Blood&Mud ***SPOILERS*** Thread (#3)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 am


***FIXED but not in the older version if that is what you are using***

DO NOT buy and read Mysterium Xarxes vol. 3 from Osslas' books, or you will mess up the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*****Update September 21 2007*****

I have fixed the OMOD versions dialog issues. There should be no more German dialog.

With issues getting the mod to work, use the [RELz] thread, linked below. All spoilers/hints/etc belong here. (Ryan will make a new one when he's on next, I would think.)
Some people want to read the release thread, without ruining the mod. Though Ryan said to add questions to that thread, someone suggested a spoilers thread, & I thought it was a good suggestion, so here it is. I decided to make this thread for Ryan, in case he is tied up for awhile.

The following was done by Ryan, who has "blessed" this thread.

(With some added comments by me, for clarification. will update more as I go along.)
Quest I

The forgotten Realm

How should I be prepared?

Oh, good question. What you need should be a book about Deadra gods, a little botanic knowledge and a Ruun Dictionary (get it from Osslas Scripts). And you have all wisdom you need to complete The forgotten Realm

Step I
Where do I start the quest?

Talk to Alyshia or Sylvia about "A little pleasure"?

[wolfpup addition]

Make sure you take them up on it. If it breaks your characters role playing, don't talk to them, & just go sleep in the bed in the Red Mare

Step II
I just started. What to do next?

Who was talking there? Try to figure out the characters, maybe one of them is REAL.

[wolfpup addition]

Look for the unique voice. [Hint] They are found indoors

Step III
I own something what I can not figure out.

Look. Golden+Wyrm+Tongue . So we are looking for a golden wyrm-tongue what is another word for wyrm?. Now try to find it.

For those who don't want to look up wyrm:
wyrm = Dragon

Step IV
I am stuck, there is no way on.

Look into the book: The dumb succeeds. Do something really, really dumb.

[wolfpup addition]

[Hint] Take a leap of faith.

Step V
Patience, Endurance, Trust, How?

Look there are three buttons. First endurance try to activate it from a distance. Second patience move slowly slowly onto this and stay as much in the middle as possible. Third trust there is no lever just run to the end.

[wolfpup addition]

[Hint] Total of 4 doors opening, well, five, but four in that room.

Step 6
I am stuck again and the passage how I can get out is in Ruun!

Yeah, that is why you should get the Dictionary of Ruun. Now you are done for oblivion. Or take a look on the second floor. Hint: Namira. Then go back into the prayer chamber.

[wolfpup addition]

[Hint] Statue

Step 7
Help! Labyrinth. Help!

From the entrance hold as much left as possible. There is no other way out.

Step 8
I beat the menace of oblivions eternity! And now?

Go to MaSyd Jun. Start Quest Bloodscripts.


Quest II


How should I be prepared?

You are perfect as you are. Go for. Oh, NEVER open doors in the console or with cheats.

[wolfpup addition]

An Absolute, or you will be sorry.

Step I
Auril. Where to?

Auril is an historian. Now we have to find a place where a historian maybe could leave a message. With what are historians dealing? Yes, the past. Where do they gather such information? Here you go.

Step II
Seven by Seven

Do not count, read! Each line first letter. Watch out on some UI-mods the lines could look a little weird, but you are looking for real words here. You will find them as promised.

Step II b
Got all, moved back... but... Oron is gone. Huh?

Type in getstage bravilbloodscripts if the numeric value you will get then is 120 I know that you opened a door via cheat. You ruined the quest. No joke. There is no way how to set it back. Sorry. I gave out endless warnings not to use cheats.

[wolfpup addition]

See, we where not kidding!

Step III
Travelling with Nanya. Are you serious?

Get a horse take your way over Leyawiin. Cathun has a quest marker attached. You will find him.

[wolfpup addition]

I've found, it's best to waste time here, (fast travel to a city, then back, or do another quest.) she runs fast, so it can be hard to keep up.

Step III a
Problems on our way occurred.

