, Endurance, Trust, How?
[wolfpup addition]
[Hint] Total of 4 doors opening, well, five, but four in that room.
Step 6
I am stuck again and the passage how I can get out is in Ruun!
[wolfpup addition]
[Hint] Statue
Step 7
Help! Labyrinth. Help!
Step 8
I beat the menace of oblivions eternity! And now?
Quest II
How should I be prepared?
You are perfect as you are. Go for. Oh, NEVER open doors in the console or with cheats.
[wolfpup addition]
An Absolute, or you will be sorry.
Step I
Auril. Where to?
Step II
Seven by Seven
Step II b
Got all, moved back... but... Oron is gone. Huh?
[wolfpup addition]
See, we where not kidding!
Step III
Travelling with Nanya. Are you serious?
[wolfpup addition]
I've found, it's best to waste time here, (fast travel to a city, then back, or do another quest.) she runs fast, so it can be hard to keep up.
Step III a
Problems on our way occurred.
Nanya twists in circles on the water. A mudcrab is on attack. Go and help her.
Nanya is stuck on a cliff. If a lady is in distress its allowed to push her a little.
Cathun is dead. I am sorry to hear that.
That whole thing took me an hour! I am not amused and very pissed! Yes, that's why its there, we simply don't like you.
Step IV
Yeah, yeah, she said right I went left, please help.
Open console type in 'TCL' and go back where you belong. And next time, listen.
Step V
I don't get over the bridge.
Step V a
CTD on following 'the bad guy'?. Help!
[wolfpup addition]
By hit, Ryan means activate/open. [Space Bar]
Step VI
And now. Nothing happened.
Step VII
I am stuck - the acting is done. Seems like something should happen?
[wolfpup addition]
Turn around, and face away from Oron/the sword, you should see Nanya approaching if all is working right.
Uh. My reward?
Quest III
How should I be prepared?
You should have ears. No. Not your character. You should have them.
Step I
Where to begin?
Step II
Key owned. And now?
[wolfpup addition]
A little misleading, the keys are actually the three following books.
The Songbook of Ruun
The Book of Rites
The Book of Ruun
Book locations, found below. Listed in best order found. (Follow the current quest.)
Step II a
I only got two keys. And searched the whole arcane halls.
[wolfpup addition]
It's just north of the Arcane Halls entrance.
Step II b
I have the key from the arcane halls. But where is the other one?
The Follow Spoiler is the Key/Book Locations. Only highlight if you are stuck, and want to get it over with.
The Book of Rites is in the catacombs under Lorne. The entrance is just by the river, near the Lorne entrance. (NOT inside Lorne, with the two doors
The Book of Ruun is in Aina's Hut in Bravil.
They should be obtained in that order.
Step III
All keys there, right time, right place. Aaaaand nothing.
Step IV
Passed the seal. And running in circles.
Step V
The Realm of the Hunters. Please, I don't want to die here.
Step VI
The dark deed was done. And I am stuck.
Step VII
Just to be sure. Can I put everything everywhere in my reward?
Specialties - Eastereggs
Did you know ?
The forgotten Realm
The Bloodscript
The forlorn watchman
The hero of Kvatch?
Finished all B&M quests
Ranzan Jun
Captain Ansol
Jainy Tessaly
This following part was included in the read me I have with the beta version I tested for Ryan, I will post it here as a second to last resort. (Last being asking for help.)
Go into RedMare, lay down in the bed.
Consult MaSydJun, buy the book.
Riddles: Follow the dragon-tongue-path west of bravil,
leads you to the north-west map-end over the Larsius river.
Jump into dwell.
Talk to Sayjiid.
Locate Sword.
Move Namira Statue.
Out of the Labyrinth.
TAKE the note of Ma Syd Jun.
TALK to MaSyd Jun.
Door is now unlocked in the arrow hotel.
Talk to Oron.
Buy Auril’s Mytic Rhymes at Ossla’s Scripts
Locate Islans Tomb on Graveyard to get key and note
At the old-Channle-House go into the dungeon
Beat the dungeon to get to the Bloodscripts
If you want to shortcut: coc BravilArrowHotel
That brings you directly back to Oron
Talk to Oron about the Bloodscripts
Jump down the cliff.
Follow Nanya out of the house to the stables.
If she goes off your Map-Marker is on her horse.
Take a horse and ride over Leaywiin to her position.
That is the best way to follow her, or you will report me
Endless hangings during that quest-stage what are not influenced
By B&M but on your character-level, other mods et cetera.
In the halls of Lorn:
If Nanya says: GO RIGHT … THEN GO RIGHT and do not follow her
Beat the dungeon till get back to Oron.
If the game crashes while using the arcane-portal.
Click onto its frame to follow Oron.
Let Oron capture you…. AND WAIT!
If Nanya comes to your rescue and the game holds, give it 30 seconds,
On some computers it takes time before both start fighting.
If Oron is dead talk to Nanya.
Follow Nanya (click onto frame) out of the 3rdSphere.
The key is for the doors in the prayer chamber ?" MaSydJun is the
Friend she talked about.
Now that’s a little tricky, you have to have all three books of Ruun
And be at 12 o’clock at Ardan’s Tomb.
Nuun leads you to the tomb. The words Anatos yuurim thul talkd
By Aina the Mad should give you some hints of the next book:
One is in the catacombs of Lorn
One she has in her home.
Bring all three books to the Ardan’s Tomb and wait till 23.55 ?"
The voices should break the walls.
On some computers that does not work directly so move with
TCL through the walls.
Lay down on the altar.
The secret door opens up.
DO NOT GO LEFT in the first room to get the sword!
Right from you there is a script on the floor. Place yourself onto
The script.
Beat the Labyrinth.
Kill Ardan.
Behind his grave there is a secret door use this to get out
Or you will have some great hours in a labyrinth what I can not
beat once in a while.
Talk to MaSydJun.
You have played all quests of Blood&Mud the castle south of it
Its now yours. In the German-Version the characters there were voice-acted
Too. In the EV they have original-voices