Chapter 1: He's only 19
4E359, Cyrodiil, The Great Forest
A young Breton male sat on a stool, by his tent in the middle of The Great Forest, travelling to Chorrol. He was only 19, but looked two years younger. Orion Marc was his name. Orion had short, black, wavy hair and light blue eyes. He wore a Blue and Green Outfit, with doeskin shoes. It was getting dark. Time for tea. Orion opened his food bag an in it was just a loaf of bread and venison preserved with salt. He was sure the meat was to rot soon enough if he did not eat it. Better than nothing. After all, imagine the smell if I ignore to eat today, tomorrow! He thought. Orion got two sticks he had found earlier in the day and started rubbing them together vigorously. Orion frowned. Damned fire won't light. Too bad I don't have any Flare spells. This is why dad always told me to pay attention to everything he taught me. Orion sighed. Dad, I wish you were here now. With sudden anger, Orion threw the sticks to the ground. "Damn it all!" He yelled. "Those [censored] idiots! They killed you!" He screamed to no one in particular. His dad died in a pub brawl, he didn't start. He buried his face in his hands, took a deep breath and exhaled. Orion continued with trying to light the fire.
Orion awoke the next morning. Now that my nervous breakdown is over and done with . He joked to himself. He was in a good mood this morning. Why? Orion was going to Chorrol. And Chorrol was the home of Rosa, his crush for 2 years now. Orion packed his things, and headed for Chorrol.
Orion entered Chorrol, at the Fountain Gate. He saw the statue of a woman and a dying, or dead man (he was never too sure, and couldn't be bothered finding out) in her arms. A guatd patrolling nearby gave him the strangest of looks. The guard was frowning almost as he looked at Orion. "What?" Orion said rudely. The guard scrunched his face up, with you criminal scum written all over his face. The guard finally spoke. " It's a shame rudeness is not a crime, otherwise, I'd have you slapped in irons. You want that?"
"N-no. Sir, I'm truly sorry, that I am." Orion realised his rudeness. Being in the woods without company made him forget how to be polite.
"Good man. I'll let you off this time, outsider. Now get out of my sight and do whatever it is you kids do."
Orion walked off and rented a room in the Grey Mare then went looking for Rosa.
Orion had reached the Great Oak Place. Pull yourself together. Just say the simple words " You wanna see me sometime?" She'll say yes and that would show him. Brother, you always said I'd never get a girl, I'm gonna prove you wrong! Then he saw her, standing by the Great Oak, talking to someone who seemed to be her friend. His heart thumping, hands sweaty and his mind screaming at him she'll say no! Just go away! She'll say no! His legs like lead; he forced himself to drag his own legs towards her. After what seemed like a mile of walking, he had finally reached her. Rosa's long, light brown hair and big hazel eyes melted his heart. Rosa was an Imperial who sung beautifully, which was why he liked her. Music was his thing. But he'd have to get her attention somehow. Play his lute perhaps? Yes, that's a good idea. Orion got out his lute-a prized possession- and started playing a soft, light melody. The song was an old Imperial song, Land of Peace , but the song needed a singer. And that singer was her. Rosa heard the melody. She looked straight at him.
"What are you doing?"
Orion stopped immediately.
"Would.You.Like.To. See...my muscles?"
"Um, no thank you, I'm fine." Rosa then backed off and walked quickly to her house. I'm an idiot... He thought. Orion sighed, and headed back to the Grey Mare.
The Imperial City, Talos Plaza District, 2 weeks later
"You what?"
"I'm not repeating myself. You'll just tease me."
"That's what brothers are for, Orion."
Luc Marc, 2 years older than Orion Marc looked nothing like his brother. He had blonde hair, military style and kind, green eyes.
"How bout' some wine?" Orion spoke, changing the subject. Luc smiled, causing crinkles on the corners of his eyes.
"Only when you tell me again, my dear brother."
"No. Flippin'.Way."
"Aw, c'mon, just one more t-"
His sentence was cut short by a group of Imperial City guards that had barged into his house.
"Orion Marc, you little devil, damn you! You're wanted for the murder of the Drakell Family!"
A look of confusion spread across Orion's face.
"Whatever do you mean?"
“You’re under arrest! A trial will be held, and the Captain shall decide your fate.”
"No!" Orion screamed. He picked up a silver dagger by the table and swung at one of the guards. But it didn't seem to help. One guard unsheathed his sword and hit Orion on the temple with the butt of the sword. Orion dropped like a sack of potatoes and lay unconscious, sprawled across the floor. Luc stood by, doing nothing to help. He was much too shocked, and stood by as the guards dragged him away.