Never use TCL on Nanya or Cathun. Promise. You will encounter several problems later.
Nanya twists in circles on the water. A mudcrab is on attack. Go and help her.
Nanya is stuck on a cliff. If a lady is in distress its allowed to push her a little.
Cathun is dead. I am sorry to hear that.
That whole thing took me an hour! I am not amused and very pissed! Yes, that's why its there, we simply don't like you.

Step IV
Yeah, yeah, she said right I went left, please help.

Shame on you! You know what you did and how hard it was to go left?! Now why have you done it? Huh?! Huh?
Open console type in 'TCL' and go back where you belong. And next time, listen.

Step V
I don't get over the bridge.

Train. You are to fat. You got to get over!

Step V a
CTD on following 'the bad guy'?. Help!

Do not run through the portal hit the frame.

[wolfpup addition]

By hit, Ryan means activate/open. [Space Bar]

Step VI
And now. Nothing happened.

Do not attack Oron - talk to him.

Step VII
I am stuck - the acting is done. Seems like something should happen?

Yes. On some computers it takes some time. Don't worry. Give it 30 seconds, if nothing happens reload last save-game.

[wolfpup addition]

Turn around, and face away from Oron/the sword, you should see Nanya approaching if all is working right.

Uh. My reward?

You own Bloodscripts and an ancient key? Cool. Now we both beauties remember back this portal at the prayer-chamber where we could not pass through. Yes, I am serious, there is your reward hidden behind.


Quest III


How should I be prepared?

You should have ears. No. Not your character. You should have them.

Step I
Where to begin?

Talk to MaSydJun

Step II
Key owned. And now?

You need three keys. And you need them at a special time at a special place.

[wolfpup addition]

A little misleading, the keys are actually the three following books.

The Songbook of Ruun
The Book of Rites
The Book of Ruun

Book locations, found below. Listed in best order found. (Follow the current quest.)

Step II a
I only got two keys. And searched the whole arcane halls.

The key you are looking for is in the catacombs, below the arcane halls. Use the entrance on the river.

[wolfpup addition]

It's just north of the Arcane Halls entrance.

Step II b
I have the key from the arcane halls. But where is the other one?

Listen to this words: Anatos yuurim thuul. You will hear them in Bravil, too.

The Follow Spoiler is the Key/Book Locations. Only highlight if you are stuck, and want to get it over with.

The Song Book of Ruun is obtained from MaSyJun at a given point.
The Book of Rites is in the catacombs under Lorne. The entrance is just by the river, near the Lorne entrance. (NOT inside Lorne, with the two doors
The Book of Ruun is in Aina's Hut in Bravil.

They should be obtained in that order.

Step III
All keys there, right time, right place. Aaaaand nothing.

Are you sure you heard the voices? Are you sure the right place and the right time? If so, your computer has a problem, okay then open the console and type in 'TCL' you are allowed to fly through the seal.

Step IV
Passed the seal. And running in circles.

Okay: From the seal right handed through the secret door. Stop! Look right. More right! See the inscriptions on the floor? Place yourself on them.

Step V
The Realm of the Hunters. Please, I don't want to die here.

Okay that is a hard one, the entrance blocks the way to the second part of the labyrinth so you can pass it via TCL or do you remember the big hall with the tomb? Right handed from there, there is trigger in the smaller hall what disables the entrance-door. Here you go. No shame, I sometimes (or most of the times) lost it there and I designed it.

Step VI
The dark deed was done. And I am stuck.

Behind the tomb there is an exit. Move, move, move, Blade! Go back to MaSydJun.

Step VII
Just to be sure. Can I put everything everywhere in my reward?

Stay to your rooms. The cells are not supposed to reset. And as you can see I am still alive so no desperated player ever tried to kill me for eliminating his stuff.


Specialties - Eastereggs

Did you know ?
The forgotten Realm

After your dream, talk to Sylvia, Alyshia and Marwen about the Forgotten Realm they have something to say.

The Bloodscript

Talk to Marwen he has a Topic to that.

The forlorn watchman

Ask Marwen. He has an opinion about that.

The hero of Kvatch?

