Bloodline castle bug

Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 12:06 am

Dear all,

I have encountered people with this particular problem before but I find that the solution offered to them was not of any use to me.

To explain myself better, I am trying to get into the castle with Serana. The problem is that as soon as we land on this island and I start to walk slowly up the bridge so she can follow me, I do not get any interaction with her. She remains as silent as the night and upon arriving to the gate, that lovely old man keeps telling me to bugger off. I have tried loading different autosaves and travelling from castle to other places and vica versa. In the end nothing works. Now my last normal save is about 8 levels earlier ( yes I blame my lazyness) and I therefore hope that there is some sort of glitch or whatever that could be used.

Since its on ps3 I cannot use any console commands (lame) and the only other solution I've come to read is of running into a plate that I need to hold against the wall. Even though irl im a big fan of running into walls with plates on them, I came to the sad conclusion that it did not work for me on the ps3.

I hope that one of you bright fellow skyrim lovers knows of any solution (well I'd rather avoid the answers of load ur older save).

Lots of hugs and kisses!

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:45 pm

If you have already discovered Castle Volkihar, then after speaking to Serana for the first time when she is released from the sarcophagus she will automatically initiate dialogue with you that normally occurs shortly after arriving at Castle Volkihar.

This may prevent you from entering the castle and continuing the quest.

-------------------------------If that's the case

When Serana initiates the conversation about Castle Volkihar while still in the Crypt,*** finish it as normal and then DO NOT initiate any other conversation with her !

Leave the Crypt and go to Volkihar Castle. (I suggest swimming there instead of fast travel or using the Icewater Jetty.)


*** So you must go to load a previous save from the crypt

[ After speaking to the mysterious woman, it is revealed her name is Serana. She seems puzzled at her newfound freedom and asks to be accompanied to her home. ]

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:58 pm

Aaah, my only previous save, besides the recent autosaves is far before the crypt. But I see I have no other way. THanks very much for this suggestion, I think it's a great solution, however I have the extreme luck of having to start over :)

You have my sincerest gratitude.

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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:51 am

You're welcome !!!!! :D

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Emilie Joseph
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