Blood on the Ice?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:08 pm

I bought my house, went in and found some clues, sold some skull amulet that didn't update my journal to the museum dude, (not sure if it does update it one way or another) and accused a wizard of being the serial killer. After that I payed the guy to clean up my home and bought whatever I could for it and that was that. The quest never updated for me ever again. I looked up this quest on the wiki and I guess I should have went to the graveyard before purchasing a home. I don't remember getting a quest reward from it.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:12 pm

200 hours in and I have never even heard of it except on this board.

Hours doesn't mean much at all if the person playing the game can't identify a fairly common quest.
My apologies if it sounds rude, but I honestly don't see the necessity of stating how much you've played the game.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:03 am

I still don't understand that quest. Alright, so I snooped around someone's house and found a secret room filled with creepy. Doesn't that mean the owner of the house was the murderer? When the Jarl said "So it was the court mage, arrest him!" I thought "Woah, wait, WHAT? I didn't even know this court had a mage, why is he suddenly to blame?" I didn't even know his name when it only gave me the option to blame him. That and the Forsworn Conspiracy are two quests where I though "slow down a sec, just WTF is going on here? Why am I suddenly fighting this guy or accusing him of something as if my character understands the situation fully and is not massively confused. :facepalm: (I actually reloaded a previous save halfway through Forsworn because I was so lost and frustrated. Funny that the first quest you get in that town is the one that also drops a bounty on you so you can't go back.)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:24 am

I sold the amulet. It tells me to talk with Jaufre (SP?) but he doesn't advance the quest. I went back and retraced everything in case I would "awaken" the quest again or do something I missed to make it move to the next part. Nothing. I gave up, falling alseep running all over town, talking to everyone and clicking ever square inch of the house the bodies were in including the hidden room... nada.

does that guy look 250+ years old?? I just recall jaufre from oblivion :P Too important of a character to reuse the name imo...
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:04 am

Hours doesn't mean much at all if the person playing the game can't identify a fairly common quest.
My apologies if it sounds rude, but I honestly don't see the necessity of stating how much you've played the game.

He probably didn't start it because it's buggy. It didn't start for me until I bought my house, but evidently there was a murder in the graveyard or something. Not in my game there's not.
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sally R
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:34 pm

Hours doesn't mean much at all if the person playing the game can't identify a fairly common quest.
My apologies if it sounds rude, but I honestly don't see the necessity of stating how much you've played the game.

Yah, it would show up in ones quest journal if it activated properly now would it not?
Please do not waste my time with pointless jibber-jabber as to the meaning of a word, or how something is inflected or insinuated.

The neccessity, in this case, obviously, is that I cannot get the quest to start, at all, during 200 hours of playtime over several different characters.
As if that was ambiguous at all.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:35 am

Quest is bugged unfortunately :(
If you want the house type

setstage a7b33 10
completequest ms11
completequest ms11b

while selecting Jorleir from the console. Should enable the dialog options for decoration.
I think it should enable you to be a Thane too since you will own the house.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:34 am

Who here is on PC, I got console commands.

This quest wouldn't even start for the RP I need it for. Went in and out dozens of times, even at night and 2:00 like a lot have suggested. I just console commanded the SOB back to Aetherius. Problem is, the cob webs and bone shards are still there if you console command it. You can however remove those with more console commands. fortunately for me, the cobwebs and bugged clutter befits this RP perfectly.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:59 am

Problem is, the cob webs and bone shards are still there if you console command it. You can however remove those with more console commands.

How?! :o
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victoria gillis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:17 pm

How?! :o

click on them, enter the id and remove them. Um, the link you actually linked me to in the PM had it where you could do it. I believe it also warned not to remove the floor or house with the console commands, apparently that's possible, lol? In the end, it looks like a damp [censored] hole, but that fits for me. Although I could see how that would screw over the other 99% that didnt use it as a Vamp lair.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:26 pm

click on them, enter the id and remove them. Um, the link you actually linked me to in the PM had it where you could do it. I believe it also warned not to remove the floor or house with the console commands, apparently thats possible, lol?

Yea everything should be possible to remove.
Ah i hadn't thought of clicking them and removing them.
I hope i can get rid of that damn mist somehow (hope it has its own ID):P
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Lil Miss
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:21 am

Yea everything should be possible to remove.
Ah i hadn't thought of clicking them and removing them.
I hope i can get rid of that damn mist somehow (hope it has its own ID):P

I think were screwed, until we find a mist Id. Unless there already is one. Might wanna check the database.