If you are in the middle of the Kvatch quest, all characters have a different greeting concerning you, as a hero of Kvatch.

Finished all B&M quests

Take a look in Ma Syd Juns basemant and talk to Albert. Read the book and make your way through the kitchen-closet to a secret-place.

Ranzan Jun

Owns a secret in her basemant and makes a difference between male and female players.


Talking to Riia for the first time she will make a difference between Bosmer male/female or no-Bosmer

Captain Ansol

Captain Ansol only drives Bravilians. To become Bravilian you need a house in Bravil. He makes a difference between male and female players.


You are a movie-geek? Good. Once in a week after 3 O'clock a.m. both have a conversation on front of Melyssa's house. Hide behind the corner and wait for Torro.


Has a secret in its basemant. The key you will find on 2nd floor behind the Mara-Statue.

Jainy Tessaly

Has some secrets in her house and guess what: Riia has the key at her shed.


Jafiir is a racist. He talks different to you if you are Argonian or Kajiit or tail-less.


Yana only robs folks who do not belong to the city. If you own a house in Bravil you are a Bravilian if not, do not fall for her sweet-talk and if bring some lock-picks with ya.

This following part was included in the read me I have with the beta version I tested for Ryan, I will post it here as a second to last resort. (Last being asking for help.)


Go into RedMare, lay down in the bed.
Consult MaSydJun, buy the book.
Riddles: Follow the dragon-tongue-path west of bravil,
leads you to the north-west map-end over the Larsius river.
Jump into dwell.
Talk to Sayjiid.
Locate Sword.
Move Namira Statue.
Out of the Labyrinth.
TAKE the note of Ma Syd Jun.
TALK to MaSyd Jun.

Door is now unlocked in the arrow hotel.



Talk to Oron.
Buy Auril’s Mytic Rhymes at Ossla’s Scripts
Locate Islans Tomb on Graveyard to get key and note
At the old-Channle-House go into the dungeon
Beat the dungeon to get to the Bloodscripts
If you want to shortcut: coc BravilArrowHotel
That brings you directly back to Oron
Talk to Oron about the Bloodscripts
Jump down the cliff.
Follow Nanya out of the house to the stables.
If she goes off your Map-Marker is on her horse.
Take a horse and ride over Leaywiin to her position.
That is the best way to follow her, or you will report me
Endless hangings during that quest-stage what are not influenced
By B&M but on your character-level, other mods et cetera.
In the halls of Lorn:
If Nanya says: GO RIGHT … THEN GO RIGHT and do not follow her
Beat the dungeon till get back to Oron.

If the game crashes while using the arcane-portal.
Click onto its frame to follow Oron.
Let Oron capture you…. AND WAIT!
If Nanya comes to your rescue and the game holds, give it 30 seconds,
On some computers it takes time before both start fighting.
If Oron is dead talk to Nanya.
Follow Nanya (click onto frame) out of the 3rdSphere.
The key is for the doors in the prayer chamber ?" MaSydJun is the
Friend she talked about.


Now that’s a little tricky, you have to have all three books of Ruun
And be at 12 o’clock at Ardan’s Tomb.

Nuun leads you to the tomb. The words Anatos yuurim thul talkd
By Aina the Mad should give you some hints of the next book:
One is in the catacombs of Lorn
One she has in her home.

Bring all three books to the Ardan’s Tomb and wait till 23.55 ?"
The voices should break the walls.
On some computers that does not work directly so move with
TCL through the walls.
Lay down on the altar.
The secret door opens up.
DO NOT GO LEFT in the first room to get the sword!
Right from you there is a script on the floor. Place yourself onto
The script.
Beat the Labyrinth.
Kill Ardan.
Behind his grave there is a secret door use this to get out
Or you will have some great hours in a labyrinth what I can not
beat once in a while.
Talk to MaSydJun.

You have played all quests of Blood&Mud the castle south of it
Its now yours. In the German-Version the characters there were voice-acted
Too. In the EV they have original-voices

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

I must be doing something wrong... But He's aware that his intelligence is around 30, but nonetheless...

Edit: Oh... stupid Mustapha... He followed some wrong path to wrong place...
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:49 am

alright, i've no idea what went wrong, or even if something went wrong.
but i jumped in the well, met that sayjid guy, and spoke to him, he told me to step aside and starts his ceremony thingy to open the door.
he keeps going at it, after a while falls silent, a different, heavier voice says some random greeting/goodbye, he keeps making the movements with the ceremony, and it's silent from there on.
no new topics, i've tried waiting, activating the door, leaving the room, aand not a clue what to do.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:51 am

I must be doing something wrong... But He's aware that his intelligence is around 30, but nonetheless...

Edit: Oh... stupid Mustapha... He followed some wrong path to wrong place...

Hmmm, you`ve found the exit, now go and search the entrance.

@ azgarth

Not only you have no clou, the same goes to Sayjid. Don`t count on him to open anything.

There are some riddles waiting for you, in an room behind Sayjid.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:16 am

Yes I figured that out later. That Sayjid guy is pretty funny, and the voice is nice. I noticed that he has a bug: he follows me, but if I kill a mudcrab i.e., he'll remain there staring at crab's corpse unless I tell him to follow me again. He wasn't with me in the halls of lorn because of that. Oh, and folowing nanya was pain in the ass.

What's with that Nuun? I took a break and went to my shop in chorrol, when she suddenly appeared and told me to follow her to the mirror or something, but I had some work to do so I haven't. Then, at some time, I heard some spooky words and something. Did I screw up something by not following her?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:57 am

Nope. Everything works fine.... just flow with the storyline... and the words (sings-along)... and the Nuun... through the night... watch the time - when it sings - and speakS - and sounds so Ruun .... dobee...dobee

is having a great day
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 pm

i can't find islands tomb, if it's in the graveyard in bravil, there's no entrance to a tomb, except for "old tomb", which is from another mod, is this a conflict, or am i looking at the wrong graveyard?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

Look better... It's there...
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:43 pm

The only place i can find dragon tounge is in the graveyard but other than that there is nothing there?what exactly am i supposed to do?
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 pm

The only place i can find dragon tounge is in the graveyard but other than that there is nothing there?what exactly am i supposed to do?

Try again west of Bravil... :) ... ;)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:40 pm

I'm stuck in Lorn. I went through the mage wing and ended up in some room with Nanya on an altar. After I got out of there and went to the Catacombs via the mage wing all I found was a room with some statues and coffins. Where am I supposed to go / what am I supposed to do?
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:20 pm

Ryan (loud&pathetic): Welcome stranger! So you have passed the PORTAL OF ILLUSION made your way over the PIT OF ETERNAL DARKNESS to reach the CHAMBER OF PAIN?
Grimnir: Yeah, something like that.
Ryan: But you have returned to the ARCANE HALLS OF LORN!
Grimnir: Can you, - can you please lower your voice a bit. You mean that mage-wing-thinggy?
Ryan: YES the ARCANE HALLS OF LORN! Why have you returned, hero and passed the PIT OF ETERNAL DARNKNESS! - AGAIN?!
Grimnir: Uhm. I was not supposed so?
Grimnir: What gates?
Grimnir: I am not sure if we are talking here about the same mod, pal. (loud at room) Is this not Blood and Mud Bloodscripts over here?
Ryan (whispers): I am talking about the ordinary iron-bar-gates from the original game at the place where you found dead Nanya. We couldnt come up with a designer so we took the plain gates. I know not very creative, but its a kinda low-budget modding thing, ya know. But at least we got a cool name for these.
Grimnir (whispers): Gates of stone?
Ryan (whispers): Right.
Grimnir (whispers): There is no point, that name not even shows up ingame.
Grimnir (whispers): Okay, okay. Lets get over it. So - how do I proceed?
Ryan (talks normal): Raise the gates.
Grimnir: Yeah, cool. And how to?
Ryan: With the handle - p.o.v. player on altar - right hand - first pillar.
Grimnir: Okay, into the room with Nanya again, right side, first pillar, there is a lever?
Ryan (cries loud): You have gained your desired WISDOM, HERO! Now leave and proceed through the GATES OF STONE to the ARENA OF ARCANE ARTS!
Grimnir: Hey! Dont spoil!
Ryan: Sorry.
Grimnir: Its okay. So into the room with Nanya, right hand, first pillar. Pull lever. Gates open. I go. Stop Oron. Yeah, yeah, I know: I gained wisdom.
(to himself) whatsoever. (at Ryan) Soooo. Thank you. Maybe Ill drop by later.
Ryan: FAREWELL! And will Mara's blessings be with you on all of your journeys!