In fact, I just got the house a few hours ago when I entered in the linked ids you gave me. I had been in and out of windhelm trying to trigger that over a hundred times. I picked the locked, talked to every person, arrived and exited at every night time, including 2:00 am. It just didnt work, so I said screw the mission. I had already finished it with my Necromancer to get the Necromancer Amulet, but didnt buy the house. So it really is hit and miss with the trigger bug.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:58 am

I did the whole quest line without even picking up the amulet. I was confused as all hell when NPC's were talking about it since I over looked it. I went back and found it after the second half of the quest triggered. I was never clear on why we were accusing the court mage in the first place.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:27 pm

I did the whole quest line without even picking up the amulet. I was confused as all hell when NPC's were talking about it since I over looked it. I went back and found it after the second half of the quest triggered. I was never clear on why we were accusing the court mage in the first place.

lol, that last part is classic.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:13 am

Yah, it would show up in ones quest journal if it activated properly now would it not?
Please do not waste my time with pointless jibber-jabber as to the meaning of a word, or how something is inflected or insinuated.

Don't waste your time... now that's an ironic sentence. It depends on you whether you reply a comment or not, so don't blame me if you got so defensive about it.
Like I said, I meant no offense. I simply find it rather arrogant state how much you've played the game across different characters, that's all. Now, if I touched a soft spot and damaged your ego, my bad.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:43 am

Wierd... I didnt have any trouble with it at all :confused:

Something tells me half these bugs are down to disks being rush burnt.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:04 pm

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Fiori Pra
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:36 am

I think what is happening (at least what happened to me) is (will finish this thought when I figure out the spoiler box)...

EDIT...being as I see spoilers already abound in this is what happened to me

I thought I was finished with the quest when Wolfgar got escorted to the dungeon. so I bought the house and fully outfitted it, not realizing that there was a second part to the mission. Bad coding here.... you shouldnt be allowed to buy the house until the mission is 100% complete, or fix the code that breaks the cleanup if you decorate it before the mission is fully complete.

Like others I never even found an amulet and finished the quest... very poorly scripted this mission was. Shame as it was somewhat interesting (allthough no where near as much as Bearnius Mannor in Anvil was...that mission still gives me the creeps when I run it).
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:52 am

I finished the quest without any troubles, though I didn't sold the amulet when I had the chance. I'm now stuck with it, but considering it doesn't weighs anything, it's nothing serious.

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:36 pm

Yea I had this quest bugged too. The quest would not start even after repeated visits to Windhelm. The steward would not sell me the house either.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:58 am

1. Fast travel in and out of windhelm from a far away place

2. Find the murder scene and talk to guards then people standing around.. Then go to the steward

3. Go back to the guard and talk to him.. Follow the blood

4. Jo to Steward for key to Hjerim

5. Enter house investigate everything and have Butcher journal 1 and 2 and wanted butcher paper in pocket.. Also get the necklace

6. Go to steward and ask about necklace and Wanted Butcher Paper

7. Go to Calixto and SELL him necklace

8. Go to the person who was putting up the wanted posters and ask about posters..

9. Go to the Court-Mage and say you heard he was a necromancer

10. Go to the stone quarter and just wait.. It's the one with all the shops and the next victim is an elf.. Possibly Altmer

11. Go to steward with info

The problem with my two second characters is that the murder scene never actually occurs. I can go away from Windhelm several times and back and the quest simply will not start. Its also important that you talk to Calixto I think, initially and take his museum tour. For both of my last two characters, when I told him I wanted to take the tour, he walked to his house and locked himself inside. If I enter by lockpicking he yells at me and tells me to leave, has no other dialogue options. The house remains locked all day.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:29 pm

I think Beth might have tested it, but knowing already exactly how they made it to go, they knew exactly what to do in what order. If you do everything in the "right order," there are no bugs or other problems. But I think Beth just didn't even consider the possibility that there are a million ways to get and finish this quest...
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:57 am

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't PREVENTING ME FROM BECOMING THANE OF WINDHELM...

jeez louise you would think that beth would at least playtest their games.

I found this out after 2 days of "testing"...

Exactly, I've found it out on 2 of my 3 characters. Big F'ing mistake on their part.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:24 am

1. Fast travel in and out of windhelm from a far away place

2. Find the murder scene and talk to guards then people standing around.. Then go to the steward

3. Go back to the guard and talk to him.. Follow the blood

4. Jo to Steward for key to Hjerim

5. Enter house investigate everything and have Butcher journal 1 and 2 and wanted butcher paper in pocket.. Also get the necklace

6. Go to steward and ask about necklace and Wanted Butcher Paper

7. Go to Calixto and SELL him necklace

8. Go to the person who was putting up the wanted posters and ask about posters..

9. Go to the Court-Mage and say you heard he was a necromancer

10. Go to the stone quarter and just wait.. It's the one with all the shops and the next victim is an elf.. Possibly Altmer

11. Go to steward with info

This helped me. i didnt know I was supposed to take the journals and poster because the amulet was the only thing that updated the quest. Thanks.
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