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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:21 am

I raised the gates. I went into the Arena, all I found was two locked doors and a door that took me back to the mage wing.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

lol... you are kidding? This was not detailed location-information...! But okay we try it all over in a short version:

cough cough - deep voice in - echo in:

Grimnir: No! Please!
Grimnir: Who is that?
Ryan: Dont know, just sounds cool fantasy stylish.
Grimnir: And how do I get to the channels?
Ryan: By entering the PIT OF THE DOOOOOOMED!
Grimnir: So just the five steps down into the wide stone area? Kay. There are NO channels!
Ryan: There are four entrances on each corner next to the steps -- AND ONE LEADS TO THE LEVERS OF DUMA LOR!
Grimnir: Okay, just say I ve found those Bruma levers? Where to go next?
Ryan: Havent you spotted the DOORS OF WOUNDED WOOD?!
Grimnir: You mean the two double-doors on the other side of the arena?
Ryan: You gained wisdom, hero!
Grimnir: Yeah, I thought that. Why are they called "wounded wood"?
Ryan: Cause they dont move and made of wood.
Grimnir. Hm. Okay. Whatever. So I go back into the arena into the pit search the corners enter the channels in one are levers. I pull - the doors on the other side open up. I pass on. Done?
Grimnir: Okay I ll be back! (Hopes not)
Ryan: Be Mara's blessings alltimes with you! Except sundays!

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:09 am

I have read the book, but I have no idea what i'm supposed to do (first quest)

Lets see...

Somthing about the dragon Tuounge plant... and somthing about a temple and jumping off of somthing. thats all I can make out and it makes NO SENSE.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:54 am

I a did stupid thing. I mean a really stupid thing. I sold my copy of the Ruun Dictionary to I don't know who or when and by the time I noticed it was gone I guess days have passed game time. I really really want to try to figure out the quests by myself but I can't find another copy of the dictionary anywhere in Bravile. Soooo, go ahead and laugh at me, I deserve it, but please help. Thanks!
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 am

Is Sayjiid supposing to be down the well? cos I can't find him there. I fear the worst...

I have already had the dream, talked to Ma Syd Jun about that and bought the book. I followed the dragon's tongue road and jumped into the well, but there ain't anybody there, just a dark tunnel leading to a stone wall.

Any suggestions?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 am

I a did stupid thing. I mean a really stupid thing. I sold my copy of the Ruun Dictionary to I don't know who or when and by the time I noticed it was gone I guess days have passed game time. I really really want to try to figure out the quests by myself but I can't find another copy of the dictionary anywhere in Bravile. Soooo, go ahead and laugh at me, I deserve it, but please help. Thanks!

You could open the esp in the CS and look up for the book's ID, then adding it to your inventory with the console.

I hope this thread is not dead already... it's been some time since the mod was released, wasn't it?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 am

I have read the book, but I have no idea what i'm supposed to do (first quest)

Lets see...

Somthing about the dragon Tuounge plant... and somthing about a temple and jumping off of somthing. thats all I can make out and it makes NO SENSE.

There is a ruin to the west of Bloodmayne cave which you need to find.

Is Sayjiid supposing to be down the well? cos I can't find him there. I fear the worst...

I have already had the dream, talked to Ma Syd Jun about that and bought the book. I followed the dragon's tongue road and jumped into the well, but there ain't anybody there, just a dark tunnel leading to a stone wall.

Any suggestions?

Sayjiid is further into the ruins than what you're thinking.

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Beat freak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:48 am



Hey, :) how you doing - okay first some good news: Your IQ is high above the scientific interpretation of an "idiot" (what should be around an IQ of 40) so you are far from any stupidity or doing stupid things in a computer game. Just because you can handle a computer game. :) what a so called ? in a scientific sense - "idiot"- could not. Isnt that great stuff? :) Further ? I substantiate my expertise that you haven't done something stupid in a computer game because selling the "Ruun Dictionary" isn't an irrational action (only if we both would agree about that any economical action would be irrational) , because the book has absolutely no quest-relevant value, at all! It just comes with some translations of "Ruun" and English for the "interested player", but is not of need for doing anything in the quests.
So the outcome at hand: You are doing absolutely great and seem to be in great shape also!

And in any case that you need now this book for any role gaming or whatsoever reasons ever ? please try Migck's suggestion (I don't have the CS available right now - honestly sorry) look up the ID of the book (or numeric ID) write it down and ingame open the console and type: player.additem IDofdesiredBook . And you doing more great. What I think is great, too. :)



Okay to answer your last question: No, as you can see I still feel responsible for the stuff I did and rests now on your hard disk and Lilith is atm part-time in charge ? even if you will never make it through your stone wall to the further ruins as suggested above? just because you are at the wrong place? Let us try this: Why we don't take our hero for a little swim and look for more "dragon paths" in the nord ? nord-west ;) ? I assume in maximum ten minutes game time we will have a solution on the missing Sayjiid issue and the book will make more sense to you? ;) You are just in the wrong "dwell" ? ;)


Edit: Oooops - sorry rylasasin - your answer is one post above....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 am

Ok, so I found Sayjiid, now about the trials, I think they aren't working properly
I press the first button (needn't activate it from a distance, I just walked to it. Is that ok?)
Then the second one, I see the dart traps and think "uh oh, this is creepy", but they don't activate at all, so I reach the button with no problem at all.
Then the third wall opens and I see those scary flames, I reach the opposite side in a rush, but there ain't button nor anything there, just a wall and the flames which burned me at my back, and the fourth wall won't open.
Do I have to do anything special so that the fourth wall opens and I can press the last button?

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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

Hey Migck,

I dont think it is necessary in a Spoiler-Thread with numerous warnings to hide something ? so please don't blame me for that:

To the first "trial": Of course that is okay to activate the first button from a short distance if you like to inhale some fresh nice gas-trap air, you should have discovered ? BUT ? if not and you told me about the missing darts ? can it be that you run around without collision on your character? OR in an invisible whatsoever spell? OR are you moving on light speed? Because if so: You don't activate the triggers and that is also the reason why the fourth door hasn't opened and as a word aside *whisper I am trigger-addicted so we should solve that problem if we want to proceed?. I guess even Saijid is not performing any casts on the door, right?
You tell me ? something is "out of order" ;) on or with your character?lol ;)

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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:29 am

I guess it has to do with being at 100 speed and 100 athletics... So this temple is not too friendly with my quick uber-athletic warrioress.
Sayjiid does cast on the door though, but I have tryed again with my speed and athletics lowered down to 40-30 and still nothing happens. If I use tcl to go through that last wall the next quest stage triggers and I can continue up to escaping through that first dwell I mentioned earlier, so I guess quest 1 out of 3 is more or less right except for some triggering. I'll move to quest bloodscripts.
Thanks for the info Ryan.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 pm

Thanks Ryan!! Thanks Migck! You guys are great.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 pm

Hey guys, haven't played Oblivion in a couple months and just came back to it. I'm still stuck at bravilbloodscripts stage 97.

I had talked to Oron, player controls were disabled, Oron went through the portal, and I'm stuck with the controls disabled. I tried manually to enableplayercontrols and go through the portal but that just puts everything out of whack. I looked in the CS but I can't quite figure out how the quest even progresses from stage 97 to stage 98.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: I manually set the stage to 98 and that seemed to work. Hopefully, I haven't screwed anything up.
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Sophie Morrell
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